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------------->Fix a memory leak in Firefox 1.0

Firefox is supposed to dynamically release memory from its RAM cache to other Windows applications as needed. Unfortunately, Firefox 1.0 seems to consume more memory than it should, which hurts performance, when set to the default of 51200 KB (51 MB).

To solve this, Firefox power users recommend limiting the memory cache using the Configuration Console. This frees up memory for other apps, speeding up everything to a greater or a lesser extent, depending on your machine and the applications you run. Here's how the trick works:

Step 1. Type about:config into Firefox's Address Bar and press Enter.

Step 2. Right-click any row, then click New, Integer. Type or paste the following preference name into the dialog box that appears (this is a hidden preference that doesn't exist in the Configuration Console until you create it):


Step 3. Click OK, then enter the following integer number into the next dialog box, representing 16 MB of RAM for the cache:16000

Step 4. Click OK to close the dialog box, then close all instances of Firefox and restart it.

---------->Move the disk cache to a faster or larger location

Many Windows users like to locate their disk cache files on a separate hard drive from Windows. This can improve the performance of Windows or whatever program is using the cache, or it can free up space on a primary partition. (The disk cache should not be confused with the RAM cache described above.)

To move Firefox's disk cache, use about:config to create a new preference. (This is another hidden preference that doesn't appear until you create it.)

Type browser.cache.disk.parent_directory into the dialog box that appears, then click OK. In the Value dialog box, enter c:\folder, providing the foldername in which you wish the file to be located.

------------->Speeding up the maximizing of Firefox

By default, when you minimize Firefox, it gives back to Windows most of the RAM the browser was using. It sometimes can take several seconds for the browser window to become fully loaded when you restore the window to its original size. This is one of those "version 1.0" things, in my opinion, that will become more streamlined in future bump revs of the program.

Fortunately, there's a hidden setting that can accomplish the restoration of Firefox windows much more quickly:

Step 1. Use about:config to create a new, Boolean value. Type or paste the following string into the dialog box that appears:


Step 2. Click OK to close the dialog box. Change the value from "true" to "false" and restart Firefox.

This doesn't piggishly retain all of the RAM that Firefox has claimed. If Windows needs more RAM to devote to another application, Windows can take it. What the setting does is prevent Firefox from giving up most of its RAM until the memory is actually required elsewhere.

Setting this item to "false" may noticeably slow down other applications while Firefox is minimized, if your PC has less than 256 MB of RAM. If so, change the setting back to "true."

------------->Speeding up Firefox on Windows XP

You can speed up the loading of Firefox on Windows XP by adding it to the programs that XP "prefetches."

To do this, right-click the Start Menu item for Firefox, or any icon you use to start Firefox, and open the Properties dialog box. Add a space plus /Prefetch:1 to the command line and click OK. The resulting line might look as follows:

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" /Prefetch:1

if u want auto optimize ur config: settings,use Tweak Network Settings extension.u can install it from here Tweak Network Settings

i tested all these settings.and now i can say that my browser is awsome


tweaks 1st and 3rd yes because i know how to place prefs.js.

the 2nd is really user dependant so it can't be added and 4th, well, at the moment i haven't been able to change firefox shortcuts from the main installation. if i discover it i'll add profile manager, default profile and prefetch shortcuts on start menu.


thanq all for ur replies.i will keep updating the tweaks.

and i suggest that Tweak Network Settings extension.its really awsome.

check it out


Thanks I've always been looking for a way to speed up the loading of FF.

I been useing that tweak network settings extension before.


----------->Run Firefox from removable media

This advanced tip makes it possible to run Firefox from removable media, such as a USB memory stick. This will allow you to run Firefox with your personal settings from any computer, even those that don't have Firefox installed. It has only been tested on Windows XP/2000. The basic instructions are as follows:

1. Copy the Firefox application folder and your profile folder to the removable medium. In this example we will use R:\Firefox for the application folder and R:\FFProfile as the profile folder, assuming the drive letter for the removable media is R:.

2. Create a simple batch file called R:\Firefox.bat with the following line:

start \Firefox\firefox.exe -profile \FFProfile

3. Optionally, disable the disk cache to reduce the amounts of file writes to the removable storage by entering about:config in the address field of Firefox and set browser.cache.disk.enable to false.

The reason why a batch file is needed instead of a simple shortcut is that a shortcut uses absolute paths, and since the actual drive letter for the removable media may change depending on which computer it is plugged into, the relative path used in the batch file is guaranteed to work anywhere.

---------->Speed up page rendering

By default, Firefox doesn't try to render a web page for 250 milliseconds while it's waiting for data. If you add the code below to your user.js file, Firefox immediately starts to display the page, even without complete data. The drawback, especially on slower machines, is that the total time to display the page will be longer.

// Last value in milliseconds (default is 250)

user_pref("nglayout.initialpaint.delay", 0);

tweaks 1st and 3rd yes because i know how to place prefs.js.

the 2nd is really user dependant so it can't be added and 4th, well, at the moment i haven't been able to change firefox shortcuts from the main installation. if i discover it i'll add profile manager, default profile and prefetch shortcuts on start menu.

Just out of curiosity, how do you get these settings to install silently (with setting.js or whatever). heh...



i think u can use xcopy command to replace ur tweaked file with original one


cmd2[pn]=['XCOPY "%cdrom%\\DOCS\\Install\\tool\\tool.exe" "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\tool\" /E /Y']


@Screwz Luse, just replacing prefs.js on your profile dir.

if you want to slipstream it into installation, just dig in xpis and replace prefs.js with your copy


just found while browsing.but dono exactly will it work or not.

give it a try

Tired of Firefox creeping along at a snails pace?

Give this fix attached to this message a go..

If you see that it hasn't worked, or has made it worse just navigate here:

C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\defaults\profile

and delete user.js

Then restart Firefox.


@bmn, that will erase part of the customization, if you open the file with notepad...

// Enable pipelining:
user_pref("network.http.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.proxy.pipelining", true);
user_pref("network.http.pipelining.maxrequests", 100);

probably can help some1 with a messed profile but not the common user :P

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