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Compiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)

Mov AX, 0xDEAD

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You can use this hacked acpi.sys for DDB  on any compi for XP SP2 bit64.

The hack just makes sure, that if a device in DDB is not correct recogniced,

the compi still boots XP SP2 to desktop, ignoring this device.

When there is no problem with DDB on you compi, this acpi.sys works to 100% as an normal acpi.sys without this hack


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Here is DDB hack for acpi.sys XP SP2 bit64.

Instead of jmp to bsod A5 (0x11, 0x08, yyy, zzz) when error in DDB, compi now makes NOP NOP and so sees DDB as always correct.


1. E:\\acpihackkkk\acpi.sys: 328.192 Bytes
2. E:\acpi.sys: 328.192 Bytes
Offsets: hexadez.


128:      07    A5
129:      9B    82
48277:    90    78
48278:    90    2E


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All the acpi.sys from the 2003 family have much bigger problems with newer compis than the XP SP3 acpi.sys.

Yes, the debug version is always bigger and so the Hex values at this places are different.

But the idea for the hack stays the same, works in about 90%


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4 hours ago, UsefulAGKHelper said:

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD Out of curiosity, I wonder if you will implement ACPI v3.0 support for windows xp sp3 and windows server 2003 sp2 in the future (from your tool obviously, the patch files that update XP/2003's acpi source code with your patched acpi v2.0).


No, i'm not interested, cumulative src patch includes few workarounds for acpi 3.0+ new  features, it mostly doesn't implement anything, instead it just skip definiton of new structures like SMBus/GpioIo/I2CSerialBusV2 to avoid bsod or AML interpreter error, if these structs used heavely later, probably BIOS with such acpi tables is not compatible with current acpi.sys and require manual table text patching

Only acpi 2.0 new commands fully implemented, because used widely in modern BIOSes.

Edited by Mov AX, 0xDEAD
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I don't know how feasible it is but what about making a ACPI_NG.SYS , it interfere with orginal ACPI.SYS and implement all ACPI 2.0 and most of ACPI 3.0  and Future using https://acpica.org/

, It is a opensource AML translator straight from Intel,

ACPI_NG will provide missing features for ACPI.SYS and ACPI.SYS is linked with HAL and KERNEL,Win32K.sys so we cannot replace it.


@Mov AX, 0xDEAD what u think about it?  I don't know whether u will give mandate from Heaven after all your Profile image is of Lord Narada aka Messenger God from Heaven in Vedic[Indian] Mythology.  


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5 hours ago, Dibya said:

I don't know how feasible it is but what about making a ACPI_NG.SYS , it interfere with orginal ACPI.SYS and implement all ACPI 2.0 and most of ACPI 3.0  and Future using https://acpica.org/

XP kernel doesn't request acpi.sys for new features, it is useless to implement for example GPIO or _DSM() because kernel know nothing about it

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On 2/11/2023 at 8:32 AM, Mov AX, 0xDEAD said:

XP kernel doesn't request acpi.sys for new features, it is useless to implement for example GPIO or _DSM() because kernel know nothing about it

Maybe wildbill or can blackwingcat can backport these and use the released specifications to update the free acpi.sys x86 2k3 xp and x64 2k3 xp server corrrectly instead of hacking it. some of the source code maybe avaiabale already. maybe react os already started this process and if there is any interest it will be backport hopefully by someone and the free acpi.sys standard wiill be followed and the source code released. correcting the header file stucture for the free acpi.sys api is a big step in my option.

you use the current newer kernel version and add a function to export a call to a newer version of nt kernel which would give access to functions to the current kernel which it would normally know nothing about. this should open up possibilities for newer software also.

Edited by verta
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