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Wisteria purple tree:


Wisteria is a genus of flowering plants in the Legume family, that includes ten species of woody twining vines that are native to Japan China Korea Vietnam Southern Canada The Eastern US abd North of Iran,They were later introduced to France Germany,other countries,of Europe. (by Maddula Th.)

In Japan, there are wisteria trees that are over 1,200 years old. The longest flower cluster is two meters long, and the root circumference is ten square meters. The best time to see them is from mid-April to early May every year. (by Phenax) - on Fascinating @fasc1nate : https://twitter.com/fasc1nate/status/1581942283133669376



longwood-gardens-japanese-wisteria-iii-sLongwood Gardens Japanese wisteria III Photograph by Simmie Reagor

longwood-gardens-japanese-wisteria-ii-siLongwood Gardens Japanese wisteria II Photograph by Simmie Reagor - on fineartamerica.com

0250cae86dbfecd5042654890a726754.jpgpinterest - Dusica Zivkovic

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M42 The Orion Nebula


-  Orion nebula picture from this page: https://zakochanyklaun2.blogspot.com/2012_08_01_archive.html


"In one of the most detailed astronomical images ever made, the Hubble Space Telescope has presented the scientific community with an unprecedented view of the Orion Nebula. This turbulent region, which is a veritable nursery of stars, is one of the most impressive and photogenic celestial objects. 

The clear, bright image reveals an intricate web of stars forming from dense pillars of gas and dust. The new photo shows large-scale structures never seen before. 

In a mosaic containing one billion pixels, the Hubble telescope's Advanced Search Camera (ACS) has revealed about 3,000 stars of various sizes. Some of them have never been photographed before in the visible light spectrum. Others are only one-hundredth as bright as stars already photographed in the nebula. 

Among the new stars that Hubble has photographed are possible white dwarfs, which would be the first time such celestial objects have been observed in the Orion Nebula. These cold celestial bodies are too small to be ordinary stars, failing to sustain the nuclear fusion that keeps stars alive." 

Posted by Rukitoki here: http://brandelli-rukitoki.blogspot.com/2010/05/nebulosa-de-orion_21.html


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Kindark on reddit wrote:


Messier 42, or the great Orion Nebula, is located about 1600 light years away. It is the largest and brightest star-forming region as seen from Earth. Its centre is full of bright, blue O and B type stars, formed from the gas which they now illuminate.

The bright ball just below the core, separated by the dramatic dark dust lane, is actually the separate nebula Messier 43 (sometimes referred to as De Mairan's Nebula). The bright centre is due to a cluster of stars.

The blue nebula to the left is known as the Running Man Nebula, known collectively as NGC 1973, 1975, and 1977, but mainly (and simply) just referred to as NGC 1977. This nebula contains an HII (star-forming) region, with bright blue young stars inside.

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The Lion Nebula SH2-132

Posted by steliosmudda

2 days ago


I spent over a month photographing this nebula. Hope you like the final image :)

This is a really faint emission nebula, called the lion nebula and catalogued as SH2-132.

Posted here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Astronomy/comments/y6hpw6/i_spent_over_a_month_photographing_this_nebula/


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James Webb's 'Pillars of Creation' filled with stars
Space telescope updates one of the most iconic images in the history of cosmology, which changed the way we appreciate the universe.



19 OCT 2022 - 15:17 UTC

The largest space telescope ever launched into orbit, the James Webb telescope, has managed to surprise again the Pillars of Creation, the iconic galactic image captured in 1995 for the first time by the Hubble telescope. At 6,500 light-years away, it is possible to glimpse a scene where new stars are emerging and exploding within clouds of interstellar gas and dust over millions of years, now with greater clarity thanks to the wavelengths detected by the Webb's infrared camera (NIRCam).

All about the James Webb Telescope and new images

The objective of the Webb mission, co-organized by the American, European and Canadian space agencies, is to renew the old models of star formation with more precise snapshots of this formation inside the immense Eagle Nebula. This time, the newly formed protostars (the bright red orb-shaped dots) become sharper, as they are points that heat up and collapse under their own gravity and are photographed with higher resolution by NIRCam.


The Pillars of Creation 6,500 light-years from Earth, captured by the Hubble telescope in 1995 (left) and by the James Webb telescope in 2022 (right).

