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Everything posted by Versius

  1. Hiii mukeshnuna, Have you seen that post http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=22125&st=40#? It was mine. My cmdlines.txt and my .cmd file that lunch Xplode could help you I think. Hope this will help you Versius
  2. @ Alanoll... That's not merite an answer... If you want to help, help, but no judgment about people's origin... Thanks Versius
  3. Hiii mukeshnuna... Follow that link, http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=15076&st=0, I think it will helps you much. Wraith gives a lots of explanation on how to install from HDD or from CD... Hope this will help you Versius
  4. For the moment, I copy my programs to the HDD and then run them from there. I know that you can directly install them from the CD, but for the moment, I don't need that... Versius
  5. Hiii everybody! I search to silently install the soft : Steinberg MyMp3PRO v5.0. I know that it is a Wise Installer package, but the "/s" switch doesn't make the install to be silent. I still have a prompt window with music. Thanks in advance for your help. Versius
  6. @ mukeshnuna I use Xplode during Windows XP setup and after. Cannot seeing your picture in my browser witch is OK, so, I cannot help you Versius
  7. I believe that I'm very tired for not seeing the other mistakes... (Je crois que je fatigue, ou que j'ai la tête ailleurs) A lots of "File not found" errors: 1)Line 434 to 438 2) Line 881 to 885 3) Line 968 to 972 4)Line 1113 to 1117 5) Line 1212 to 1215 6) Line 1220 to 1223 7) Line 1225 to 1236 Hopping this helps Versius
  8. Ooops Your error is: File not found!!! Please verify is in your directory structure you've the file KB831167.exe. Hopping this helps you (Dans ton dossier patch\, tu as du oublier de mettre le fichier KB831167.exe, vérifie) Versius
  9. Hiii Tannos! The log file tells you that you have had an error while executing your .xml file: You have to solve that before your script accept to run. You know, everything is OK, but if you have one mistake, Xplode fails. I'm going to have a look on your .xml file to see what's wrong. (Pour résumer: ca merdera tant qu'il y aura une faute dans ton fichier .xml) Versius
  10. Let's joke Tannos... Quand même... Remove that line
  11. Translate your .xml files witch are in ANSI format to UNIODE format with a soft like EditPad Lite or another. Versius
  12. Hi Tannos... I've got the same problem with my .XML files. You must registering your file as UNICODE if you want Xplode to execute them. Translation : Oui. Tu dois enregistrer tes fichiers au format UNICODE pour qu'il soient exécutés par Xplode Versius
  13. I don't see your picture Versius.
  14. I agree, but when nothing is OK (XPlode doesn't running, so, the .log file is not created because the .xml files are not in the good format) all you can do is ask someone who knows Versius
  15. Hey Killer Bee! You're right.. The ".xml" files, were not saved as UNICODE. Everything is OK. So for the others, if your code is ok but xplode doesn't lunch, try to see if your .XML files are saved in UNICODE. Big THANKS for your HELP. Versius
  16. Hiii KillerBee, I've modified and tried what you told me, but, nothing happens. However, at T12 a command window appears and disappears quickly... Any idea... Thanks Versius
  17. Hi Killerbee, Thanks for your help. I'll try that and let you know. Versius
  18. Hi Killerbee, this is my files. Tell me what's wrong. Thanks! In the %OEM% Directory (C:\XPCD\$OEM$), I've got that files : cmdlines.txt, pre_logon.xml, xplodedrv.cmd app.xml, pre_logon.xml are in C:\XPCD\$OEM$\$1\installs\Xplode directory My cmdlines.txt file: [COMMANDS] ".\xplodedrv.cmd" My xplodedrv.cmd file: cmdow @ /HID start /wait %systemdrive%\installs\Xplode\XPlode.exe /xml:#XPlode#\pre_logon.xml /log:#systemdrive#\Install\XPlode2.log EXIT My pre_logon.xml file: <XPlode> <plugins> <!-- the list of plugins to load --> <!--<plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeAdduser.xpd</plugin> --> <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2</plugin> <!-- <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeExecute.xpd</plugin> --> <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2</plugin> <!-- <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeFileOps.xpd</plugin> --> <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2</plugin> <!-- <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodePluginBase.xpd</plugin> --> <!-- <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeRegistry.xpd</plugin> --> <plugin>%XPLODE%\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2</plugin> </plugins> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='standalone' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Pre-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Creation utilisateur Olivier...'> <execute display='Creation Olivier' program='net' arguments='user Olivier /add' hide='true' /> <execute display='Configuration Olivier..' program='net' arguments='localgroup Administrateurs Olivier /add' hide='true' /> </item> <item display='Personnalisation du Registre pour Olivier'> <!