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Event Viewer Error: The performance strings in the Performance registry value is corrupted


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8 hours ago, FranceBB said:

Excellent program, I disabled the performance counters on everything. Thank you guys! :)

You're welcome! Did you check the result manually?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00







[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\Circular Kernel Context Logger]










































[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WMI\Autologger\WFP-IPsec Trace]




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Oh, and just noticed EtwRTNT Kernel Logger.etl is pretty much intact and the log file has grown to approx. 10mb, all after I ran the programme on a new OS installation.

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Posted (edited)

There are a number of ways in which those counters are entwined with the work of core apps of an all including OS (office suite, internet explorer and media player, games, you name it). Also on checking registry tweaks, booting arrangements, overclocking and such. So I concur with @jaclaz in not closing them all. I will instead go counter by counter and see what affects the behavior of a still effective OS, for desktop, (but increasingly no for internet, expert office suite, and python reliant applications). The surplus fun some of us get just for the heck of it. Hell! I own it.



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3 hours ago, dmiranda said:

There are a number of ways in which those counters are entwined with the work of core apps of an all including OS (office suite, internet explorer and media player, games, you name it). Also on checking registry tweaks, booting arrangements, overclocking and such.

I wrote I tried the programme on a clean, new OS install. There's nothing on it, simply nothing, except the OS components themselves.

5 hours ago, Dixel said:

I ran the programme on a new OS installation.


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Well I got rid of them all (including the OS ones) and my XP is still going strong, so I don't really think there's any adverse effect in getting rid of them.

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Posted (edited)

Yeah, if I were to start afresh (I won't), these counters do nothing (I can see) on performance. Maybe the opposite. I would then disable and would re-enable some required for my apps, including office for find and replace, excel is some complex formulas, etc, as I find issues.

But I'm on non-vanilla XP, and closing some of those counters generates issues.

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On 5/23/2024 at 10:06 AM, jaclaz said:

Good programme, but I'm still getting these logs, they accumulate to 8-9mb in about 4 hours after reboot, soon after reboot they're about 256kb.



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/27/2024 at 3:50 AM, FranceBB said:

Well I got rid of them all (including the OS ones) and my XP is still going strong, so I don't really think there's any adverse effect in getting rid of them.

Please run cmd as admin, then enter the command 

logman query -ets

It must show zero loggers. If it shows some are still running, the programme doesn't work as expected.

logman query -ets.png

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Thank you Dixel!

There's unfortunately one entry despite having unticked everything with the program posted before:


I went on to check the registry at the path you highlighted, namely


but under WMI there's only Security, there's no "Autologger". Weird. O_o



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5 hours ago, FranceBB said:

Thank you Dixel!

There's unfortunately one entry despite having unticked everything with the program posted before:


I went on to check the registry at the path you highlighted, namely


but under WMI there's only Security, there's no "Autologger". Weird. O_o



You're welcome, FranceBB! It would be a bit naive to think Microsoft will publicly share a programme that switches off all logging that easily. For me, after I ran the programme, the two pesky ones was there.

Namely, SCM and ETW. But it's on Vista. I had to dig them up manually. 

WUDFTrace is related to logging up drivers' activities. It's not in "security" group. It doesn't run on Vista by default. Did you debug drivers, by any chance?


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