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Pharmaceutical Companies Are No Longer Required to Test Drugs on Animals



Beginning this year, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be required to comply with a new law that waives animal testing requirements for pharmaceutical companies. Drug makers will now have the option to shift directly toward human trials without first testing their products on mice, rats, rabbits, or other animals.

The change is courtesy of the FDA Modernization Act 2.0, a bill Senator Rand Paul’s (R-KY) and Senator Cory Booker’s (D-NJ) first introduced back in October 2021....

Here: https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/342310-pharmaceutical-companies-are-no-longer-required-to-test-drugs-on-animals

EDIT: to see the picture, allow extremetech.com in your adblocker (uBlock...)

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Scientists Have Successfully Reversed Aging in Mice


We’ve recently made some major strides toward understanding and managing aging on a larger scale. In 2022 alone, scientists found ways to predict a person’s lifespan, use fecal microbiota to “restore” youth in rodents, and make human cells look and function 30 years younger than they are. But while these steps are significant, some might say they pale in comparison to a new advancement in anti-aging science.

Biologists and geneticists at Harvard Medical School have found a way to reverse the aging process in mice, helping them to regain their eyesight, form sharper brains, and produce healthier muscle and kidney tissue. Their paper, published last week in the journal Cell, details the “information theory” of aging: a new theory from genetics professor David Sinclair that links the aging process with a loss of information. The paper also describes a pair of experiments in which Sinclair’s team accelerated and reversed aging in mice.

Sinclair’s information theory of aging proposes that cells “forget” how to read the body’s DNA. The epigenome, a group of chemical compounds that tell the genome what to do and when to do it, can activate or deactivate a single gene. But the epigenome is highly reactive to external circumstances, like environmental toxins or a person’s tendency to smoke or skip sleep. (This is why people who live in highly polluted areas or engage in a lot of unhealthy habits have higher “biological ages.”) This means a person’s epigenome rarely ends up performing long-term in the way biology originally planned, losing individual genetic functions along the way...

MORE: https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/342313-scientists-have-successfully-reversed-aging-in-mice

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Amla Is the Most Amazing Medicinal Plant You Haven’t Heard Of


Nature has given a wonderful gift to mankind in medicinal plants to promote healthy, happy and disease-free life. These plants play a vital role in natural healing. If I were allowed to choose the most amazing medicinal plant to treat medical conditions, it would be Indian gooseberry (amla). This plant has some exceptional benefits to health and our overall well-being.

Amla or Phyllanthus Emblica belongs to family Euphorbiaceae.  It is a small to medium sized deciduous tree found throughout India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, China, and Malaysia. According to the national institute of health, Phyllanthus Emblica is highly nutritious and could be an important source of vitamin c, amino acids, and minerals. It can be used as a medicine and as a tonic to improve vitality and resistance power.  Research shows that a unique complex within Indian gooseberry is super nutritious.  It has more antioxidant activity than blueberries; it has 20 times more vitamin c than lemon juice. It has 30 times more polyphenols than red wine and has more gallic acid (a potent antioxidant) than any other fruit.

What are the uses of amla in traditional Indian medicine? What are the benefits of this wonderful superfood? How can we use it easily at home with simple DIY recipes? Read on to know more....here: https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/amla-is-the-most-amazing-medicinal-plant-you-havent-heard-of_5003665.html

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Researchers say time is an illusion. So why are we all obsessed with it?


Far from the Earth, time gets extremely weird. Black holes can cause it to stretch and even break down entirely. NASA/JPL-Caltech


America's official time is kept at a government laboratory in Boulder, Colo., and according to the clock at the entrance, I was seven minutes behind schedule.

I rush across the campus of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and arrive at the end of a long hallway where physicist Jeff Sherman was waiting patiently.

"Sorry I'm running late," I tell him.

"It's OK, we only measure the nanoseconds," Sherman jokes.

It's never been easier to know what time it is. NIST broadcasts the time to points across the country. It's fed through computer networks and cellphone towers to our personal gadgets, which tick in perfect synchrony. Humanity's ever-improving agreement on the time smooths communication and transportation, and it lubricates our economy.

But time has another side to it, one that the clocks don't show.

"A lot of us grow up being fed this idea of time as absolute," says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical physicist at the University of New Hampshire. But Prescod-Weinstein says the time we're experiencing is a social construct. Real time is actually something quite different. In some of the odder corners of the Universe, space and time can stretch and slow — and sometimes even break down completely.

For many people, this unruly version of time is "radical," she says. But as technology to better count the time grows ever more sophisticated, our everyday understanding of time itself may need to start changing.

