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Reinstalling Win 7 - Annoyances and worries


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 I think this title is less aggressive. This topic is a continuation of "Restoring the Registry", presenting other things that did not work as they should.

 First, the easiest to explain:  When I right-click on a file name, a menu  appeared with several options - Open, Move, Delete, etc.   One of them

was "Open with...", that allowed selecting a non-standard program to open the file. This option disappeared after reinstalling Windows, I

do not know why.  I can still use a non-standard program to open the file, but I must do it by launching the program, then selecting "Qpen"

and navigating directories until I  find the file.  Not really bad, but I would like to know whether I can restore the Right-click menu as it was.

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On 12/7/2023 at 1:28 AM, jassenna said:

I think this title is less aggressive.

I'm curious to know, what was written in the original title? Also, not sure I understand about the worries, are you worried it might've been a virus that caused the registry damage?

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How does your registry entries look like? Post a screenshot?

Look at.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell (for specific file types)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers (also for specific file types)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFileSystemObjects\ShellEx (for all context menus)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell (for folders)

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers (also for folders)


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To change - run regedit and navigate to


Here you need to simply add/remove the keys you want or don't want.

Don't forget to make a backup!

Do it by going to File > Export... in the regedit.exe application.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Usually you choose it when you use the Open With, choose a program that is not in the list and check the checkbox "always open with this program" or similar, but a number of programs will also associate with a given file type when running, I believe.

I think it is somehow intertwined with "file association":



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  • 1 month later...

 Now a worry:

 Shortly after reinstalling, the rght hand lower corner of the desktop begin to appear as in WHTISTHS.GIF,

with three red crosses  on the icons.

I usually disable the sound board, so no worry here.  I shall give more info about the notifications in another post.

The current worry is that the network icon is also crossed out, and on click shows the message

"Not connected - No available connections" as in NOCONN.GIF.  However, I can connect to any other machine

in the LAN and access the Internet through the gateway without problems.   I am worried because , if it really

stops connecting, there would be no clue about what happened.

 The Ethernet adapter properties screen does not show anything wrong - see ADAPREDE.GIF.

 The message says:  "This device is working correctly"





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6 hours ago, jassenna said:

 Shortly after reinstalling, the rght hand lower corner of the desktop begin to appear as in WHTISTHS.GIF,

with three red crosses  on the icons.

What about the condition of the system HDD?

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Btw: directly under the 'Open with" entry in the ContextMeny there's entry which i'd translate like "Restore predecessor versions" ("Vorgängerversionen wiederherstellen" in German).

Since i deaktivated all ,shadow-technics' in my 7 environment this entry is rather useless and i'd like to remove it from the ContexMenu. What is it's name in english? Did anyone here remove that successfully?

Edit: it seems to be "previous versions" and NirSoft's ShellExView should be the tool of  the choice,

Edited by Mark-XP
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