-- note the username and password - it will run under the user 'Olivier', using the account password --> <execute display='Tweaking du registre...' program='%SYSTEMROOT%\regedit.exe' arguments='/s "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\PreInstall\Oliver.reg"' username='Olivier' password='' /> </item> <item display='Tweaking du Registre'> <!-- exactly the same format as a *.reg file --> <registry display='Fusion du Registre...' method='write'> ;Retrait de la fleche sous les raccourcis [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile] "IsShortcut"=- ;Mettre la version de Windows sur le bureau en bas a droite [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] "PaintDesktopVersion"=dword:00000001 ;Verrouillage du numerique sur le clavier au demarrage [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard] "InitialKeyboardIndicators"="2" ;Verrouillage du numerique sur le clavier au demarrage [HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT] [HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT\Control Panel] [HKEY_USERS\DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard] "InitialKeyboardIndicators"="2" ;Faire de Google le moteur de recherche par defaut [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl\Ggle] @="http://www.google.fr/search?q=%s" ; desactivation de l applet tour [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour] "RunCount"=dword:00000000 ; desactivation de l applet tour [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Tour] "RunCount"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] "Link"=hex:00,00,00,00 ;Enregistrement de windows pour les mises a jour [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion] "RegDone"="1" ;Desactivation de l assistant de nettoyage du bureau [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\CleanupWiz] "NoRun"=dword:00000001 </registry> </item> <item display='Installation des drivers' /> <item display='ATI Rage Pro 128'> <execute display='Installation de ATI Rage Pro 128...' program='%systemdrive%\Drivers\000_ati\SETUP.EXE' arguments='/s \"/f1C:\\Drivers\\000_ati\\setup.iss\"' /> </item> <item display='SoundBlaster 128 Rage Pro - AUD EAX4DRV 031031'> <execute display='Installation de SoundBlaster 128 Rage Pro...' program='%systemdrive%\Drivers\001_sblaster\SETUP.EXE' arguments='/s \"/f1C:\\Drivers\\001_sblaster\\setup.iss\"' /> </item> <item display='SUN JAVA Run-Time Environnement (JRE)'> <execute display='Installation de SUN JAVA Run-Time Environnement...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\Sunjava_jre\Setup.exe' arguments='/L 1036 /s /v \"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore MOZILLA=1 IEXPLORER=1 REBOOT=Suppress\"' /> </item> </items> </XPlode> My winnt.sif file: ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended OemSkipEula=Yes OemPreinstall=Yes TargetPath=\WINDOWS Repartition=Yes Unattendswitch="Yes" WaitForReboot="No" AutoActivate=No DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore OemPnPDriversPath="Drivers\000_ecran" [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword="XXXXXX" EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=50 OemSkipWelcome=1 [UserData] ProductKey=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX FullName="Olivier" OrgName="OLINET" ComputerName=DEVSTUDIO [Display] BitsPerPel=24 Xresolution=800 YResolution=600 Vrefresh=60 [TapiLocation] CountryCode=596 Dialing=Tone AreaCode=0596 [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=1 [FavoritesEx] Title1="Cartes postales virtuelles de Carte de Rêve.url" URL1="http://www.cartedereve.net/" Title2="FRAMASOFT.url" URL2="http://www.framasoft.net/" Title3="OpenBrick.url" URL3="http://openbrick.org/" Title4="Futura-Sciences.url" URL4="http://www.futura-sciences.com/" Title5="PowerWare.url" URL5="http://www.powerware.com/software/downloads.asp" Title6="SME-Fr | Bienvenue sur SME-Fr.url" URL6="http://www.sme-fr.homelinux.net/" Title7="Free-EOS (Espace Ouvert de Services) - Présentation.url" URL8="http://free-eos.org/modules/freecontent/" Title9="Theme Xp.url" URL9="http://www.themexp.org/" Title10="[Léa].url" URL10="http://www.lea-linux.org/" Title11="MSFN's Unattended XP CD - Introduction.url" URL11="http://unattended.msfn.org/" [Branding] BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes [URL] Home_Page=http://www.google.fr/ [Proxy] Proxy_Enable=0 Use_Same_Proxy=1 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=WORKGROUP [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs = off msnexplr = off media_clips = off Accessopt = off AutoUpdate = off templates = off fax = off rec = off pinball = off freecell = off minesweeper = off solitaire = off spider = off hearts = off zonegames = off [GuiRunOnce] %systemdrive%\installs\xplode.cmd My xplode.cmd file : cmdow @ /HID start /wait %SystemDrive%\installs\Xplode\XPlode.exe /xml:#XPlode#\app.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\xplode.log EXIT My app.xml file: <XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <!