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Windows 11 , The Worst Crap Ever


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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I've spent DECADES tweaking XP. 

Oi ! XP could be tweaked in less than one hour or so. Which can't be applied to win 7/8_and_a_half/10/11 , of course.

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4 minutes ago, D.Draker said:

So you don't want me to tell you anything useful in the future ?

I welcome, encourage, and appreciate any and all assistance.

I do not welcome the "patting yourself on the back".  Advice is not really advice when it is delivered in a "look at me" undertone.

Good night, my friend.  Long day of yard work and I'm exhausted.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

they too were not "sent" anywhere.  They were simply LOCAL files

Yeah , they just wait for their hour . They don't have to be sent immediately. Do you remember the scandal when win 7 was released ? It was swept under the rug pretty quickly and all articles removed . It was called something like "Obedient citizen programme" , approved by Obama (as they wrote). Spying embedded with win7 .

Edited by D.Draker
a typo
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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Good night, my friend. 

Certainly , but where do you live ???!!! I'm in France and it's night here . But should be day in the States , no ?

Anyways , good night , sleep well . I now have insomnia , after the horror I've seen in Ukraine . 

'till later.

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3 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

They were simply LOCAL files for the inquisitive geek to peruse in their free time or to use to assist in debugging a frequent crash.

Esp. your audio logging ! Yeah , geeks/nurds are very interested in your audio. Of course it has nothing to with FBI.NSA.CIA.FSB.KGB.MOSSAD.MI6>>ETC.

And I'm just yet another "right-winged conspiracy theorist". 


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8 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Without PROOF that the "event log" is being SENT somewhere, then I view this as nothing but a "conspiracy" unworthy of additional time on my part.

Re-read my first post in this topic and try to understand the goal. The goal was NOT to prove anything to you .

The goal was to speed-up the system , trying to make it less crappy . Got it ?

As for "sent" or "not sent" , wait for the nurds in uniform to find out. Or read about other means of sending , like parallel broadcasting channels in your wireless module. 

If this "data collector set" , including audio and usb recording doesn't strike you as suspicious behaviour , that's up to you. You aren't my only reader.

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Something that persists since Vista days, if you use phone's USB tethering, it will forget about network profile (the one that controls whether file sharing and similar stuff is enabled or not) you saved after reboot and create a new one.

Before Win11, you were always asked by default about the network type when the system created a new network profile. Win11 doesn't ask, but still creates new network profile, even though you use exact same phone and IP address and gateway.

I wonder if there's a proper way to make it remember to use the old profile.

Edited by UCyborg
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But I guess this explains why I have been given two i3 laptops and one i5 laptop all since January.  Because people keep "upgrading" to Win11 because they don't feel "safe and secure" unless they're running the "latest and greatest".


ps - took quite a while to figure out how to "cut", "copy", or "paste" via context menu in Win11.  I guess the target audience is illiterate kids that are conditioned to know what an emoji represents but can't read "cut", "copy", or "paste".

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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2 hours ago, UCyborg said:

if you use phone's USB tethering, it will forget about network profile

Have you tried disabling "Plug and Play" service?

That seems to work on a few of our assembly line robots where factory employees think any USB port they can find was put there for them to charge their PHONE.

Although in our case it was primarily COM Port numbers that certain types of mobile phones would effect and others would not.

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10 hours ago, vinifera said:

you need to tone down your ***** behaviour


Hey brave internet guy !

If someone disagrees with you in previous topics, doesn't mean you have to chase them all over the website to take revenge . It's inappropriate in Western Europe.

Now if you done with the insults , do you have something constructive to say ?

About Windows 11.

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6 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Yikes!  Win11 bootup time ranges between 76 seconds to 83 seconds!  Granted, my test-case laptop is only an i3.

Yep , agree , from what I gather from several people I know , who "upgraded" to win11 , you gotta have at least Alder Lake gen. to make it somewhat faster . All those core i5s with their older chipsets and older RAM tech just don't have enough bandwith in them . As I wrote before , I observe lots and lots of 2014 - 2016 (and even 2017-18!) PCs in our local dumpsters . With the release of Win 11 they started to upgrade businesses with the new tech and got rid of previous PCs this year. It's nothing new though ! It was the same with the previous generations , but this year there's no ruskies here (thank God!) who usually grabbed them out of garbage for the purpose of reselling on ebay , etc.

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