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Ive tried that tool before, it locked up while creating the sfx archive using 50% of my cpu.. So for now, ill wait for FUN or do it the way i did in my guide earlier on

Ive tried that tool before, it locked up while creating the sfx archive using 50% of my cpu.. So for now, ill wait for FUN or do it the way i did in my guide earlier on

Really? I tried it serveral times and it worked perfectly for me. The entire build process took less tnat a minute. You should try it again. There are a lot of bugs fixed in this version. But I don't use it personally, because I don't want an sfx installer, so I'm working on my msi.

This is a tool from http://firefox.dbltree.com.  It is called FFDeploy, designed for deployment of firefox.  With this tool, you can install ALL the plugins you want, configure everything including bookmarks and others,  and install your firefox silently.  Everything is done for you automatically.

:lol: Great! Yeah, this is, of course, right, but not an answer to my question (sorry), which still is:

WHY use the method described in this thread tho there is this already existing tool available? Is there any advantage of this thread's method compared to that tool (or any future tool still in development)???

btw: here it works fine. Hhm.

Posted (edited)


1) 6,06Mb

2) ASAP, when i can upload the file

3) Not sure about this, probably not because it needs a 24h seed

@Astalavista sorry but at the time of writting i haven't found a way to integrate themes or extensions, i can replace the skin by default with unother one by renaming the .jar file i'm going to left it as is at the moment. i know :thumbdown

@ZileXa you can obtain the same results using switches on the extracted installer but there's no way to bypass that screen (including editing the config.ini file). have been tested before with no success :no:

@my2001 reply is simple. the job of the .exe file called after the installation is to replace some text on 1 file with "C:\Documents and settings\blah blah blah\Application Data", but that would only work if you install windows on C: (%APPDATA% is on C:) and if you have an english localized version of windows. that's why @jdoe worked on the .vbs file and we tried to do it path and language independant.

@jdoe just here waiting if you need something, just for FUN! :thumbup

@totoymola same from @my2001 can be applied :(

ps: waiting for confirmation from buletov to upload the file. new features: i've lastly added the firefox icon that makes the SFX more "professional", added bookmarks to msfn forum and this thread.

Edited by SiMoNsAyS
@my2001 reply is simple. the job of the .exe file called after the installation is to replace  some text on 1 file with "C:\Documents and settings\blah blah blah\Application Data", but that would only work if you install windows on C: (%APPDATA% is on C:) and if you have an english localized version of windows. that's why @jdoe worked on the .vbs file and we tried to do it path and language independant.

Hhm, I guess I have to re-read your reply to bring it in connection with my question ;) ... but isn't this what you meant:

Both FFDeploy.exe and CreateProfile.vbs have been modified to support deployment on non-English language systems. (Application Data, etc. are no longer hard-coded.)

It's a quotation from http://firefox.dbltree.com/.


@my2001 mmmhhh ok didn't notice of that, i visited that site a long long time ago (as you can see is posted on the interested links section in the guide).

you can read on the same site

Replaces all occurrences of ****CHANGETHISSTRING**** with C:/Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/USERNAME in the CHROME.RDF file.
that means would not work on a german/spanish localized system. i'll redownload it again to see if things have changed.
Really?  I tried it serveral times and it worked perfectly for me.  The entire build process took less tnat a minute.  You should try it again.  There are a lot of bugs fixed in this version.  But I don't use it personally, because I don't want an sfx installer, so I'm working on my msi.

Aah, i tried it just now, it worked as i guess it should work, tho ill still wait for FUN and simons thingy, one has to try every program :)



you can read on the same site
Replaces all occurrences of ****CHANGETHISSTRING**** with C:/Documents and Settings/USERNAME/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/USERNAME in the CHROME.RDF file.
that means would not work on a german/spanish localized system.

Yes, but I guess with his "****CHANGETHISSTRING****" thingy he means: paths are no longer hard-coded, instead they'll get adjusted.


Really?  I tried it serveral times and it worked perfectly for me.  The entire build process took less tnat a minute.  You should try it again.  There are a lot of bugs fixed in this version.  But I don't use it personally, because I don't want an sfx installer, so I'm working on my msi.

Aah, i tried it just now, it worked as i guess it should work, tho ill still wait for FUN and simons thingy, one has to try every program :)

Sure, you're absolutely right! Simon's proggy is a great tool as well as FUN will certainly be, both of the developers have spent much time on these tools and supposedly will continue doing so! :) There's nothing wrong with that.
I have altered the install.ini and now it installs 1.0 also unattended

I include the file

WOW thats great! Could you perhaps tell us what you've modified? And how did you know what to modify? And I assume this is about the final version?

this is the most simple unattended method... only if you want to add extensions and set other settings and bookmarks the method at http://firefox.dbltree.com/ or in this topic can be used.

Still have to decide what I'm going to do... But its nice to have such an easy method! B)

Posted (edited)

Firefox Silent Installation

Features List

  • Silent and invisible by default!
  • Removed certain searchplugins: Amazon, eBay...
  • Added certain searchplugins: microsoft, imdb, google (images), filemirrors, babelfish translation (sp/en, en/sp).
  • Added plugins: RealPlayer™, RealJukebox, QuickTime, Shockwave Flash, Microsoft Office 2003, Adobe Acrobat, Shockwave for Director, Java™ 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0, Microsoft® DRM and Windows Media Player Plug-in Dynamic Link Library.*
  • Preferences Tweak
  • MSFN Forum Thread Bookmark
  • Firefox Icon
  • Powered by RarLabs :P

* The plugins won't work if you obviously don't have those programs installed. Quicktime and Realplayer free plugins (alternatives).

Please report Feedback

DOWNLOAD 6,06 MB (6.359.493 bytes)

C'mon people I want to hear a big thanks to @buletov for hosting Mirror 1 :thumbup


6,06 MB (6.359.493 bytes)

If you want to add a mirror, PM me inmediately!

Firefox Installation Settings

To call the installation use RunOnceEx:

@echo off

cmdow @ /HID

FOR %%d IN (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) DO IF EXIST %%d\CD.TXT SET CDROM=%%d

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing applications" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Mozilla Firefox 1.0" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\SOFTWARE\FIREFOX\Firefox10_Silent_EN.exe" /f

To complete associations and set Firefox your default browser:
@echo off
cmdow @ /HID
REM Variables
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Check_Associations" /D "no" /F
REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "ShowedCheckBrowser" /D "yes" /F
REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "Check_Associations" /D "no" /F
REG ADD "HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /V "ShowedCheckBrowser" /D "yes" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm" /VE /D "FirefoxHTML" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\.html" /VE /D "FirefoxHTML" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell\open\command" /VE /D "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -url \"%%1\"" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\ftp\shell\open\command" /VE /D "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -url \"%%1\"" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\gopher\shell\open\command" /VE /D "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -url \"%%1\"" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\http\shell\open\command" /VE /D "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -url \"%%1\"" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\https\shell\open\command" /VE /D "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE -url \"%%1\"" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet" /VE /D "FIREFOX.EXE" /F
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\http\shell\open\ddeexec" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\http\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" /VE /D "FIREFOX" /F
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\https\shell\open\ddeexec" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\https\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" /VE /D "FIREFOX" /F
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\ftp\shell\open\ddeexec" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\ftp\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" /VE /D "FIREFOX" /F
REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\gopher\shell\open\ddeexec" /F
REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\gopher\shell\open\ddeexec\Application" /VE /D "FIREFOX" /F

Now if you want to add your custom plugins, themes, extensions, etc. go back to first post

Edited by SiMoNsAyS

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