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This problem may have surfaced on a previous occasion with NUSB98FE3.2 if you read post #455 in this thread. Sadly no one then posted any suggestion on how to cure that problem.

There are a small number of 98FE users here, perhaps one of them may pick up on your problem.

Ahh, thanks for the head's up.

It's definitely the ntkern.vxd file that is different between the two. The other thing I noticed is that it's like the computer can't load the drivers for the USB Network adapters with the patch in place. It's like that version of the .vxd doesn't contain the commands for talking to a network card or something strange like that. I should probably read through the rest of this thread to see if I can figure something out...

This problem is essentially going to go away in about 6 months, but it'd be nice to have a fix out there. The computer in question is attached to a Scanning Electron Microscope and has a lot of specialized cards installed, leaving us with only USB networking... but it'd be really nice if we could get data off the machine with a flash drive. :)

Thanks again! I'm glad to see that people still check this thread out. :)

  • 3 weeks later...


The discussion about Strange Problems with Pendrives, which was started by LoneCrusader, is now split into it's very own thread, and you all can find it here: link.



I was using happilly nUSB 3.3 more than year on my new system (P31+ICH7) and it worked fine.

But yesterday I found that it suddenly failed. I cannot use any of my USB devices that worked before.

I got this error in device manager: http://rayer.ic.cz/350d/usb.png

I mess near all night with it, I cleaned enum entries, reinstalled nUSB 3.3 but nothing helps. Under WinXP

and Linux all devices on all ports works fine. As a last resort I tried downgrade to nUSB 3.3a (with USBSTOR.SYS from WinME) and it works. But I got much worse performance now, only about 10MB/s instead ~25MB/s of my HDD box (but luckily it seems USB 2.0 is working). I cannot find explanation what happen. I didn't add any new USB device.

The only thing I did with hardware was that I tried borrowed GeForce 8800GTS few days ago. But It didn't worked

so I put back my 7900GT. After this experiment I delleted my win98 directory and restore from backup some weeks

old. That time in past I had nUSB 3.3 working now it fails. I found it is only sensitive to USBSTOR.SYS file.

When I replace it with older WinME version it works when replace Win2k version it didn't I can toggle it many times.

I also tried clear CMOS, clear DMI/ESCD, flash older BIOS but nothing helps to run nUSB 3.3 now. Any idea?

Why is ntkern.vxd failing?

downgrade to nUSB 3.3a (with USBSTOR.SYS from WinME) and it works.
What downgrade are you talking about xRayeR? NUSB uses Win ME USBSTOR.SYS (v. 4.90.3000.1) since NUSB 3.1 and up to 3.3, so there's no downgrade in it (read again the 1st post in this thread). Check for yourself, here are direct download links to two bona fide sources for it: NUSB3.3 (at MDGx) and NUSB3.3 (at technical-assistance.co.uk). What version of USBSTOR.SYS were you using that suddenly stopped working? If you mean USBSTOR.SYS (v. 5.0.2195.6655) from NUSB 3.0, it also needs WDMSTUB.SYS, also from NUSB 3.0 to work. To install it, you might just drop WDMSTUB.SYS from NUSB 3.0 in your %windir%\Sytem32\Drivers directory and edit the line in USBSTOR.INF that reads:


to read, instead:


and redetect all USB devices.

You can get NUSB 3.0 (here). Observe that all the links in this post are for English versions of NUSB, but WDMSTUB.SYS is language neutral.

What downgrade are you talking about xRayeR? NUSB uses Win ME USBSTOR.SYS (v. 4.90.3000.1) since NUSB 3.1 and up to 3.3, so there's no downgrade in it (read again the 1st post in this thread).

I use nUSB 3.3 Czech version which seems was modified to use w2k usbser.

Package 3.3 CZ contains:

USBSTOR.SYS 5.0.2195.6655 (eng)


and 3.3a CZ contains:

USBSTOR.SYS 4.90.3000.0 (eng)


So 3.3a cz should equal to your oficial 3.3 eng.

WDMSTUB.SYS is also installed in my windows drivers directory so it's not the problem.

But the USBSTOR.INF doesn't have register entry for WDMSTUB.SYS is it necessary?

I'll try to fix the inf.

Posted (edited)

Yeah, it works!

