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Firefighter Saves Child from Rising Waters During Hurricane Ian: ‘Something I’ll Remember for the Rest of My Life’

October 4, 2022



Crews in Florida worked hard to rescue people during Hurricane Ian last week and one St. Augustine firefighter could barely keep count of how many.

Hardus Oberholzer told First Coast News he took part in multiple rescues but they just kept racking up, the outlet reported Saturday.

More calls came in on Thursday evening as high tide encroached on residents’ driveways and spilled into their houses and there was one instance the father of two children will not soon forget.

A photo showed Oberholzer saving a frightened little girl during the worst part of high tide on Thursday.

“While these two images perfectly embody the essence of our mission, I have received dozens of first hand accounts of how helpful and present our firefighters have been,” the St. Augustine Fire Department Chief Carlos Aviles wrote in a social media post on Saturday:

The child’s family apparently thought they could ride it out but realized they needed help before the high tide approached in the darkness outside that night.

“She’ll have a little piece of my heart forever. It’s something in their eyes,” Oberholzer explained. “When they truly are at their worst, we show up and have to be at our best every time. Something I’ll remember for the rest of my life and I hope they do too.”

Meanwhile, Aviles heaped praise on the firefighters’ loved ones for supporting them when their community was in such dire need.

“I am truly blessed to serve such a dedicated group of professionals,” he wrote.

Here: https://resistthemainstream.org/firefighter-saves-child-from-rising-waters-during-hurricane-ian-something-ill-remember-for-the-rest-of-my-life/

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Discovered new blood group, it is called Er



A new blood group has been identified, it is called Er.

According to a study published in the journal "Blood" there are five Er antigens in this group.

The blood group can cause the immune cells to attack the mismatched cells, which happens when the blood groups are incompatible.

Experts believe this could be very helpful for doctors and nurses when they have difficulty diagnosing their patient.


Here: https://newsrnd.com/life/2022-10-10-discovered-new-blood-group--it-is-called-er.SJe_SfiZQj.html

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Tippi from Africa: What does the jungle girl who grew up with tigers and elephants look like today?



What does the jungle girl who grew up with tigers and elephants look like today?

Tippi was nicknamed "the real Mowgli" - this is the amazing story of the little girl who spent her first 10 years in the African steppes with elephants, tigers and lions

Tippi Degre had a very unusual childhood (to say the least) and this can be seen as she sits next to an adult tiger and looks completely relaxed.

Tippi is the daughter of French photographers Sylvie Robert and Alain Degré, and she spent the first ten years of her life traveling around Africa, with her parents documenting her experiences.

She was nicknamed the real Mowgli, and now after 10 years, an updated copy of her picture book, Tippi: My Book of Africa, is being released again, giving a glimpse into the extraordinary first decade of her life.

According to the mother, Sylvia, "It was magical to live in the wild with this girl, who was very lucky: it was just the three of us there in the savannah with the animals and very few people. The animals around her were really her friends and she used a lot of imagination to live in these conditions and communicate with them."


When she was ten, her parents returned to France and enrolled Tippi in a state public school.

According to them, she did not integrate well into Western life as they expected and at a certain point, after feeling that she did not have much in common with the other children, her parents decided to transfer her to a home schooling format.

Despite this, she attended university and completed a degree in cinema.

Today (2022) she is 32 years old and runs the children's film festival for the environment in Paris - and constantly visits Namibia.

Here: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-10-10-what-does-the-jungle-girl-who-grew-up-with-tigers-and-elephants-look-like-today----walla!-news.H1OzaZzQi.html

VIDEO trailer: https://www.nspirement.com/2021/07/12/tippi-grew-up-with-wild-animals.html

Pictures: https://themindcircle.com/tippi-africa/



..and read on moncarredesable.com: https://moncarredesable.com/qest-devenue-tippi-la-petite-sauvage/

Tippi Degré
Tippi Degré was born on June 4, 1990 in Namibia. She is the daughter of Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert, both photographers.

She climbed on the backs of elephants, curled up against big cats, played with ostriches and snakes. She made the African savannah her playground and wild animals her companions. In the 1990s, in southern Africa, Tippi Degré lived the childhood of Mowgli, the hero of the Jungle Book. "My first memory of Africa is a perfume and the contact with the skin of an animal", she confirmed during an interview.

In 2000, she was ten years old when her photographer parents, Alain Degré and Sylvie Robert, returned to France, their country of origin. For the child, the arrival in France was rough. Tippi attended a public school in Paris, but only stayed there for two years before her parents withdrew her to ensure her education at home. Between the ages of 12 and 13, she presented on television Les Voyages extraordinaires de Tippi, a series of six animal and environmental documentaries set in South Africa, Australia and Canada. Later, she would have participated in the show "Fort Boyard", where she was in charge of the good care of tigers.