A Sisyphean task

To get a sense of where the rigid time that governs most of our lives comes from, Sherman takes me into a beige-colored laboratory crammed with experimental equipment and computers. There are three big boxes looming above lab benches, holding three high-precision atomic clocks. Each box is labeled with a name: One's called George, another Fiona, and the third is Elvis....

MORE (if you've the time...):  https://www.npr.org/2022/12/16/1139780043/what-is-time-physics-atomic-clocks-society 

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Methuselah Star Is Older Than The Universe Itself !...


Methuselah star (HD 140283) - on space.com ... The oldest star in the universe is HD140283 — or Methuselah as it's commonly known. This Digitized Sky Survey image shows Methuselah star, located 190.1 light-years away. Astronomers refined the star's age to about 14.3 billion years (which is older than the universe), plus or minus 800 million years. Image released March 7, 2013.(Image credit: Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), STScI/AURA, Palomar/Caltech, and UKSTU/AAO) 


According to the generally accepted theory of the Big Bang, the age of the Universe is 13.8 billion years, but the oldest of the studied stars is more than the age of the Universe. How can this be, how can a star be older than the universe itself?

The star of Methuselah is located in the constellation Libra and is 190 light-years distant from us, mass 1.3 times heavier than the Sun, one and a half times larger and 4 times brighter. Inside the star, anomalously few elements are heavier than helium, hundreds of times smaller than inside the Sun. The star of Methuselah has almost completely exhausted the reserves of hydrogen fuel in its core and is at the stage of evolution of the subgiant when hydrogen burns out, but the burning of helium has not yet begun.

According to initial estimates, the age of the star was 16 billion years old, which shocked astronomers, it is much older than the universe. Later, the age estimate was reduced to 14.46 ± 0.8 billion years, but this is still more than the age of the Universe. The results of the latest study published in 2014, the age of the star was reduced to 14.27 billion years with the same error. Thus, formally, the lower limit of age estimates is lower than 13.8 billion, but scientists understand that they can not explain the paradox of the star Methuselah, it puts modern science at a standstill. Age still goes beyond the universe.

There can be no errors in estimating the age of a star, but how did it happen that it is older than the universe itself? So the error may be in determining the age of the universe according to the modern cosmological model, where the Hubble constant is taken into account. The expansion rate of the Universe can change over time, therefore, the Hubble constant may turn out to be variable, which will make adjustments to the estimate of the age of the Universe.

There are other difficulties that prevent you from accurately determining the age of the universe. The Universe is heterogeneous in structure and is expanding with great speed, space objects are far from us at great distances, dark matter and dark energy. However, the Big Bang theory may also be wrong. In the future, other stars older than the Universe and even older than the star of Methuselah may be discovered, for example, the hard-to-detect oldest white dwarfs who managed to go through the stage of the subgiant of the star of Methuselah, become a red giant, burn all the helium reserves in the core and discard the outer shell. The age of such white dwarfs is theoretically even higher and even the lower limit of measurement error will be higher than the age of the Universe.

Here on soulask.comhttps://www.soulask.com/methuselah-star-is-older-than-the-universe-itself/

... and Home space linkhttps://www.soulask.com/space/

star-facts.com: https://www.star-facts.com/methuselah-star/


Oldest Known Star HD 140283: Backyard View


space.com: A. Fujii and Z. Levay (STScI) - This is a backyard view of the sky surrounding the ancient star, cataloged as HD 140283, which lies 190.1 light-years from Earth. The star is the oldest known to astronomers to date.

Space.com link: The Methuselah Star: Oldest Known Star Revealed (Gallery)https://www.space.com/20114-oldest-star-hubble-telescope-images.html


Mass Effect 2 Wallpaper space art probably - VERY nice picture from blogspot.com: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uwtYWK3tCrU/WGEI0ffJThI/AAAAAAAAD8I/85825Lmwf4AIbMmhCQKX2hR9aMPr1sXngCLcB/s1600/Mass%2BEffect%2B2%2BWallpaper.jpg


Another Mass Effect 2 Wallpaper brighter and bigger from pinterest 1366 x 768...from pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/455145106072422886/ - with MORE nice space pictures...

Edited by msfntor
pictures and links added, highlightings...
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Why We Never Found The Malaysian Flight MH370?

"Fred Adam

2 weeks ago

As a retired airline pilot, there are many inaccurate comments here, too many to mention. In my research, my theory fits everything known about this. The one link that is rarely mentioned is the captain on this flight. Most people think airline pilots are mentally stable, but all of the data, except the state of mind of the captain which is impossible to fathom. Yet, there are clues to this as well. But an experienced knowledgeable pilot could easily have done all of these things."


"James Smith

10 days ago (edited)

This is a great documentary. I still feel the freescale/engineer connection is beyond coincidence. I've always wondered if the plane was taken specifically for this technology and/or it's engineers. Possibly by working directly with one of these engineers to pull this off...or from someone within that company working remotely."

