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Windows 2000 "Hotstream" Project

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No, i was refering to "Recommended Updates" to:

directX 7.0

MDAC 2.53

WMP 6.4

Most users always want the latest available version, although it's not necessary needed but they want WU claims: "Woooahhh, your PC is Up2Date and you have 0 recommended update to install".

Not beeing a hardcore gamer, DirectX 8.1b is just perfect for me, and there is better alternative to WMP but i need to run an updated MDAC >= 2.71 on my computer to use a database application.

You're method is nice and i recommend to all 2K users (some of them just discover it after i've posted about it) but in my case, you only apply the HF to MDAC2.53 and i need to upgrade to 2.71 and then apply HF.

If i could achieve the same for MDAC as you've made for IE6, it would make my life easier. :P


Don't see any flag under your avatar.

Wärest du ein deutscher Bürger ?

Ich habe diesen deutscher Universität Internet-Adresse gefunden here

I speak very badly German, please post your messages in English :D


tommyp - Just for your info I have had your IE6 slipstream post bookmarked long before I even joinen MSFN ;)

Und nein, Ich bin nicht deutsch, aber Ich kann doch ein bischen deutsch sprechen und lesen natürlich. Ich habe jetzt eine Avatar. (Translation pending :rolleyes: )

Anyway, repacking or slipstreaming MDAC 2.71 SP1a with latest security update (if any) included is not too complicated at all as far as I can see. Maybe I'll make a guide.

Interesting things they have at the University - I'm waiting for some stuff to finish downloading B)





Well, it turned out that the stuff I downloaded was mostly security updates. I got two more updates - but I still miss 30 updates for W2K. Voulenteers wanted :)

I'll get back on the MDAC/DX/IE6/MSXML/NETFW/WMP component issues, one I figure out how to "repack" them as type 1 fixes



Thanks :)

For W2K Pro the Update is almost complete - it's a matter of collecting only a few more hotfixes. My build process is fully automated - that's what my Hotstream application is for - so adding/removing hotfixes is trivial. But I'm gonna "sit" on the update just a little longer - I need to be sure what's in the upcoming Update Rollup, and that it won't cause problems.

Trust me - I am extremly motivated to finish both an Unofficial Post-SP4 Update and an Unofficial Post-SP4 Option Pack B)

Gurgelmayer,  this is not dis-courage you or something.....

But I hope you do know of the official Win2k post SP4 update roll-up ?

It has all of these and more, and beta1 is out!

Hmmm.... I've obtained a list of the files in the pre-beta version, and it seemed to have most security fixes (the Type1 ones) and only very few hotfixes (I spotted three). Still it's only a pre-beta, and I haven't got it myself, but >90% of all Post-SP4 files (from the individual hotfixes) are not in the Microsoft rollup. If I had it I could probably add it to my own update rollup. Does it have a filename... anyone!? :whistle:


what would be nice i think is if someone was able to borrow a few xp features, i'm sure a lot will disagree with me, but i really like system restore, and the picture preview program.

those are about the only 2 things i prefer in xp, and i miss them in 2000 :(

wonder if its possible to take out the security centre and those other nifty sp2 things, well, ok, just the popup stopped and activex stopper thing and put them as unoffical sp5, i thought ie for 2000 and xp was the same?

not that i'm telling anyone to do, just i think it would be neat, if i had hte patience i'd look into it myself, but ware do you get information on these things from?



to add things in 2k to take it closer to XP is almost impossible. Also, XP is a better OS under the covers (and over the covers too :P). About the only complaint people have is that XP has too many features and an extravagant interface. So now just nLite your winxp to remove all the things you don't want, and strip it down to the slimness of win2k.

nLite can be found from trhis forum's index page...


Well, I did have a very close look at WMP10 once. It appears to use some entry points in KERNEL32.DLL, which are not available in 2k. Two of those entry points seem to be related to WPA-checking, and a third one to obtaining a GeoId (Microsoft could easily have used other API entrypoints to get that info, or at least do a GetProcAddress on it, and skip it if it's unavailable). The sad thing is, that the entrypoints required by WMP10 are not really necessary for the program to operate - they are probably there just to make sure that WMP10 does NOT operate under NT4/2K/9x.

Well, so much about WMP10 - I have not examined SR and IE6SP2 yet. They might not have the same ... err.... "requirements".

What conserns me the most are actually not so much the technical aspects as the legal aspects of redistributing XP binaries. I don't wanna do anything illegal. :blushing:


if you don't modify the files you don't have nothing to take care. anyway i've read from m$ that they aren't going to pursuit people sharing patched files (like uxtheme.dll), even being illegal. if you use them is at your own risk

if you don't modify the files you don't have nothing to take care. anyway i've read from m$ that they aren't going to pursuit people sharing patched files (like uxtheme.dll), even being illegal. if you use them is at your own risk

Really? COOL :thumbup

IE6SP2/WMP10/SR just got back on my to-do list :)


Just a quick update: I got all hotfixes for W2K Professional. Server fixes will just have to wait. :)

Now I'll devote my time to the Option Pack - and when the good Redmonians decide to get their update rollup RTW I'll release the whole thing (again: I don't want to give MS any opportunity to deliberately make their last major update for W2K incompatible with my update). No more chit chat for now - got stuff to do it seems... :rolleyes:

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