"Civilized by obligation"
Graduating in 2013 from a film school in Lyon, the young woman wants to reconnect with her first love: "I would really like to be able to reconnect with nature and the little girl I was to get back in touch with my inner self." Defending wildlife is also among her priorities. Since 2014, she has directed El Petit FICMA, the children's section of the FICMA festival, the oldest environmental film festival.

Now 32, the child of the savannah considers herself "civilized by obligation." I had a very special relationship with animals, which I put on the same level as human beings," she recalls. For ten years, I have been cut off from my roots. In the city, everything seems artificial, there is something that sounds false, unlike life in nature which connects you to the essential and to the intelligence of the universe. I wish with all my heart to find this original purity.

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Fake 'Russian astronaut' scammed woman out of over $41K to 'return to Earth'

by Sarah Do Couto - GlobalNews.ca

October 12, 2022


A fake Russian astronaut scammed a Japanese woman out of over $41,000. He claimed he needed the funds to return to Earth to marry her.

Getty Images


Love knows no boundaries, even planetary ones.

A 65-year-old Japanese woman fell victim to an international romance scam concocted by someone claiming to be a Russian astronaut in need of funds to return to Earth, local police have reported.

Japan’s Shiga Prefectural Police claimed the victim from Higashiomi City sent the scammer around 4.4 million yen (about $41,340) over the span of several months.

The pair met on Instagram in June when the faux astronaut sent the woman a message and claimed to be working at the International Space Station, police allege.

The Japanese television network TV Asahi claimed the scammer’s profile included several photos taken from space.

Kyodo News, a Tokyo-based news agency, reported the pair also communicated through a messaging app called Line. There, the scammer claimed he was in love with the victim and wanted to return to Earth to marry her.

But there was one catch: the scammer claimed he needed to pay out-of-pocket for several elements of his return journey, including a rocket and its “landing fees,” Kyodo News reported.

The scammer told the woman he loved her and wanted to start a new life with her in Japan, but this could only happen after buying the rocket to fly to the country, he claimed. The woman complied and sent the “astronaut” repeated monetary transactions to a specified bank account.

When the scammer continued to insist that she send more money, the victim became suspicious and alerted police.


Online romance scams — though they seldom feature astronauts — have grown in popularity in recent years.

In 2021, the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre reportedly received 1,249 complaints of romance scams from 925 Canadian victims. The reported Canadian loss was more than $50 million, the second highest amount of fraud-related dollar loss that year.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police encourage social media users to remain skeptical of messages from unknown persons. The organization recommends conducting a thorough internet search of a person’s identity. They also claim that if a person has “fallen in love fast” or asks for money, it should be seen as a red flag.

If you or someone you know is victim to an online romance scam, you should file a report with the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.

Here on Q107.com: https://q107.com/news/9193160/fake-russian-astronaut-romance-scam-japan/

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Is programming our future? Why should you improve your coding skills?

10/18/2022, 11:38:18 AM


You should be ready to improve your coding skills as, according to the statistics, each time one tries to get a new job, it means he or she is looking for new opportunities in the IT sphere. No one should be too sure that learning coding will become a problem. On the other side, one must be sure that any time he or she checks the market, it gets full of newcomers who wish to improve their coding skills and become successful in the field. Nevertheless, if you are a newbie in IT, you should realize why you should enhance your coding skills. If you are a student who decided to connect your future with coding and is facing trouble with your assignments, you should consider some homework help programming options. ...


More opportunities

Becoming a successful coder means getting more career opportunities. Choosing a prospective area of study means much more than you could imagine. If you decide to gain more knowledge in a chosen field, you can develop a great strategy that will make the way to your goals much faster. Receiving skills in one or more coding fields will enlighten your way to a great future and boost your weight in the market. Working hard to achieve your goals is an excellent idea for any area of knowledge. However, your success will impress you over time if you choose to work in programming. Coding is considered one of the best fields in the modern digitalized world.

If you wish to build a successful career as a coder, you should do your best to gather knowledge in a chosen area of programming. Learning several coding languages at once could open many doors. Consider that coding is not as hard to understand as it could seem. Becoming a programmer opens many doors and lets you develop as a professional. And makes you a part of a growing worldwide community. We wish you luck in your efforts!

MORE here: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2022-10-18-is-programming-our-future--why-should-you-improve-your-coding-skills-.r14PHghXi.html

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If you solve this optical illusion in six seconds you will break the world record


How many animals are hidden in the picture?


If you solve this optical illusion in six seconds you will break the world record!

The following optical illusion is designed to test your recognition skills.

A number of animals are hiding in the picture, some of which are really not easy to spot, how many of them did you manage to spot?

The solution is at the end of the article...


How many animals do you see in the picture?


Many optical illusions examine what you see first, or what you see in an unclear image in front of you.