"Tony Barfridge

10 days ago (edited)

I just watched a current affairs interview and the latest theory is one of the pilots was responsible for crashing it into the Indian Ocean. Don't know if he was just mentally disturbed, a disgruntled employee, unhappy dissatisfying life or what. But the search area has been narrowed down to 180 km area due to analysing signals recorded by a ham radio operator in Australia. It was put into a holding pattern (?) for 20 minutes which means he could have been communicating with the Malaysian Government, the airline, or other party for directions, confirmation, to know if he was being followed etc. If it is found the Airline or Gov is responsible somehow there would be multimillion dollar claims, which of course they wouldn't want, and would also explain the silence on the matter, and lack of investigation by those parties, as they would hope it will quietly go away and eventually be forgotten; yet many still want answers naturally. Finding the wreckage apparently will reveal the true story of what happened."


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12 hours ago, msfntor said:

Researchers say time is an illusion. So why are we all obsessed with it?


Far from the Earth, time gets extremely weird. Black holes can cause it to stretch and even break down entirely. NASA/JPL-Caltech


America's official time is kept at a government laboratory in Boulder, Colo., and according to the clock at the entrance, I was seven minutes behind schedule.

I rush across the campus of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and arrive at the end of a long hallway where physicist Jeff Sherman was waiting patiently.

"Sorry I'm running late," I tell him.

"It's OK, we only measure the nanoseconds," Sherman jokes.

It's never been easier to know what time it is. NIST broadcasts the time to points across the country. It's fed through computer networks and cellphone towers to our personal gadgets, which tick in perfect synchrony. Humanity's ever-improving agreement on the time smooths communication and transportation, and it lubricates our economy.

But time has another side to it, one that the clocks don't show.

"A lot of us grow up being fed this idea of time as absolute," says Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, a theoretical physicist at the University of New Hampshire. But Prescod-Weinstein says the time we're experiencing is a social construct. Real time is actually something quite different. In some of the odder corners of the Universe, space and time can stretch and slow — and sometimes even break down completely.

For many people, this unruly version of time is "radical," she says. But as technology to better count the time grows ever more sophisticated, our everyday understanding of time itself may need to start changing.

A Sisyphean task

To get a sense of where the rigid time that governs most of our lives comes from, Sherman takes me into a beige-colored laboratory crammed with experimental equipment and computers. There are three big boxes looming above lab benches, holding three high-precision atomic clocks. Each box is labeled with a name: One's called George, another Fiona, and the third is Elvis....

MORE (if you've the time...):  https://www.npr.org/2022/12/16/1139780043/what-is-time-physics-atomic-clocks-society 

Reading now .....!

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Environmentally Conscious Cowboys Take Herd Of Crickets Out To Pasture

U.S.·Jan 24, 2023 · BabylonBee.com


BARNSDALL, OK — According to sources, a local ranch has decided to go green, exchanging their massive herd of beef cows for a herd of more environmentally friendly and delicious crickets. Several witnesses were on the scene as they took their crickets out to graze in a nearby field.

"Yep, we reckoned it was time to do our part for Mother Earth and our ol' partner Bill Gates and git rid of them there methane-spittin' cows fer good," said ranch hand Tommy Two-Shirts. "I was a real good cowboy, but wranglin' crickets ain't easy, I'll tell you what."

The Ranch currently has 15 cowboys on staff, most of which stayed on after the change to become professional cricketboys. Insiders report it has been a challenge, as crickets aren't easy to lasso, and most horses don't have good cricket-sense to know how to behave around a swarm of prime crickets.

"We look forward to all of America gratefully adopting their delicious new bug diet," said Snaart Kligvile, the owner of the ranch and an executive at BlackRock. "Git along, little land shrimps! YEE HAW!"

At publishing time, the ranch confirmed they had retained a private stash of prime Angus beef for Bill Gates' all-burger diet.

Here: https://babylonbee.com/news/environmentally-conscious-cowboys-take-herd-of-crickets-out-to-pasture

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Take a break from your day and witness the beauty of this rare reverse waterfall in Utah

NTB Staff ··Jan 25, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Okay guys, this is quite possibly the most beautiful video on the internet right now.

A photographer and his drone battled wind gusts of up to 60 mph in Ivins, Utah to capture this amazing phenomenon commonly referred to as a reverse waterfall.

Check it out:

Seriously the most incredible day for such unique conditions! Just a small snippet of hours of content I shot today. In the last 20 years I can only remember a couple of time the waterfalls in Kayenta (Utah) flowed backwards! My drone struggled against the 60 mph wind over the cliff edge!

A thing of absolute beauty!

And video on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rjhooperphotography/videos/1671850723212713/

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