-- make antialiasing false if you're running GUIinstall mode --> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <!-- note the position attribute - it is listed in 'x,y' positions. --> <!-- 0..8 still may be used. --> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <!-- can be standalone, guitransparent, or guiredraw --> <!-- for the latter two, you don't need to specify background colours, or images. --> <windowmode mode='standalone' /> <colours> <header back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#003399' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#FF00FF' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /> </colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Post-Install Configuration</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <items> <item display='Ajout d utilisateurs...'> <!-- note the different use of quotes due to the data held in them --> <adduser username='Marie-Emmanuelle' password='' groups='Utilisateurs' fullname='Marie-Emmanuelle' comment="" /> <adduser username='Michel' password='' groups='Utilisateurs' fullname='Michel' comment="" /> <adduser username='Nicolas' password='' groups='Utilisateurs' fullname='Nicolas' comment="" /> </item> <item display='Creation raccourcis vers l explorateur'> <!-- this will add a shortcut to something on the system --> <shortcut display='Explorateur Windows' program='C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe' description='Explorateur Windows' workdir='C:\' arguments='' link='C:\explorer.lnk' /> </item> <item display='Tweaking du Registre'> <!-- exactly the same format as a *.reg file --> <registry display='Fusion du Registre...' method='write'> ;Retrait de la fleche sous les raccourcis [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile] "IsShortcut"=- </registry> </item> </items> <items> <item display='Installation des logiciels Bureautique'> <execute display='Installation Adobe Acrobat 5.0...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\AdobeAcrobat5\setup.exe' arguments='-s"-f1C:\\installs\\AdobeAcrobat5\\setup.iss"' /> </item> </items> <items> <item display='Installation des logiciels de gravure'> <execute display='Installation de Nero Burning ROM' program='%systemdrive%\installs\Nero63117\nero63117.exe' arguments='/SILENT /NOREBOOT /no_ui /SN=XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX /WRITE_SN' /> </item> </items> <items> <item display='Installation des logiciels Multimedia'> <execute display='Installation de BSPlayer 100.800...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\BSPlayer\bsplay100.800.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installation de FlashPlayer7...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\FlashPlayer\flashplayer7installer.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installation de MyMP3 Pro 5 Fr...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\MyMp3Pro5fr\Setup.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installation de PowerDVD XP 4.0 All Language...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\PowerDvdxp4\Setup.exe' arguments='/s"/f1C:\\installs\\PowerDvdxp4\\setup.iss"' /> </item> </items> <items> <item display='Installation des logiciels Internet'> <execute display='Installation de Mozilla 1.7.1...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\Mozilla\SETUP.EXE' arguments='-ma -ira' /> <execute display='Installation de Shareaza' program='%systemdrive%\installs\Shareaza2\Shareaza_2.0.0.0.exe' arguments='/S' /> <execute display='Installation de Booster Wanadoo...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\Wanadoobooster\wbooster.exe' arguments='/s' /> </item> </items> <items> <item display='Installation de logiciels Divers'> <execute display='Installation de WinRAR 3.30 Fr...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\WinRAR330fr\wrar330.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installation de LanSafe 5.0...' program='%systemdrive%\installs\LanSafe5\setup.exe' arguments='/s"/f1C:\\installs\\LanSafe5\\setup.iss"' /> </item> </items> </XPlode> I use Xplode v 1.1.2 During the windows xp install process, xplode doesn't lunches. Nothing's happened. If you can help, thanks.
  19. Hi mukeshnuna, please remove your Windows XP CD Key into the post I've got the same problem as you, and I've tried hundreds of solutions without success. If I can help you, I'll do it, even if I don't succeed in my Xplode unattended CD. Good luck
  20. Hi XtremeMaC, Thanks for your help! I'll download your file and test it. I've tried to make an *.msi file with WinInstall LE but it doesn't work. Thanks ;-)
  21. Hi, OK I'll waiting you finish your server maintenance... Merci
  22. Hello everybody, I want to put DAMNED NFO Viewer v2.10 on my unattend CD, but I've got some problem to do it. NO SILENT INSTALL. I've read in that forum that there was an .msi file we can download to do the silent install, but I can't access to it. How an I make a silent install for that soft. Thanks in advance for any help...
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