The next optical illusion presented to you will have you scratching your head for a while.

In the next picture you will have to find the animals that are hiding between and under the mountains.

If you've already scrolled down to try and start spotting and only saw a few of the animals, go back and check again.

In the picture there are six different types of animals that can be found, some are big, some are small - but how many of them did you manage to discover?

The New York Post claims that only 17 percent of humans can identify all the animals hiding in the picture.

For what is happening at SUN, they claim that you can break the world record if you find all six animals in less than six seconds.

If you don't succeed, it doesn't mean too much about you, and don't be afraid, there are many more good ones like you.

After you try to find on your own we will help you find out where the animals are.

How many animals did you find? 1...6


And the answer is...

The butterfly is the easiest animal to spot, and many of you recognize it right away, it hides at the bottom of the picture in the bushes next to the flowers.

When you look at the picture closely, you can find more animals that are starting to emerge.

On the left side in the center of the tree, there is a crocodile.

Moving clockwise, there is a camel eating fruit from the tree close to the mountain.

A rabbit is right above the camel's head.

The last two are the hardest.

The first is a young deer found as part of the trunk of the right tree and part of it is also found in the grass, and at the bottom, hiding as part of the grass, a snake is also found.

When should the resume be shortened and how to do it?

Here is the solution (Photo): https://news.walla.co.il/item/3520748 

Some people claimed that this was too easy an illusion for them.

"I found all the animals in ten seconds," claimed one, another added: "Too easy, I found them in 17 seconds."

A third claimed to have broken the record: "I found all the animals in 8 seconds."

Another genius says there are more than six animals: "I actually found nine."

Here: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-10-17-if-you-solve-this-optical-illusion-in-six-seconds-you-will-break-the-world-record---voila!-news.S1IRMwoXi.html

Edited by msfntor
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Today on Bing

23 October 2022

th?id=ABT297E518435EA3EE55317B979C6BE0DAA swan in the Netherlands (1824x600) - David Pattyn/Minden Pictures

Thanks to the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling", which tells the story of an awkward and unsightly duckling who, growing up, realizes that he is actually a swan, the mute swan has become a symbol of beauty and elegance. This wise children's story is often used to illustrate the power of time and the surprises it reveals, as well as the relative nature of beauty. Admiring this swan holding a feather in its beak in a nature reserve in the Netherlands, one understands why the animal is synonymous with grace.

Dumb swans come from Europe. Despite their name, they are perfectly capable of making sounds, although they are less "talkative" than other species. This ill-chosen name is also at the origin of the expression "the swan song" which refers to the most beautiful thing or work made by someone before dying. In the past, it was thought that swans, after a lifetime walled in silence, produced a splendid song, just before remaining silent forever.

Thanks, Very NiceBing! - here too: https://www.nicebing.com/item/20221023

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Edited by msfntor
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The Majestic South African Dog Boerboel





Boerboel is understood as "rancher's dog" or "Boer canine" and should be pronounced to some degree as "boo-r-bull". The Boerboel is the main South African puppy breed designed to protect property...

Despite the long history of breeding the Boerboel, there is an extraordinary number of breeds that have been used to make it. In most cases, it is believed that the breed was created from crosses between local African breeds, such as the Africanis, and breeds brought to South Africa by Dutch, French and British pilgrims.

In all likelihood, the origins can be traced back to Jan van Riebeeck's entry into the Cape in 1652. Van Riebeeck brought with him a "Bullenbijter". These early pioneers, and later European pilgrims, also had long, strong dogs that most likely bred with the indigenous and local South African dog types.

By the mid-1860s, when military posts were scattered across the South African plains, hunting dogs, staghounds, sighthounds, bulldogs, terriers, mastiffs, pointers, and the occasional foxhound had to be sought out at each post. The Boer hound was a cross between these breeds. The best Boer hounds are found mainly in the area of military posts. In addition, the best dogs for hunting panthers and monkeys were a combination of a mastiff and a bulldog.

The South African Boerboel was first introduced to thoroughbred enthusiasts around the world, including the United States, by American anthropologist Dr. Carl Semencic, first in an article in Dog World Magazine, and then in his book Gladiator Dogs which was first distributed by T.F.H. Productions in 1998, and then reissued by another distributor in 2013...

These dogs are currently being shipped from South Africa to various parts of the world. Boerboel is wanted for its defensive side, as well as the calm, steady and confident nature of the breed.

The puppies are conscientious and clever... The Boerboel remains the favorite guard dog of the breeders in the region. It is extremely famous for a similar reason in urban communities.

The Boerboel is an exceptional type of dog, because of its use as a farm dog, which has led it to fight many African predators. For example, against lions, the Boerboel was chosen for its ability to protect itself and others...

Here: https://petsnurturing.com/south-african-boerboel/



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