You pointed me right way! Many thanks.

I added wdmstub.sys to INF




And redetect the USB device (no restart needed) and it works now. So it seems to be a bug in 3.3 cz

I have installed some older versions before so wdmstub might be registered from old times and for

some reason it was lost from registry.

Edited by xrayer
Yeah, it works!

You pointed me right way! Many thanks.

I added wdmstub.sys to INF




And redetect the USB device (no restart needed) and it works now. So it seems to be a bug in 3.3 cz

I have installed some older versions before so wdmstub might be registered from old times and for

some reason it was lost from registry.

thx xrayer and dencorso, i create today corrected version, update.

downgrade to nUSB 3.3a (with USBSTOR.SYS from WinME) and it works.
What downgrade are you talking about xRayeR? NUSB uses Win ME USBSTOR.SYS (v. 4.90.3000.1) since NUSB 3.1 and up to 3.3, so there's no downgrade in it (read again the 1st post in this thread). Check for yourself, here are direct download links to two bona fide sources for it: NUSB3.3 (at MDGx) and NUSB3.3 (at technical-assistance.co.uk). What version of USBSTOR.SYS were you using that suddenly stopped working? If you mean USBSTOR.SYS (v. 5.0.2195.6655) from NUSB 3.0, it also needs WDMSTUB.SYS, also from NUSB 3.0 to work. To install it, you might just drop WDMSTUB.SYS from NUSB 3.0 in your %windir%\Sytem32\Drivers directory and edit the line in USBSTOR.INF that reads:


to read, instead:


and redetect all USB devices.

You can get NUSB 3.0 (here). Observe that all the links in this post are for English versions of NUSB, but WDMSTUB.SYS is language neutral.

Please, in uninstall file _nusb.inf (3.0):



Why REM (;)? It's OK?


@maximus-decim ...

I just Windiffed the latest Nusb (33e) to the previous I had installed (33) and found one minor difference in the USBSTOR.INF: see line 16 for an uncommented comment. Not sure if it breaks the INF or not. There are also a bunch of trailing spaces here and there which mean nothing (except to Windiff of course ;-)

@Everyone ...

Does anyone know if there is a Hoiby-like patch for the EXPLORER.EXE that comes in this NUSB distro (version is 4.72.3612.1700)?



Please post both the different lines, and I'll tell you.

Update to explorer 4.72.3612.1710 from MDGx's and you'll have it all.

Please, in uninstall file _nusb.inf (3.0):



Why REM (;)? It's OK?


It must be a leftover of Maximus-Decim first experiences with wdmstub.sys

If you add it to update.sys, it becomes permanently loaded, so there maybe would be unnecessary to add it to usbstor.sys... but afterwards MD decided to add it directly to usbstor.sys. So either adding it to update.sys doesn't work, or it does work, but MD preferred to use wdmstub.sys in the way it was originally intended for use by its author, Walter Oney. You may leave it there, or you may delete it.

Posted (edited)

Please post both the different lines, and I'll tell you.

I'm glad you asked (!), because I pulled the INF from the Nusb33 installer just to be sure and I just noticed the exact same error in Nusb33 also. So, I was originally Windiffing against my corrected one. Anyway, here it is (the same line in both Nusb33 and Nusb33e) ...

;Modified - 06/01/2006, 01.01
;Maximus Decim modified - 06/14/2006, 01.02
;Maximus Decim modified - 08/31/2006, 01.03 add iPod, fix Sony Digital Camera
;Maximus Decim modified - 09/02/2006, 01.04 add LayoutFile
;Maximus Decim modified - 25/01/2007, 01.05 add wdmstub, remove USB FDD, add CnMemory
;Maximus Decim modified - 07/03/2007, 01.06 remove wdmstub, CnMemore replace Skymedi
;Maximus Decim modified - 28/10/2007, 01.07 add USB FDD (for DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001)
;Maximus Decim modified - 12/11/2007, 01.08 add EKE USB Floppy (VID_0424&PID_0fdc),
[color="#FF0000"] add USBCompliance (for usbu2a.sys)[/color]
ExcludeFromSelect = *

[color="#FF0000"](everything else snipped)[/color]

It should look like this (added semicolon and CRLF) ...

