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A-Squared 1.5 AutoIT Script

Kills the Update Screen at the end. It seems that in Silent mode the kill doesnt work... someone else may have better luck with that. Until then its as is.

[quote]; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.0
; Language:    English
; Platform:    Win9x / NT
; Author:      fourte3n
; Script Function:
; A-Squared 1.5 Free -  Install
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set up our defaults/Variables
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 1)
$SF= "a2freesetup.exe"

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Script Start
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


WinWaitActive ("Select Setup Language")
Send ("{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("!N")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send("{TAB}" & "{UP}" & "{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("{SPACE}" & "{TAB}" & "{SPACE}" & "{TAB}" & "{SPACE}" & "{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("{ENTER}")
WinWaitActive ("a² Updater")
WinKill("a² Updater", "")
WinWaitActive ("Setup - a-squared free")
Send ("{ENTER}")

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Script End
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------[/quote]

[quote name='fourte3n' date='Nov 16 2004, 10:33 PM']$SF= "a2freesetup.exe"
don't need to use a variable. type Run("a2freesetup.exe")

[quote]Send("{TAB}" & "{UP}" & "{ENTER}")
[...]Send ("{SPACE}" & "{TAB}" & "{SPACE}" & "{TAB}" & "{SPACE}" & "{ENTER}")[/quote]
when you have chains of command like this, you can type them Send("{TAB}{UP}{ENTER}"). no need to separate each input.

Edit: I tried (and succeeded) to make a script that kills the update window that appears at the end of a silent install
[code]Run("a2freesetup.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-")
WinWaitActive("a² Updater")
; sends alt+F4. on most cases as effective as WinClose() and WinKill(), but much less code to type[/code]
It was simple, wasn't it ?

EDIT: FTPRush Script (Again... thanks to "gon freecs" my scripter in cotton armor ) :lol:

[quote]; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Set up our defaults/Variables
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoItSetOption ( "WinTitleMatchMode", 1 )

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Script Start
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Run  ( "FTPRush.exe /S")
ProcessWaitClose ( "FTPRush.exe")
; Runs the installer silently and waits for its end

FileDelete(@DesktopDir & "\FTPRush.lnk")
;Removes the desktop shortcut

Run(@ProgramFilesDir & "\FTPRush\FtpRush.exe")
;A silent install doesn't start ftprush, so it must be done "manually"

WinWaitActive ( "About FTPRush" )
Send  ( "{ENTER}" )
WinWaitActive ( "Confirm" )
Send  ( "!Y" )
WinWaitActive ( "Enter Key" )

; by default the "name" cell is activated, so just send your name

; goes to the "key" cell by pressing tab

; sends your key

; goes to the "ok" button and validate
Send("{TAB 2}{ENTER}")

; Closes ftprush

Adaware Script 2 - Silent and Kills Processes.

[quote]Run  ("AdAware.exe /s")
ProcessWait ("Ad-Aware.exe")
ProcessClose ("Ad-Aware.exe")
ProcessWait ("hh.exe")
ProcessClose ("hh.exe")[/quote]

[color="green"][b]Webroot Windows Washer v5.5[/b][/color]
[color="red"][b]Script Version: 1.0a[/b][/color]

This script deals with just about everything with regards to installing the latest version of Windows Washer 5. Although Webroot have released 'Spy Sweeper' in more user-friendly installer for our purposes the installer for Window Washer hasn't had the same treatment yet. :}

Fully commented code to select both sets of installation options is included, as well as the program's install path. Also included is the appropiate registry entries to customise Window Washer -- Just 'Wash Items' and most of the 'Options' section, but it should be enough options to keep most people happy. Simply follow the format to include more options. :)

[b]Known Issues:[/b][list]
[*]Run "Plug-in Detection" Option hasn't been coded for.
[*]Run "Window Washer after Install Is Finished" Option hasn't been coded for.
[/list]These options haven't been coded purposly since most people make/use these installers for their uA CD/DVDs.

[b]File For Unreal Tournament 2004 Game Script[/b]
Script V 1.0

1 ) Replace the X's With your Valid Serial Number
2 ) Compile The File
3 ) Enjoy!

[b]What It Does:[/b]
Installs The Game with Default Options, to default Directory (C:\UT2004), But does not install DirectX and does not put a Desktop Icon on the Desktop like It does by default.

[b]IMPORTANT[/b] It installs via DVD Disk, On my Unattended DVD my CMD Script pauses to ask to insert the Unreal Tournament 2004 DVD and runs E:\Setup.exe. You will Need to change it to suit your disk if you put it on your windows DVD, or have your drive letter assigned to a different letter.
Another Quickie

[b]File For Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch Script[/b]
Script V. 1.0

1 ) Unless you Installed the game to a different directory, you shoudnt need any modifications
2 ) Compile The File
3 ) Enjoy!

[b]What it Does:[/b]
Installs The Patch With everything default, to the default Directory (C:\UT2004)

[b]IMPORTANT!!!!!!: [/b]Make sure to UNRAR The Patch After downloading it, and place the compiled script in the SYSTEM folder you find after unrarring the patch, this is because thats where the Setup file is![b]<-------- IMPORTANT!!![/b]
[b]Custom AutoIt Routine to change disc when needed[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.2[/i]

I have quite a lot of scripts made for automatic game installs so I've done a function to change the disc when an install asks for it.
why ? First I'm quite lazy, and having to type the whole stuff everytime a disc change is needed in every each of my script just makes my hands tired (I told you I'm lazy, even if it's only a copy-paste job plus some modifications).
Second, the whole sequence is not very user friendly and difficult to understand if you're not familiar with the functions used. Using a custom routine makes my scripts easier to understand for you and easier to maintain for me.

Feel free to use it for your own game installs scripts

It's still a bit limited because of some AutoIt restrictions.
I wish the syntax of the routine was something like _DiscChange($DiscLabel,$DiscType) where $DiscLabel is label of the disc needed and $DiscType its type (CD or DVD), with $DiscType optionnal so you would need to specify it only if your game is on a DVD.

To use it, first type #include "cdchange.au3" at the beginning of your script (put it in your game's script dir). When you want to call the function do it this way ONLY (DON'T ADD ANY " AROUND THE COMMA). _DiscChange("LABEL_OF_THE_NEEDED_DISC,TYPE_OF_THE_NEEDED_DISC")
You can omit ,TYPE_OF_THE_NEEDED_DISC if your game is on CDs

some game scripts using this will follow

edit: some progress have been made. I've been able to write a routine that detects the number of alcohol's and daemon-tools virtual drives.
edit bis: using of disc images implemented and working (as far as I've tested). won't post it yet: still some minor things to do, plus it's based on AutoIt's latest beta, which might be kinda bugged and unstable...
[b]File for Legacy of Kain Defiance[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.1[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]
[b]File For Warcraft III Reign of Chaos + The Frozen Throne[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.2[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]

Installs RoC with default parameters, installs TFT with default parameters, calls the patch and when patching is successful, closes it without launching the game.
[b]File For Doom 3[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.2[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]

Installs the game with default options, closes the autorun window that appears at the end of an install, calls the patch and when the patching is done, installs all of your mod files to doom 3\base dir.
[b]File for Star Wars - Knights of The Old Republic[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.1[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]

installs the game with default parameters, skips directx install then calls the patch
[b]File for The Sims 2 CD Version[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.2[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]
[b]File For Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen 2[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.1[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]
[b]File For Max Payne 2 - The Fall Of Max Payne[/b]

[i]Script Version 1.1[/i]

Uses a custom routine to change discs. you can find it [url="http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=80&t=20197&st=130#entry228962"]here[/url]

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