Alanoll Posted September 8, 2004 Author Posted September 8, 2004 @MacThat's a simple setting in InstallShield to make each component into it's own cab, so it's entirely likely. Of course, I'm not sure what will happen if you tell it to install something that's not present, but if that what you people want, I'll recompile tomorrow and rar it and upload it as a seperate link for people to respond back to.As for removing stuff not in the original installer, everything is exact like the old. The problem is InstallShield's compression isn't as good as nullsoft's. And I can't find where to set it. I just see Optomize for size, and that's about it.....
prathapml Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 @AlanollFantastic. This just _may_ finally fix my long-time gripe. I'll tell if it doesn't work fine.
XtremeMaC Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 yes I know u can save them separetly, I'm also wondering what'd happen if 1 cab was not present. but I think it will be okay if the cab is not present and that component is not selected to installjust dled the rar. will give it a try now
a06lp Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 I never tried this before, so let me know if this is ok.I want to install SILENTLY. (assuming I replace name and key)Winamp505.msi INI="%systemdrive%\install\winamp505\winamp.ini" /qbwinamp.ini[SETUP]XLIBRARY=1Xhotkey=1Xjump=1XAUDIO=1Xextra=1XNAME="xxxxxxxx xxxxxx"XKEY="xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"XQUICKLAUNCH=1INSTALLDIR=C:\Program files\WinampAlso, if I just leave out the "XNAME" and "XKEY", it will install a non-Pro version, but otherwise fully functional?Thanks
Alanoll Posted September 8, 2004 Author Posted September 8, 2004 technically, it installs the PRO version always, just if you don't have a KEY and NAME the features aren't activated.the INI looks fine, but I don't guaranty INSTALLDIR will work. That and you specified the default directory anyways.
CrimsonKain Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Just wanting to confirm that if I had a successful setup with the 5.04 msi I should just be able to replace it with the new one and be all set right? There hasn't been any major changes has there? (especially with the ini)
prathapml Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Right - no major changes. Other than the version that is. All the same old switches and whatever other processes you were doing for 5.04 should work with this one as well. Yes, Just need to replace the file (the new one).
Bouchehog Posted September 8, 2004 Posted September 8, 2004 Is it possible to install this using a bat file? Using something like:ECHO.ECHO Installing Winamp v5.05ECHO Please wait...start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Winamp\winamp.msi /R /xname=xxxxx /xkey=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx /xaudio=1 /xmodernskin=1 /xtray=1 /XDesktop=0 /XStartmenu=1 /XINET=2 /passive /norestartI've not got around to running any runonceex things yet and I don't understand them as well as I understand bat files.
Alanoll Posted September 8, 2004 Author Posted September 8, 2004 you can, but I don't know waht /R is for though. or /norestart or /passive, as they're not MSI commands.second....winamp.msi Xaudio=1 Xvideo=1Taken from above. Those are ALL batch command calls. just put start /wait infront of it. NOTHING in my post tells you how to do RunOnceEX, it's all assumed you use batch calls.
a06lp Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Is there a way to save winamp settings (hotkeys, etc.) and them have them installed?maybe a reg file or something?
Bouchehog Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Thanks! I was being thick and putting the variables in as switches.
Alanoll Posted September 9, 2004 Author Posted September 9, 2004 Is there a way to save winamp settings (hotkeys, etc.) and them have them installed?maybe a reg file or something?copy the winamp.ini file form your current winamp directory. Copy that over after the MSI runs.
a06lp Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 Is there a way to save winamp settings (hotkeys, etc.) and them have them installed?maybe a reg file or something?copy the winamp.ini file form your current winamp directory. Copy that over after the MSI runs. i should copy the text from my current dir winamp.ini and add it to the setup winamp.ini after the [setup] parameters? will that work?Can I copy only the important parts, and Winamp will fill in the rest?
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 @Alanoll i've seen the option to remove the context menu options but... what about if i only want to remove some entries and left only for example "play with winamp", where are located these entries in the registry? anyway to prevent winamp to install those extensions?
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