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OLD BROWSERS: ips-forum layout bugs + self help tweaks (css)

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  • 2 months later...

You've done a lot of work. But I'm afraid the effort doesn't produce good and lasting results. The site is still broken, slow and they will change it again in a year. And this is just one forum of many. Roytam's Palemoon makes the site browsable.

People won't like this, and I will keep it short. The MSFN management appears hypocritical when they complain about Microsoft and other websites, and then do similar updates. Maybe I am misjudging the proportion of content dedicated to legacy software support, because those are the only sections I visit as they are unique to this resource.

I think I've made a typo while gathering the style snippets because my colors are all green. But it's so much easier to skim through with shaded Quote boxes. Could you concatenate all the fixes into one block?


Even inserting a link now requires a special dance.

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