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Guide: Mozilla Firefox Unattended


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The possible reason why you get the defualt profile is the patch in the chome.rdf is not modified.  I don't know what's inside the vbscript that you are using, or maybe it is not executed correctly (firewall issues).

hmmm don't have a firewall installed (Windows fw is disabled) but I do have Kaspersky antivirus 5 running...

but now I have a clou what the problem is so I'm gonna make it work (don't know how yet but that will come :) )

found the error!

So I did the costumized install according to the Guide - mozilla firefox.htm in the ZIP file, using the .vbs files in Jdoe's method in the zipfile (PREPARE.VBS and FUSRDATA.VBS).

I followed this guide several times... on 2 pc's, no firewall and no antivirus installed, but all with the same result: FF is installed, but no costumized profile... the default profile of FF is being used...

Now I think I found the error: After install, and after restart (so after the file FUSRDATA.VBS has been executed) the C:\Documents and Settings\ZileXa\Application Data\Mozilla is empty!

So if I start FF, FF uses its default profile since there is no profile at all in the dir...

This is strange... my costumized profile IS extracted in the C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Application Data\ folder...

I thought the FUSRDATA.VBS file copied the mozilla folder from this default user dir to the current users profile\application data... but that doesn't happen...

I have WinXP2 with RyanVM's Hotfixpack... is it possible some hotfix is preventing the vbs to run correctly? I can hardly imagine it... or is there a bug in the VBS file?


'Firefox Unattended by jdoe - msfn.org forum member

'This script set the drive and user informations to the user profile of Firefox (%APPDATA%\Mozilla)

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set WSS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

MozFldr = WSS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%") & "\Mozilla"

UserName = Trim(WSS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERNAME%"))

UserNameChrome = Replace(UserName," ","%20",1,-1,1)

CMD = "CMD.EXE /C ATTRIB -R " & Chr(34) & MozFldr & "\*.*" & Chr(34) & " /S /D"

WSS.Run CMD,0,True

CMD = "CMD.EXE /C FOR /R " & Chr(34) & MozFldr & Chr(34) & " %I IN (chrome.rdf) DO GSAR -sDefault%20User -r" & UserNameChrome & " -i -o " & Chr(34) & "%I" & Chr(34)

WSS.Run CMD,0,True

CMD = "CMD.EXE /C FOR /R " & Chr(34) & MozFldr & Chr(34) & " %I IN (*.*) DO GSAR -sDefaultUser -r" & Chr(34) & UserName & Chr(34) & " -i -o " & Chr(34) & "%I" & Chr(34)

WSS.Run CMD,0,True

CMD = "CMD.EXE /C FOR /R " & Chr(34) & MozFldr & Chr(34) & " %I IN (*.*) DO GSAR -s????/ -r%SYSTEMDRIVE%:/ -i -o " & Chr(34) & "%I" & Chr(34)

WSS.Run CMD,0,True

CMD = "CMD.EXE /C FOR /R " & Chr(34) & MozFldr & Chr(34) & " %I IN (*.*) DO GSAR -s????\ -r%SYSTEMDRIVE%:\ -i -o " & Chr(34) & "%I" & Chr(34)

WSS.Run CMD,0,True

ScrptFldrPath = FSO.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).ParentFolder

FSO.DeleteFile ScrptFldrPath & "\FUSRDATA.VBS",True

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@ZileXa you can try to make several tests, f.e. try to delete completely the C:\Documents and Settings\ZileXa\Application Data\Mozilla folder and then re-run FUSRDATA.VBS, i had a similar problem before, my profile was exported correctly but for some reason the extensions and themes weren't correctly loaded once i run firefox.

i think the best thing i can do is to edit the first post and add a section to install plugins unattended

edit: first post has been edited to complete the silent installation. i think i've covered the main objetive: silent install firefox with custom plugins, themes, extensions language and path independant

Edited by SiMoNsAyS
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try to delete completely the C:\Documents and Settings\ZileXa\Application Data\Mozilla folder

I agree. ;) The most common issue for me is when over writing an existing installation, or if I forget to delete the Mozilla folder in the %appdata%. The reason why I'm having this issue is either because of the path in the Chrome.rdf, or becuase of the Profile.ini.

("Customizable" Firefox msi is on the way.)

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