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Further encrypting Firefox Traffic with Hybrid Kyber KEM, which they claim to be more secure.


Do any forum users use this Post-Quantum Key?  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. Do any forum users use this Post-Quantum Key?

    • I use it! I want to trust it.
    • I don't, and not going to. I think it's pure marketing.

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Software support

Firefox Nightly 2024-01-18+ if you turn on security.tls.enable_kyber in about:config.

Available with TLSv1.3 including HTTP/3 (QUIC)

This article is also available in Français, Deutsch and Español.


Do any forum users use this Post-Quantum Key?

It is possible to verify with 2 tests:


You will see it under "Key Exchange"


You will see:

"You are using X25519Kyber768Draft00 which is post-quantum secure"

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

Strange that your other multiple accounts didn't vote on this crappy poll too?

I guess the reason for the public vote was intentional, so your fake accounts wouldn't be able to downvote D.Draker's excellent research, like you were begging to implement before

But hey, saying that Jaguarek62 is D.Draker's fake is especially funny, thanks for the laugh. 

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I wonder what will happen if I vote here, will I be automatically added to the "multiple" fake list, too?

Probably I shouldn't anyway, as I don't use Firefox at all.

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You are a serial troublemaker,you meddle in all threads to just criticize.
And like the fantastic 4 you act in groups for self-satisfaction.

You have only 1 quality.
You are good at misrepresenting written words.
You say that the user you chose to attack wrote something he did not in fact write.

I wonder what is the purpose of this?

Probably there is a need for psychological help instead of this group self-therapy of yours.

Edited by Sampei.Nihira
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