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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition


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windows starts up, and always says "antivirus not installed", and then windows disapears, once it realized SAV10 is installed.

this didnt used to happen with 9.

This happened to me with 9 and with 10 which I currently have installed. It's not symantec, its the stupid microsoft security center. Not saying symantec antivirus isn't without its bugs :D. Security Center also causes a delay on startup.

I never had this problem with 9. Only with 10. That's why I'm confused.

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I have used 9 for a while now and got everything work out of it, I still had to use my pagefile fix with it though. 10 doesnt have the pagefile bug which is the only nice thing.

So far the only thing between 9 and 10 is 10 also looks for spyware and adware, otherwise still the same engine. So as with any new release there are a lot fo bugs. So I will keep useing 9 for the time being. Once an update or two comes out for 10 thing I will upgrade.

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From the readme.txt

Improving client restart performance
By default, the antivirus client software performs an Auto-Generated
QuickScan when the client computer restarts. QuickScan includes an
enhancement that scans for security risks such as adware and spyware.
This enhancement increases the time required to restart client computers,
and is not configurable from the Symantec System Center.

To improve client startup performance:
1. In the Symantec AntiVirus window, in the left pane, expand
  Startup Scans, and then click Auto-Generated QuickScan.
2. In the right pane, click Edit.
3. In the Scan dialog box, on the Quick Scan tab, click Options.
4. In the Scan Options dialog box, under Scan Enhancements, uncheck
  Scanning for traces of well-known viruses and Security Risks.
5. Click OK.
6. In the Scan dialog box, click OK.

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I can see how in theory a auto scan would be nice. but my god over 100mb of memory and 100% cpu? thats just dumb. I am a programmer and performance is always key. Seems who ever came up with this idea must be new to the game.

Any one read the dilbert comic? I think sav 10 has the same management :-P

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Yes there should be. I havent had time to try. But on the SAV cd of all earlier versions is a tool to pre config sav of its default setting during install. I am sure this is covered there but I havent had time to check. I am sure there is info on it somewhere.

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Anyone else notice the annoying bubble popup of systray (disappears instantly) after instaling SAV10?

I got this annoy every few minutes, I can't read what it say, but the annoyance started just after install SAV10.

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I have a problem using PerfectDisk 7.0 (build 34 and 40) together with Symantec AV Corp

When I do an offline(restart) defrag I get the following message after analyzing is done:

PerfectDisk could not lock drive C:\ for exclusive access.

The PC then reboots normally. When I uninstall SAV Corp10 and install SAV Corp9 PerfectDisk works correctly.

Any suggestions?

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About removing the Auto Generated Quickscan, add the following regedit to get rid of it.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Custom Tasks]

This needs to be in before a user logs in, so at the t-12 section would be good.

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About removing the Auto Generated Quickscan, add the following regedit to get rid of it.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\Custom Tasks]

This needs to be in before a user logs in, so at the t-12 section would be good.

Tried that. No Go. Must the dword be 1 (on) or 0 (off)?

As I've stated the problem is with an offline defrag after restart. It usually start even before the GUI part or any login. I've also deleted the automated startup scan job. In what batch file does WinXP put pre-gui startup jobs?


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Tried that. No Go. Must the dword be 1 (on) or 0 (off)?

As I've stated the problem is with an offline defrag after restart. It usually start even before the GUI part or any login. I've also deleted the automated startup scan job. In what batch file does WinXP put pre-gui startup jobs?


This is to fix a different problem than your defrag problem. One everyone is having a problem with.

As for the defrag problem you are experiencing, I can not reproduce it in VMWare, using build 40 of Perfect Disk.

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