;Modified - 06/01/2006, 01.01
;Maximus Decim modified - 06/14/2006, 01.02
;Maximus Decim modified - 08/31/2006, 01.03 add iPod, fix Sony Digital Camera
;Maximus Decim modified - 09/02/2006, 01.04 add LayoutFile
;Maximus Decim modified - 25/01/2007, 01.05 add wdmstub, remove USB FDD, add CnMemory
;Maximus Decim modified - 07/03/2007, 01.06 remove wdmstub, CnMemore replace Skymedi
;Maximus Decim modified - 28/10/2007, 01.07 add USB FDD (for DISKTSD.VXD 4.90.3001)
;Maximus Decim modified - 12/11/2007, 01.08 add EKE USB Floppy (VID_0424&PID_0fdc),
[color="#008800"]; add USBCompliance (for usbu2a.sys)[/color]

ExcludeFromSelect = *

[color="#008800"](everything else snipped)[/color]

Like I said, there are also trailing spaces on a few lines that Windiff picks up. They were removed automatically from my fixed copy by UltraEdit so Windiff easily spotted them. I don't think they matter in INF files but might make a difference in something LFN friendly.

Update to explorer 4.72.3612.1710 from MDGx's and you'll have it all.


EDIT: just to clarify, after more research my Nusb33 and Nusb33e are identical after all. I guess the "e" just means English (doh!). So I in fact had the latest release all along. Hope I didn't confuse anyone. For the record, the latest release (newest file) appears to be dated 2007-11-16.

Edited by CharlotteTheHarlot

True! You're right Charlotte! I had noticed that uncommented comment some time ago and also corrected it in my own version of it, but somehow forgot to post about it. It in fact does not break the .INF, but I don't know why...

Probably the .INF interpreting engine just drops out uncomented meaningless (for it) lines, instead of barking at 'em. Be as it may, since we're discussing it now, I've decide to release my current version of the USBSTOR.INF, for what it may be worth. It corrects the error you mentioned and adds one more floppy (Citizen X1 USB FDD = IOMEGA USB FDD), one more camera (Samsung Digimax 220) and a commented out line that installs wdmstub.sys, for use with the Win 2k usbstor.sys, as per our discussion some posts above, for those interested in it.

So, for use with the default Win ME usbstor.sys, leave everything as it is:





and for the Win 2k usbstor.sys, invert the comment before use:




Of course, USBSTOR.INF must be updated by hand, in true DOS... Enjoy!

Later edit: I removed the attachement that was here, because it's been superseeded by usbstor110c.7z, findable in post # 543, below.



I bought new MSI USB 2.0 reader today http://www.alza.cz/msi-starreader-smart-d96477.htm and tester under Win98SE with nusb 3.3CZ. It was detected as composite device and then mass storage device with child sub-devices. I have left one unknown device in device manager. I guess it is SIM (SmartCard) reader because all other slots got it's drive letter and proper description in devmgr.

Here's a registry entry for the unknown device:


I tried to modify USBSTOR.INF to add it:





USB\VID_0BDA&PID_0161&MI_00.DeviceDesc = "Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader device"

After redetecting the device it was recognized in INF and installed. It reqested restart. Then it moved into USB controllers group in device manager but still with error sign and reports that device is not present or not working properly or not all drivers installed (Code 10)

Any idea how to make it working? I can upload or link Realtek drivers for W2k/XP/Vista


Try to set it as USBSTOR_BULK or as USBSTOR_CB instead of USBSTOR_BULK_AUTH. Let's see what happens.

Looking at the INFs in 2k driver may be instructive also...


Now I'm sure it is Smart Card reader. It's driver consist of

23.01.2009 11:09 245 760 RTSUCCID.DLL

23.01.2009 11:11 6 818 RTSUCCID.INF

23.01.2009 11:12 42 496 RTSUCCID.SYS

05.03.2009 09:10 8 249 RTSUCCID.CAT


First I checked the SYS file with WDMCHECK and it doesn't contains any missing imports

so no WDMSTUB.SYS needed. I tried to install it but it failed to install. I was trying to

modify inf (first convert from unicode) according other infs for win98 and make it installed

some way but it doesn't work. NTKERN couldnt load the RTSUCCID.SYS. But I don't understand

INF files much and what is different in 2k/xp to w9x. Please could you modify the inf file for Win98?

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