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Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers

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Wont that mean Ill loose my 256 colour Tray and other explorer related mods?

What would happen if it were the ME shell (RP9 - same problem Im sure, Ill startup in it and see)


P.S. Yes same problem in RP9...

There must ba an incompatability between nusb and another project... I don't know which though.

I Autopatched my win98se

I Autopatched + RP9 + win98-me 'd my Win98seRP9. ( it was actualy a copy of origonal before RP'ed)

Before Autopatch, It was a fresh install. At the time autopatcher was on usb so I used nusb, then autopatcher then nusb again then (in other) rp9 then win98me then nusb again...

When I had it working (for the first time ) on my laptop I actualy now beleve it was a 2.x series NUSB (did a 2.x series exist)

Oh, by the way (back to your suggestion) It didn't work either...

I tried with another explorer called explorer.ori (whichever project does this) to the same effect...

Edited by trevor89
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Try to install an older version of NUSB after cleaning all USB drivers. I usually install v2.7 on machines that lack a DVD drive since that's the latest version I have available on a CD, then I update to 3.3 from an USB drive and so far it never failed. Good luck!

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I usually install v2.7 on machines that lack a DVD drive since that's the latest version I have available on a CD, then I update to 3.3 from an USB drive and so far it never failed.
:blink: NUSB27e ? That one I wasn't aware of!

Are you sure you didn't mean NUSB24e ?

:hello: BTW, I'm glad to see you around again, Drugwash! :thumbup

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You wouldnt mind posting that here would you?

I was reading somewhere else that somebody decided to get rid of the icon in later versions, maybe I messred if you still have the icon.

Its funny, its just a little thing, but knowing I used to have it now realy buggs me...


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But what about the safe remove icon.. Where is it?

Is there something I need to install other than nusb3.3 to get it, get it BACK even?


PS. An afterthought. In System Configuration Utility, Startup Tab, is System Tray definitely checked?

Whether you refrained from answering my question on purpose or oversight is possibly not at present relevant but I will ask it again as it may help your fellow members answer your problem. At the moment they seem to be chasing their tails and going round in circles.

Is systray.exe definitely running on your machine?

Because if it is not running no amount of reinstalling NUSB, whatever version you try or changing explorer.exe version is going to get your USB tray icon back.

Now systray.exe gets disabled for a number of reasons, on purpose by the user or by mistake by the user, but don't just assume it's working because you have 'third party' icons in the tray, (firewall, AV etc).

If you are unsure over what systray.exe does then read the following thread in particular post#2.


The version of systray.exe should be 4.10.2224

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[...] At the moment they seem to be chasing their tails and going round in circles. [...]
That's a very apt description of my current status, regarding this problem... :P
[...] Is systray.exe definitely running on your machine?

Because if it is not running no amount of reinstalling NUSB, whatever version you try or changing explorer.exe version is going to get your USB tray icon back. [...]

Very true. :yes:
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OK, Just checked systray version and it is indeed 4.10.2224.

It is also currently running (Checked in ctrl-alt-del)

It is also run on startup.

I was sure I had answwered the questuion before but maybe I wasn't tyoping at the time :P


P.S. Still no luck with ANY version...

...Maybe time for a re-install...again...

This time, what do you recoment I install, by way of member projects, to get this working properly.

I assumed Autopatcher would do everything that was nessesary, minus of cource Revolutions...

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In the words of Alice in "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland",

Curiouser and curiouser!  :wacko:

If systray.exe is running then things are getting very much more complicated. This is where system file back-ups and disc image back-ups would have saved the day. Every PC I have ever built has 2x HDD's, a partition of the second drive stores Ghost images of the main drive going back months.

With NUSB3.3 you get systray.exe 4.10.2224 and hotplug.dll 4.10.2224 so reinstalling NUSB removes the possibility that these are corrupted.

However if you read post#71 of this thread, the problem has been seen before, but bear in mind that this was back in 2005 and NUSB3.3 does not contain any known problems.

Follow the advice listed in 1) Hotplug Icon Missing, but DO NOT edit the registry.

See if that shows any improvement in your problem.


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Its working!!!

I re-applied my sound icon, applied the power and also changed the registry systray to f.

I re-started and it appeared.

I unticked the power icon (desktop doesn't need it) and its still there.

The systray registry entry on my sys is now e.


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@lightning slinger: :blink: That's not troubleshooting... it's witchcraft!!! :D Congratulations for the great catch! :thumbup

@trevor89: Congrats to you, too, for your persistence and successful system recovery. Now, do start creating full back-up images of your boot partition, to never find yourself again in such a situation. I do favor Ghost. But it's not for free, although you can get an original Norton Ghost 2003 package quite cheap on e-Bay and like places. But there are many other options and IcemanND spelled them all out for everybody in the thread Disk Imaging Software. Loose no time, take your pick, and start imaging.

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Its working!!!


Glad to hear that, but it is strange this problem has only surfaced a couple of times within four years.

Yes, as dencorso says, get a copy of Norton Ghost 2003 from eBay, mine cost £3, hardly breaking the bank at that price. 

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Well, the thing is, I ignoreg the comment about backups because, in the situation with the PC that I call a server (because thats what it does, Win98ServerEdition ;):lol: ) it was a recent re-instyall meaning there were no preivious states, not only that but again in the case of PC the icon has never shown the past 2 re-installations.

There is just one thing. On my laptop, where I origonaly had the icon and thought it was cool, the icon doesn't show when usb's are added however it does show for pcmcia cards, namly my network card. Im sure the solution will be the same but according to what I read about the registry entry I would have said it should never appear or always appear?


Edited by trevor89
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I usually install v2.7 on machines that lack a DVD drive since that's the latest version I have available on a CD, then I update to 3.3 from an USB drive and so far it never failed.
:blink: NUSB27e ? That one I wasn't aware of!

Are you sure you didn't mean NUSB24e ?

:hello: BTW, I'm glad to see you around again, Drugwash! :thumbup

Actually it's 2.3e on that particular CD. Apologies for the confusion, it shows I'm not myself lately. :blushing: Thing is, I moved over to the old house (most likely temporarily) and am not yet familiar with the environment; there's also no Internet access there, reason why I only log in sporadically (from the condo) and am not up-to-date with the news.

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