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XPlode is the new incarnation.....


XPinstall was discontinued due to naming i think, and changed to XPlode.

The XPinstall site should not exist any more now... well, officially.

It exists, but not at the original URL :)

If you really need XPinstall, http://www.voidfx.com/xpinstall/ as opposed to http://xpinstall.voidfx.com/

As a sidenote, this semester is going to be a bit hairy... I stupidly volunteered to be team leader for the satellite we have to make... at the moment, I have 15 minions :rolleyes:

XPlode2 is going to be a loooooong while off...


Hiii KillerBee,

I've modified and tried what you told me, but, nothing happens.

However, at T12 a command window appears and disappears quickly...

Any idea...





have you saved your .xml as unicode?

i had similar problems after upgrading from XPInstall. After saving the xml as unicode everything was fine.

You should also try adding the "pause" command in you .cmd's to verify if there are any errors.

hope this helps a bit


Killer Bee


Hey Killer Bee! You're right..

The ".xml" files, were not saved as UNICODE. Everything is OK. :)

So for the others, if your code is ok but xplode doesn't lunch, try to see if your .XML files are saved in UNICODE.

Big THANKS for your HELP.



I agree, but when nothing is OK (XPlode doesn't running, so, the .log file is not created because the .xml files are not in the good format) all you can do is ask someone who knows :)




This is not an xplode popup!!!

Either change the ip settings in you winnt.sif, or disconnect the network card from the virtual machine so it wont have network access.

As you can see, you are at 16 minutes left for installation. XPlode can run in different places, but not @ t-16.


@ mukeshnuna

I use Xplode during Windows XP setup and after.

Cannot seeing your picture in my browser witch is OK, so, I cannot help you :)



that's OK Versius, So Ok,I also want my xplode to run that way, during XP setup...

And yeah....one more thing!

Do you copy your Program, Apps to your hard drive and then run it from HDD???

Or Right from the CD??


For the moment, I copy my programs to the HDD and then run them from there.

I know that you can directly install them from the CD, but for the moment, I don't need that...


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