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Symantec AntiVirus Corporate Edition


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The most significant new feature in 10.0 that differs from the 9.0 is "Tamper Protection", where AV will fight any programs (viruses) that are trying to damage it's registry or files.

After I've seen some viruses, that eat AV's from the inside and leave happy "pretend that I'm working" shell - any question for me about migrating to 10.0 disappeared.

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A bit off topic but ... I've been testing out version 10 on a stand-alone PC. The updated defs downloaded to the 2005mmdd.vvv folders are supposed to automatically copy into the BinHub folder. However, after running the LiveUpdate the BinHub directory always seems to be a mixture of old files and new files. It only copies some of the new files.

Eventually, after awhile a message comes up saying the virus defs are missing and scanning is disabled. So I have to copy the files from the latest download folder and copy to the BinHub folder, reboot and then everything is ok again.

I have tried completely deleting the BinHub and 2005mmdd.vvv folders. I have tried downloading the virusdefs manually. And I have checked the attributes of the files to make sure they are not read-only.

Any Ideas?

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Ok, i'm convinced about upgrading, but again, I keep hearing so much good of nod32 but no real comparisons with symantec av, except user opinion saying i prefer one over the other because it's like that... I've always stick with symantec. Any of you can light me up even if it's a bit off topic? Im about to pack my ua cd and I want the best av, didnt try nod32 cause symantec av is so memory saving comparend to norton av...

Edited by Thauzar
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in 10.0.1 they change the way for installing lusetup. i mean is easier. just made an administrator install and then just remove lusetup from sav10 administrative folder\program files\Symantec AntiVirus with the new one and then that is it. pack it using winrar or 7zip and voila...

Edited by boooggy
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Starting with version 10.0.1 processing of the Auto-Created Scans can be disabled by setting DWORD value "StartupScansEnabled" in "HKLM\Software\Intel\LanDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\AdministratorOnly\General" to 0.

Scans still will be created, but will be disabled.

reg add HKLM\Software\Intel\LanDesk\VirusProtect6\CurrentVersion\AdministratorOnly\General /v StartupScansEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

p.s. all this is for the unmanaged clients, - with managed clients same parameter can be set from the Server Console.

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Caution: Rant ahead. Skip this if you don't want to read something of a non-technical nature.

I've been using both Symantec AntiVirus and Symantec Client Security for several years now. I feel as though I keep on using and recommnding it mostly because I'm familiar with it and quite honestly, because so many of my clients are invested in it and aren't likely to jump ship now. But I have just about had it with Symantec's Mickey Mouse operation.

Everything seems to be a major hassle with this software. Sure it seems to work ok, but I've invested nearly as much time tinkering with Symantec's products as I have Windows itself. Just to make matters worse, I always seem to be educating Tech Support about the very products they are supposed to be supporting. Why in the world can't anything be easy with them?

Since version 1 of Symantec Client Security I have been lodging complaints with Tech Support that you are unable to terminal service into an SCS client without the ccapp.exe thread pegging the CPU at 100%. The only "official" answer that I have received to date is "we aren't sure why that happens, but the programmers have been working on the problem for quite a while now." This was followed by an explanation of how the firewall portion of the client is not supported on Windows Server operating systems because of terminal services and that RDP with Windows XP is such a "new" feature that it would take a little while for it to be officially supported (this discussion was post SP2).

If anyone reading this is a Symantec employee, I urge you to forward this to someone who makes a decision or two over there. At this point I am starting to actively research alternative solutions. I just can't recommend this product any longer. If it helps I'll use some fancy industry speak. The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is skyhigh for this product.

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I too have used SAV and SCS in a managed environment. The software does its job but in many cases proves to be a resource hog, bogging down otherwise idle systems. However, the worst thing is the time required to manage the entire thing. Control and configuration layouts are often duplicative and seldom make much logical sense. Options and settings are spread out all over the place and can prove a bear to handle at times. The documentation often proves poorly-worded, causing further confusion instead of providing solutions.

I have a long laundry list of issues with this software, primarily on the administrative side of things. I could list pages of issues for you. These problems add a great deal of administrative overhead and headache. My employer currently holds a site license for this software, so we continue to use it. However, I too am reluctant to recommend this product to others. :no:

- Ravashaak

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You guys have got my ear. What packages do you recommend which support the same featureset as well as Symantec? By that, I mean frequently-updated virus defs, spyware detection/removal, email scanning, etc.

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You guys have got my ear. What packages do you recommend which support the same featureset as well as Symantec? By that, I mean frequently-updated virus defs, spyware detection/removal, email scanning, etc.

Just about every major AV vendor supports these fuctions to my satisfaction. I will concede that I feel Symantec is the best in terms of definition turn around time and the quality of those definitions. But I'm satisfied enough with the detection capabilities of all the other competing products. If you have your network, operating system, and mail client properly configured, the odds of getting infected are not so great. Spyware is the one form of malware that Symantec really lags behind in so I'll continue to rely upon standalone products, freeware and commercial, for that.

The main problem I have with Symantec is managing their products in the enterprise. Plain and simple.. it sucks. Their documentation is sometimes worse than having none at all as it's often incorrect and misleading, nevermind being incomplete. They also keep on trying to load in new and more features without fixing the existing ones. Manageability is what I'm really looking for at this point in a corporate AV / firewall product.

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