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WMP10 Complete Slipstream

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it seems that slipstreamer has some problems with localised version of windows and wmp10. u can try it manually but u need the first version of the slipstreamer. pm me....

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However, the WMV acceleration does not seem to be working.

that is true. cause my pack only add the newest files to wmp 10 but not the registry entries. so for wmv acceleration i create this file: download link.

it is an installer that could be installed with /SILENT switch. also it adds the file and the registry entry for wmv acceleration. please test it and report back. :D

Can this be implemented in the svcpack style?

Or can we just put the needed entries into hivedef.ini or wherever needed to be??

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Can this be implemented in the svcpack style?

Or can we just put the needed entries into hivedef.ini or wherever needed to be??

i guess but i did not try it....

I just added the contents of newWMP.rar to my i386 folder (replacing existing files), burned my unattended CD, installed, and ended up w/WMP 10 v3923 and it works great!

If you combine it with Unattended Codec-Pack, DirectShow FilterPack, Quicktime Alternative, and Real Alternative you don't need to add any other player.

This is great for an Enterprise-type environment where you want to limit the number of applications you have to manage w/o loosing capability and you don't want users installing software on their own.

:yes:My thanks to all of you that made this work!! :thumbup

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i was susseful but it ask to accept licence aggrement to accept for the first time it will be run..

i have entered the necessary registry tweaks in the registry using hiv*.inf

and even wmp.reg when hive failed

whats tha matter

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