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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition


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Unfortunately they will not, if we are talking about just applying the keys to HKCU.

Well, in some cases HKCU tweaks may not "stick" when applied at T-12. Are you saying this is the case with doscan.exe prevention? Have you tried importing at T-12?

Honestly I haven't tried it with cmdlines.txt.

I am interested in one unified way to install the app not only at T-12, but also on already installed boxes (XP and w2k workstations that is).

Edited by tbma
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Sorry if this sorta off-topic but thought it the best place to mention it...

(tho if any admin's want to use it as news, etc. and delete this post, they can of course)

...but if anyone with a Gold (dont know if Silver includes SA) or above maintainance in Europe is wondering why they haven't had their v10 upgrade pack (as per their maintainance agreement), the packs are due to be shipped out to everyone this month or next month.



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  • 2 weeks later...


How can i get ride from "Old Virus Definition File" (see enclosed image) message after a silent install

Here the silent switches i'm using


I know the a06lp step by step update definition. It's usefull for the fresh burned unattended CD. what about using that CD few months later?



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Just read the first post on page seven from tbe beginning, and you'll find out how to get rid of the message.

what about using that CD few months later?
You'll need the recent virus defs anyway, correct?

You don't have to repack the whole package in order to update definitions. If 10 mb of space is not an issue, you can get an intelligent updater and open it in WinRar and change one line in the comment from



Setup=updater.exe /q

Or you can just unpack the SFX, extract updater.exe and run it with /q.

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Hi Guys,

I guess this topis is a bit old now, however i do hope someone can help me.

I created 7Zip Symantec corp. install. It works like a charm, however if I try to install it via RunonceEx It fails to install.

It's unzipping and when startx should have run msi, msg box with following text appears: StartX, No parameters spcified.

For a complete description of the command line parameters StartX accepts, click "Help"

Can you see the problem? The package works when it's run inside windows and RunonceEx does start it however there is some wierd problem that it does not wan't to install.

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Be careful using the suggestion of grabbing the VIRSCAN.ZIP file from the Symantec Intelligent Updaters and just renaming them the VDefHub.zip to place in the install packages. This can result in duplicate or missing definitions the next time the system runs LiveUpdate. The VDefHub file is also utilized to populate the BinHub folder. The BinHub is used to merge LiveUpdate packages to create the new set of definitions when using LiveUpdate. The method used when a parent server pushes definitions to a client is completely different and does not utilize the BinHub folder. When using LiveUpdate the BinHub set has to be from a known point in order for the merge to provide a correct set of definitions and in most cases the VIRSCAN.ZIP file you use will not be one of these known points specified by Symantec.

Instead what you should do is take a system that is always updating definitions using LiveUpdate (not getting them from a parent server), zip up the contents in the BinHub folder, and name that VDefHub.zip. This will mean that the system might not start out with the absolute latest definition file set but they will be within the last couple weeks and this way you don't end up with possibly non-functional definitions down the road.

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@coucou, I have the same problem as I'm buildingan install for a friend who may not install it for a few weeks or even a couple of months. HIs dsl won't be setup until after install, so the "old virus def" box is sure to pop up.

I solved this in the following way. I use one cmd file called GetCurrentDate.cmd and first grab the current date and put it into a text file. Then it changes the system date during the installation to 1 May 2005 (a date with in 30 days of the build). After installation I run RestoreCurrentDate.cmd which take the date from the previously created file.


cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

for /f "tokens=2 delims=/ " %%x in ('date /t') do for /f "tokens=3 delims=/ " %%y in ('date /t') do for /f "tokens=4 delims=/ " %%z in ('date /t') do echo %%x-%%y-%%z > "%tmp%\CurrentDate.txt"

date 05-01-2005



cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

date < "%tmp%\CurrentDate.txt"


The "for" command is necessary to parse the date into the correct form which will be accepted by the date function. It took me a while to finally get this working, but now it works a charm and can be used for any program which has date sensitivity without disrupting the unattended installation! :o)

Edited by DonDamm
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How can i get ride from "Old Virus Definition File" (see enclosed image) message after a silent install

I haven't tested this yet, but I noticed this key changed when clicking the box



Then try deleting it, after install, to re-enable it so the user would know to update.

Edit: bad code tags

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Not certain, but that key looks like it pertains to the new built-in MS Security Center. I kdon't know if the mesagge box that pops up is from the security center or from Symantec! If it is MS, then that would work also.

In either case it requires running and cmd file before and after, which is a bit of a kluge and inelegant, even if it works. I would prefer to disable it in the msi file itself, but I don't have time to look into it right now because I have to finish my tax declaration by the end of the month!!!! I found a program, MakeMSI which is free and allows you to manipulate and look inside msi files. If I'm successful I'll post the results here. Until then, a quick change of the system date does the trick and after reboot it automatically goes out and gets the updates.

Addendum, I also found that if you set LiveUpdate to Express Mode you can copy over the ini file which is Setting.LiveUpdate to

%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\Symantec\LiveUpdate\Settings.LiveUpdate

it will update without any necessary input from the user! :o)

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Not certain, but that key looks like it pertains to the new built-in MS Security Center. I kdon't know if the mesagge box that pops up is from the security center or from Symantec! If it is MS, then that would work also.

Message pops up from the Symantec AV itself, when filedate of the virus definitions in the installation differs from current date for more than 30 days.

You can disable it either

  • setting date back before installation, and returning it back after LiveUpdate.
  • Or constantly updating definitions inside the installation.
  • Or using a method I described here.

Fist do the test install.

Then run

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion" /v PatternFileDate

it will display something like


   PatternFileDate     REG_BINARY      2305160000000000

Grab that long number (it's a filedate of the definitions installed) and insert it into your installation script.

Something like

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel\LANDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion" /v NoWarnPattern /t REG_BINARY /d 2305160000000000 /f

Running this before installation will supress the warning.

In either case it requires running and cmd file before and after, which is a bit of a kluge and inelegant, even if it works.

p.s. With this method there is no need to mess with the system dates, and remake your install every month (which looks very elegant to me;)). And since you will need to run cmd commands anyway if you want to get rid of the "AutoCreated Scan", - I see no problem adding some more.

Just hide the black ugly cmd windows (there is plenty of tools available) and it will look very elegant. ;)

I am running all this from the 7zip SFX using StartX

RunProgram="StartX.exe /B /WAIT \"install.cmd\""

and cmd window never shows up.

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Thank you for that, tbma!

By inelegant, I meant having to run a cmd file before and after to do something like cahnge a system date. That shouldn't be necessary and you've shown me how. I appreciate that! :o)

The AutoGenerated scan is a nuisance to me and you I'm sure, but I'm just as happy to leave it in there for clents, most of whom don't do anything until I show up again and find defs out of date and various spy/adware on the machine!

Thanks again.

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I know i haven't read the whole thread, but I'm not ready yet to implement norton symantec 10 with all the troubles you guys seem to have. I'm just wondering, have symantec released a patch, or does anyone know when it should be more reliable and easy to setup? Should I expect updates during the summer? I'm waiting for it to be a sure bet before taking out SAV9 from my ua cd and replacing it with SAV10

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