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What is best for my PC ?


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Hi, I would like to know what is best for my computer ? I have a P3 1Ghz - 256 DIMM Ram - 30gb HD

Now I'm using W2k SP4 but I was thinking on install XP Pro. Would it work slower, faster or just the same ?

Oh, I use the next programs if you want to know if it will work faster or slower:

Macromedia Flash


Java (for programming)

Some games (Max Payne 2 or sth like that)

and a little Proxy.


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if you got 256 ram stick to 2000 but if you upgrade to 512 then install xp pro

xp prefers more memory to work better than a fast cpu

2000 can work very good with 256 ram and a slower cpu

but use ntfs not fat32

ntfs is more stable

of if i were you im would upgrade to 1 GB memory if your mobo supports it but get ddr not sdr,512 will do but 1 GB will do more

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I also would think about the slowest part in your computer; THE HARDDRIVE.

You have a 30GB HDD that´s like 4 years old. The new drives will give you a great performance boost. Even more if you go from 5400rpm to 7200rpm drives.

For the rest, more RAM... AND USE nLITE... :thumbup

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if you got 256 ram stick to 2000 but if you upgrade to 512 then install xp pro

xp prefers more memory to work better than a  fast cpu

2000 can work very good with 256 ram and a slower cpu

but use ntfs not fat32

ntfs is more stable

of if i were you im would upgrade to 1 GB memory if your mobo supports it but get ddr not sdr,512 will do but 1 GB will do more

You're kidding... Right? If you want XP to run just as fast as it should on your computer, I suggest using nLite to reduce XP's install size to the minimum... This has HUGE advantages... I have installed XP on P3 systems @ 600MHz and even P2 systems @ 300MHz and both installs work flawlessly without slowing down at any point in time... Also, 256MB of RAM should be enough for XP on an nLited installation... But if you're not going to reduce the size of your XP CD, then I would go with what soldier1st said.


] Mike [

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nlite causes problems from what i've seen

also if your mobo supports it get a UDMA 133 Hard Drive with 8MB Cache.

Obliviator:XP Uses resources But You Can Lower It By Tweaking The Services and registry and various other things,xp does take like 200 ram just on it's own(2000 takes like half that)more ram will help and a faster cpu(xp works better with more ram rather than a fast cpu)for instance i got 1.3ghz,256 ram,and xp runs kinda slow,after ading 256 ram xp speeded up...but thats from what i've seen,if you goto 2000 stick with sp3 as sp4 is too slow from what i've seen but get DDR not SDR if your mobo supports it(get pc3200 if possible)also having an onboard video card hurts performanceit takes away some of your system ram,with a non onboard video card that frees up system ram for other purposes,a slow hard drive also limits your speed,a 7200 rpm is faster than say a 5400 rpm but if your mobo supports a 7200 rpm then you'll gain some speed.

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nLite IS safe to use, but remove only the thinks you know of.

ATA133 is not faster then ATA100, only the cache flow is higher. Most of the drives will not get higher the 60MB´s ;)

ALL P3 motherboard support 7200rpm, the question is if the motherboard will accept bigger discs then that 30GB HDD. I think it’s the best option to speed up your system.

Windows XP wil use like 100MB or so when you install it, after time and after installing an Anti virus it will take like 120MB. But, with learning about nLite and the SERVICES that XP uses, you will get down too 80MB, so plenty of RAM left for simple applications and small images in PhotoShop (If you can buy PhotoShop then I would go for the Hard Disk AND the RAM ;) ).

Euhmm, P3 with DDR is not common, and if it does, then it will not support 400MHz RAM most of the time (due to voltage for example). If it does, then cool, you can put timings lower so you get a few % more bandwidth out of it (I also do that with my AMD CPU´s).

I just liked to add this :P:P

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Yeah, get the memory but get nLite also. Your computer will get a double dose of help. If you don't like it, then all you have to do is re-install your OS. I'm slow to learn some of the simple leasons like (which works for me) partition my HDD and leave some partitions alone for future use. In this case I use the extra partitions to run live tests on nLite.

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Another way of speeding it up is to merely disable a lot of the services in XP, it will stop you having to sweat using something like nLite and removing services that you are unsure of and if you come across any problems you can always restart the service that is affecting your machine... there is a good website that someone has spent a long time on about services, what they do and how safe it is to disable.

wait a minute...

Here it is!

(credits to BlackViper)

with this you can cut a lot of fat safely

it is good if you are unsure of what you can or cannot do

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