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IE10 on Vista


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Not really much point, even IE11 barely works anymore. Unless there's some piece of software you use (corporate thing) that requires a later version of IE than 9.x or other fringe reason...

Edited by derpo
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FWIW the IE10 preview version reportedly worked on Vista (I’m sure I could find old MSFN posts about that if I searched for a while), but you wouldn’t be able to install any security updates for it. For many years, there have been Vista users who did not bother to install IE9 since they were no more inclined to use it than the default IE7. Even if you had IE10, you wouldn’t want to use it for browsing, so I tend to agree with new member derpo: There’s no point.

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4 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

IE10 preview version

It barely differs from IE9 at that stage of development anyways rendering engine wise.

IE11 was pretty much the only decent IE since IE5, and it was pretty much dead on arrival for obvious reasons. A lot of why IE sucked though was more to do with maintaining corporate compatibility and Microsoft internal decisions, rather than the actual IE team being incompetent - after all, it was them who started the tradition of sending cakes upon new major browser versions :P

This comes from the IE7 era:


Amusingly, they sent them a cupcake when Firefox switched to rapid-release cycle: https://www.geekwire.com/2011/cupcake-firefox-5-microsoft-fun-mozillas-rapid-release/

Edited by derpo
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6 hours ago, burd said:

since it wouldn't receive updates and wasn't that useful compared to porting modern browsers according to what i remember.

I couldn't find posts relating to this being the reason, but I found this post, and I am unsure if that's what you're referring to.

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20 hours ago, mina7601 said:

I couldn't find posts relating to this being the reason, but I found this post, and I am unsure if that's what you're referring to.

This isnt it, i think his post mightve been deleted from the server breakdown that happened before. It could still be there but i couldnt be bothered to go digging for it.

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IE is no longer useful for web browsing. Old intranet stuff would likely not even benefit from IE10/11.

But IE10/11 do have some limited uses in non-browsing situations; the license authentication for Autodesk products may still use it (but you can spoof IE10 in Group Policy and run it anyway), and the installer for Adobe CC products has used IE since 2015 or 17. Even the authentication component of Chromium Edge requires IE11.

But I suspect these applications will have moved on from IE once I have implemented all the "black box" functions and "black box" function flags to existing functions that would make these newer browsers or at least rendering engines work.

Also, I think it's hypocritical of Adobe to still depend on IE when they made such a big fuss over discontinuing their Flash players and timebombing the final versions.

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