The rippled sides that look like lava are ejections from stars that are still forming, NASA reports, due to young stars periodically spitting out jets that collide with material from the dust and gas environment. The crimson glow that can be seen comes from the hydrogen molecules generated as a result of these collisions. Because of this, scientists estimate that these stars are only a few hundred thousand years old.

This is what you've waited for.

Journey with us through Webb's breathtaking view of the Pillars of Creation, where scores of newly formed stars glisten like dewdrops among floating, translucent columns of gas and dust: https://t.co/5ea1kCzU5x

... Despite what it may seem, reports the American space agency, in the new version of The Pillars of Creation, what you see are not new galaxies, but the Webb technology allows glimpses through the interstellar medium formed by translucent gas and dust. More than enough reason to "go back" to observe portions of space already known and thus obtain new information.

HERE: https://elpais.com/ciencia/2022-10-19/los-pilares-de-la-creacion-se-llenan-de-estrellas-gracias-al-james-webb.html

..and here: https://newsrnd.com/tech/2022-10-19-grander-than-ever--the--pillars-of-creation--captured-by-the-james-webb-telescope.rkdvu3pms.html

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Wolves only


Man Saved this Wolf and her Cubs, but 4 Years later THIS happens...


Old Woman Saved 4 Wolf Cubs, Years Later You won't Believe how they Returned the Favor


Wolves Get Very Close to Cameraman | Snow Wolf Family and Me | BBC Earth


Canada's White Wolves: Ghosts Of The Arctic | 4K Wildlife Documentary | Real Wild



If you've found the better video about wolves, please put it in the next post. Thanks!

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 by Susanne Schlesinger


For ornithologists and amateur birdwatchers, the South and East African savannahs, deserts and rivers are a veritable Mecca. An estimated 5,000 bird species live here - from tiny pygmy sparrows to cormorants and goliath herons, birds of all sizes and colors can be found. The different habitats have turned them into true survival artists, who have developed amazing skills and strategies to protect themselves from enemies on the one hand, but also to impress the opposite sex in order to preserve their species.

Not all birds of Africa are permanent residents, many species winter in the warm climes and travel long distances between different continents. Still others have come to terms with the large savanna dwellers and live incredibly close to elephants, lions, buffalo or hippos without being eaten or injured. In some cases they even pick vermin from the skin or teeth of the large animals. To describe all bird species individually would be going too far, so here is a summary of the most popular smaller bird species and their characteristics.

Unlike most savanna dwellers, which try to camouflage themselves as much as possible, nature has often given small birds a colorful plumage. The males in particular are garishly colored, shiny metallic and eye-catching, while many females often have rather inconspicuous brown plumage. The reason is actually that the males have to impress the females and therefore have to be particularly conspicuous. In addition to the colorful exterior, a male bird must then also assert itself against the competition. This happens in different ways...


More (and pictures): https://www.outback-africa.de/blog/2014/07/02/auf-pirschfahrt-kleine-afrikanische-vogelarten

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Fascinating @fasc1nate - twitter


Hummingbird chicks are incredibly small.



Beautiful slowed-down video of a Peacock taking flight by Harsha Narasimhamurthy



A lion opens up a car door on a safari.




Oceanography @Oceanographyy - twitter


Have you seen an octopus do this before?



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New Breakthrough Treatment For Depression Just A Hammer To Smash Your Phone With

HEALTH·Oct 24, 2022 · BabylonBee.com




NEW YORK, NY — Pfizer has announced the launch of a new breakthrough treatment for depression, Thorovil, a pharmaceutical that consists of a heavy metal head mounted at a right angle at the end of a handle. Patients prescribed Thorovil can use the object to smash their cell phones into tiny pieces, instantly curing all depression.

"We found that when patients smashed their smartphones into tiny bits with a claw hammer, 100% of them saw an immediate and lasting decrease in depression symptoms," said Pfizer researcher Fritz Von Schlegelsteinhausen. "We don't yet understand the connection between smashing your phone and being instantly cured of depression, but you can't argue with those results."

Thorovil has already been authorized by the FDA and has been approved for all ages. It's currently available with a doctor's prescription for only $12,000 per unit from Pfizer or $12 at the local hardware store.

