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weird things about sleep(standby) and hibernation


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My laptop (thinkpad x61) have been unable to standby for sometime. It used to work fine. I googled a lot and failed to find a solution.

The symptom:

1, Power button or start->shutdown, the menu shows: greyed Standby (press shift will not switch it to Hibernate), Shutdown and Restart. But if I do it before user login, the Standby button is normal and Standby actually works, yet only once, after back from standby, it becomes grey again.

2, Control panel -> Power options, there is no Hibernation tab; but in Advanced tab ->close the lid, there are two options: Do nothing and Hibernate, without Standby. Closing the lid will make the screen dark when Do nothing is chosen.

3, Cmd -> "powercfg /a" gives: The following sleep states are not available on this system: Standby (S1) Standby (S2) Standby (S3) Hibernate.

4, Under C:\ there is hiberfil.sys, which cannot be deleted. Even if I deleted it after closed the file handle by procexp, it recreates after reboot.

5, In Lenovo's power management software, "Enable hibernation" is greyed out.

I have reinstalled Intel chips driver, Intel video driver, ACPI driver, power management software; checked BIOS, nothing relevant. Switched memory from 4G to 2G; stopped services and killed processes one by one, while checking the shutdown Standby menu, still grey. Group policy has no relevant option either. The last thing I won't try is reinstalling Windows.

I think maybe Windows is given the false information about sleep ability after user logged in. Is this information hidden somewhere in the registry? Any suggestion is appreciated.

Edited by luweitest
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Some of your current device/driver combo probably doesn't support standby. Try to find which one.

You can use powercfg /devicequery all_devices_verbose to see a list of all devices and their supported power states. It's a long list, so you better redirect it to a text file :P

Use powercfg /H OFF to disable hibernation.

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  • luweitest changed the title to weird things about sleep(standby) and hibernation

Title edited. Sorry for the typo :)

powercfg /H OFF|On both gives: System does not support hibernation

powercfg /devicequery all_devices_verbose gives long list; what to look for? The list is like:

  Enumerating Device: 006
    Device Information:
      DeviceName: PS/2 TrackPoint
      Device Present.
      Device is not capable of waking the system.
      Device Power Capabilities:
                     D0 supported
                     D3 supported
      Device State Mappings:
                     S0 -> D0
                     S1 -> UNSPECIFIED (PowerStateMapping 0x0)
                     S2 -> UNSPECIFIED (PowerStateMapping 0x0)
                     S3 -> D3
                     S4 -> D3
                     S5 -> D3
      Derived System State Mappings:
                     S0 supported
                     S3 supported
                     S4 supported
                     S5 supported
      Address: Unavailable
      Bus Number: Unavailable
      Class GUID: {4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
      Compatible device ID(s):
      Device Description: PS/2 TrackPoint
      Driver Name: {4D36E96F-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000
      Device Enumerator: ACPI
      Device Location: Unavailable
      Lower Filter(s): Unavailable
      Upper Filter(s):
      Service Name: i8042prt
      Security Description: Unavailable
      Hardware Removal Policy: CM_REMOVAL_POLICY_EXPECT_NO_REMOVAL
      Override Removal Policy: Unavailable
      Physical Device Object name: \Device\00000093
      Manufacturer: Lenovo

I searched the list and there is no word "unsupported".


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Finally I found the culprit. Since stop services and kill processes do not solve the problem, and the problem occurs after logging in, then it must be some device driver, as @RainyShadow said, but not the normal driver that loaded before logging in. I then used Autoruns, found in the device list  ADS812S and ADSIO, which is used for Advantech's data card before, deleted them, and all standby and hibernation functions returned!

The record in the previous powercfg /devicequery all_devices_verbose is attached, in which it seems nothing unusual.

Enumerating Device: 175
    Device Information:
      DeviceName: ADS812S
      Device Present.
      Device is not capable of waking the system.
      Device Power Capabilities:
                     D0 supported
                     D3 supported
      Device State Mappings:
                     S0 -> D0
                     S1 -> D3
                     S2 -> D3
                     S3 -> D3
                     S4 -> D3
                     S5 -> D3
      Derived System State Mappings:
                     S0 supported
                     S1 supported
                     S2 supported
                     S3 supported
                     S4 supported
                     S5 supported
      Address: Unavailable
      Bus Number: Unavailable
      Class GUID: {8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}
      Compatible device ID(s): Unavailable
      Device Description: ADS812S
      Driver Name: {8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}\0051
      Device Enumerator: ROOT
      Device Location: Unavailable
      Lower Filter(s): Unavailable
      Upper Filter(s): Unavailable
      Service Name: ADS812S
      Security Description: Unavailable
      Hardware Removal Policy: CM_REMOVAL_POLICY_EXPECT_NO_REMOVAL
      Override Removal Policy: Unavailable
      Physical Device Object name: \Device\00000007
      Manufacturer: Unavailable

  Enumerating Device: 176
    Device Information:
      DeviceName: ADSIO
      Device Present.
      Device is not capable of waking the system.
      Device Power Capabilities:
                     D0 supported
                     D3 supported
      Device State Mappings:
                     S0 -> D0
                     S1 -> D3
                     S2 -> D3
                     S3 -> D3
                     S4 -> D3
                     S5 -> D3
      Derived System State Mappings:
                     S0 supported
                     S1 supported
                     S2 supported
                     S3 supported
                     S4 supported
                     S5 supported
      Address: Unavailable
      Bus Number: Unavailable
      Class GUID: {8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}
      Compatible device ID(s): Unavailable
      Device Description: ADSIO
      Driver Name: {8ECC055D-047F-11D1-A537-0000F8753ED1}\0050
      Device Enumerator: ROOT
      Device Location: Unavailable
      Lower Filter(s): Unavailable
      Upper Filter(s): Unavailable
      Service Name: ADSIO
      Security Description: Unavailable
      Hardware Removal Policy: CM_REMOVAL_POLICY_EXPECT_NO_REMOVAL
      Override Removal Policy: Unavailable
      Physical Device Object name: \Device\00000008
      Manufacturer: Unavailable



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