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New Option for Installing Applications - W.A.I.T.

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Newest version uploaded to the Wait Forums


YOU MUST RUN WAITCONVERTER.exe in the directory where your wait.ini and wait.cfg files exist. The newest version of WAIT and WAITCFG use a different format where all the configuration information is in the ini file. WAITCONVERTER will create the new format for you.


Version 0.17 is now up on the Wait Forums

version .17


1) Added color buttons to the config program. Now you can see the colors on the color selection tab

2) Added Enable Logging. This will toggle the logging feature of the program (Remember that logging only works with the built in installer - just like the timeout feature)

3) Major rewrite of the install code (internal installer). There is a issue with application that use a older version of InstallShield. They would take a VERY long time to start (sometimes over 20 minutes). This is now corrected.

4) Fixed a number of "bugs" with the drawing of custom buttons.


Version 18 is now up. You can download it from the WAIT forums

version .18


1) Added - Hover over a custom select button and all the items that would be installed are changed to the Highlight Text color.

2) Added "DisableIfInstalled" and "DisableIfInstalledFileName" for each item. This will allow you to enter a filename to find. If the file is found then WAIT will mark the item as "installed"

3) Added "DoNotInstallAlreadyInstalledApps" flag. This will stop WAIT from installing any item that is detemined to have already been installed (See #2)

4) Added "Already installed" to the popup text

5) Added "Already Installed" replacement text.


I do not want to register on yet another forum. Hope you will excuse my posting here.

I have just downloaded WAIT and I am very impressed. Especially with the waitcfg.exe config-editor.

Thank you for this nice app!

One problem that is not really a big issue:

If the ini file contains no ITEMS, WAIT.exe and WAITCFG.exe crash on my system. No big deal since everyone will have at least one ITEMS.


I have cookies turned on, but the WAIT forum will not let me register. Just as well...I, too, prefer not to register on yet another site.

The new 'Already Installed' feature is great and lets me use the program for my unattended software installs. Thanks!

I noticed that when you 'select' an 'Already Installed' item, or Select All, the LedOn icon is displayed, which indicates the 'Already Installed' item is now selected. Then, if you click on 'Select None', the LedOn icons continue to display for only the 'Already Installed' items. It's a bit confusing, and it would be great if this was modified so that the LedOn icon never displays for 'Already Installed' items.

I do not want to register on yet another forum. Hope you will excuse my posting here.

Sorry to hear that as that's where I check the most.

I have just downloaded WAIT and I am very impressed. Especially with the waitcfg.exe config-editor.
Wait until you see version 0.19 - many new added features.
Thank you for this nice app!

You're quite welcome

One problem that is not really a big issue:

If the ini file contains no ITEMS, WAIT.exe and WAITCFG.exe crash on my system. No big deal since everyone will have at least one ITEMS.

Yes I found this too - fixed in version 0.19 - should be out before the end of the week

I have cookies turned on, but the WAIT forum will not let me register.  Just as well...I, too, prefer not to register on yet another site.

The new 'Already Installed' feature is great and lets me use the program for my unattended software installs.  Thanks!

Glad you like it.

I noticed that when you 'select' an 'Already Installed' item, or Select All, the LedOn icon is displayed, which indicates the 'Already Installed' item is now selected.  Then, if you click on 'Select None', the LedOn icons continue to display for only the 'Already Installed' items.  It's a bit confusing, and it would be great if this was modified so that the LedOn icon never displays for 'Already Installed' items.

Yes - this is changed in version 0.19


Correction - version 0.19 is now up at The WAIT Forums

Version 0.19


1) InstalledIf

If checked, WAIT will look for the files you list.

If all the files are found then it is assumed to be installed

(If you but a dash in front of a file ("-c:\test.txt") then it will make sure that a file does NOT exist)

Example 1:



If both files exist then the item is assumed to be installed

Example 2:



if c:\test.txt exists AND d:\test.txt does NOT exist then the item is assumed to be installed

2) HideIf

If checked, WAIT will look for the files you list.

If all the files are found then the item is Hidden (not shown on the WAIT screen)

(If you but a dash in front of a file ("-c:\test.txt") then it will make sure that a file does NOT exist)

Example 1:



If both files exist then the item is Hidden

Example 2:



if c:\test.txt exists AND d:\test.txt does NOT exist then the item is hidden

3) LimitOS - This will allow you to select on which O/S's this item can be installed.

4) moved some of the options around

5) rewrite of the options read/write code - more efficent / easier to add options

6) Added "Copy" to items page

This will create a copy of an item to more easily allow you to add items to the list

7) Added Sort button.

Sort options are

A-Z - Alaphabetical

1-n - Order sorted

{CAT} - Sort by catagory

This will not change the items are displayed in WAIT, but makes it eaiser to work on the items

8) Added UID to the item page - This will allow you to set up your own UID's for items

9) Added "Hide Un-installable items" to the options page. This will automatically hide items when:

1) A "required" item is hidden and NOT installed

2) An "excluded" item is already installed


I am still having problems with the 'already installed' feature. These items can still be selected and WAIT tries to reinstall them. The DoNotInstallAlreadyInstalledApps" flag that was introduced in version .18 does not work in version .19a. It generates an error when WaitCfg.exe runs, and it is removed from the .ini file.

WAIT also tries to install items that are hidden via HideIf. And, if HideIf items are hidden because a file is not found (the '-' prefix is used), and the hidden item 'Excludes' other programs, the excluded items can not be selected when Select All is used.

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