"This is a giant leap forward in the field of mental health, and medicine more broadly," said Dean of Harvard Medical School George Q. Daley, MD, PhD. "We're not sure why none of us thought of this before."

At publishing time, Pfizer also announced the release of a new prescription smartphone to help cure depression caused by smashing your smartphone.

Here: https://babylonbee.com/news/new-breakthrough-treatment-for-depression-just-hammer-you-smash-with-your-phone

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Not Having Enough Stress And Frustration In His Life, Man Decides To Start Following Sports

SPORTS·Oct 24, 2022 · BabylonBee.com


VISTA, CA — Local man Alex McCarthy has reported high levels of well-being, with his career trajectory, family life, and leadership in his church and community all on an upward trajectory. Things were going so smoothly that he decided to follow sports to bring some more crippling stress and frustration into his life.

"I was just winning too much, and I knew my life needed the challenge of more losing – so I became a Padres fan," McCarthy admitted he has been surrounded by sports fandom since childhood, but always put his emotional energy into a productive career rather than sports — over which he has no control, but has total investment.

While McCarthy had also been on a long streak of upward momentum in his workout regimen, he reported that he needed "a good old-fashioned vice" to keep from becoming "too ripped" — and sources confirm he went back to drinking hazy IPAs as the brutal losses of his newfound favorite team began to mount.

Sports fans online have defended the camaraderie of talking with each other about wins and losses, ups and downs, and player antics of their favorite teams, and said the net effect is positive.

At publishing time, McCarthy reported that watching sports was too infuriating, and announced that he would take up playing golf instead.

Here: https://babylonbee.com/news/not-having-enough-stress-and-frustration-in-his-life-man-decides-to-get-into-watching-sports

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Watch: This poor squirrel stashed 300 pounds of acorns in this comms tower and a mean technician dumped them all out

by Harambe

Oct 24, 2022 · NottheBee.com


Think of how much work it would take to stash 300 pounds of acorns anywhere, let alone several dozen feet off the ground in an antenna array:


You can also click here to view this tweet on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fasc1nate/status/1584300261782454272




Poor little guy.

That tower had everything: Food, shelter, safety from predators, and enough radiation to warm him all winter long!!


Here: https://notthebee.com/article/watch-this-poor-squirrel-stashed-300-pounds-of-acorns-in-an-antenna-array-and-this-mean-technician-dumped-them-all-out

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Activists glued to the floor of the Porsche museum are left 42 hours without light or heating



The action was meant to be symbolic, but did not have the desired effect.

A dozen activists from the environmental group "Scientist Rebellion" glued themselves to the floor of the Porsche Museum in Wolfsburg, Germany, on Wednesday, October 19.

Their goal ?

Demand the decarbonization of the German automotive sector.

However, the site manager did not want to listen to the demands of these climate activists.

After ignoring their presence, the man left the scene, as reported by the Swiss media Blick, leaving the activists without heating or light.

Without heating or light

The official finally called the police, leaving the demonstrators stuck on the ground near the cars for nearly 42 hours without a solution to relieve themselves.

On Twitter, Gianluca Grimalda, one of the scientists who led the action, deplores the "hypocrisy" of the director of the site, who had nevertheless authorized them, according to him, to demonstrate.

Gianluca even went on a hunger strike during the action to protest against this treatment.

He was finally evacuated a few hours before the arrival of the police, having found that his hand glued to the ground was swelling, due to the potential presence of blood clots.

Read also Thibaut Gress: “A vandalized Van Gogh: not a “drift”, but the putting into practice of a doctrine”

In recent weeks, punching actions have multiplied among proclimate activists.

In previous weeks, activists from the "Just Stop oil" association had performed several brilliant stunts by dousing a Van Gogh painting with tomato sauce, or even by scaling the face of the wax statue of King Charles III at the museum. Tussaud.


Here: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-10-25-activists-glued-to-the-floor-of-the-porsche-museum-are-left-42-hours-without-light-or-heating.HyQvDLH4s.html

..and: https://newsrnd.com/news/2022-10-25-climate-protest-at-porsche-escalates--vw-simply-lets-activists-stick--turns-off-the-lights-and-heating.S1gFajiS4i.html


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