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OLD BROWSERS: ips-forum layout bugs + self help tweaks (css)


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A topic for fellow sufferers on really OLD Browsers. Hope it's okay to post it here.
I understand todays websites are all optimized for latest Chrome on latest systems only, and for us ips-forums remain partly broken. But we can at least partly help ourselves with some self-knitted custom CSS rules :) There were already a bunch of postings the last days, shattered across the forum.

Those css snippets are added e.g. in Firefox profile/chrome/userContent.css (create it or rename userContent_template.css), or via some stylesheet addon (e.g. Stylem for PaleMoon). Have no clue of addons, sorry can't help more.

And personally can only test old Firefox-forks, era FF3.5+24, not Opera, not Chrome etc.

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The first brute-force trick on all broken websites, if in hurry or nothing else helps:
Kill all page styles!
Looks horrible, but on most sites nearly all links show up and work at least, etc. Luckily, in ips-Forums too.
In K-Meleon this needs macro StyleKiller, in other browsers styles can be disabled natively, somewhere in Menu View > Page Style... (or similar)

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Page header: BREADCRUMB links not clickable?

FIX: add this line to your custom css file:
body.ipsApp .ipsBreadcrumb{display: inline !important;}

(Link-killer found in file xxxx_custom.css, ca 40%, it sets display:block.
Deleting only this line didn't help, and neither trying inline-block, table-cell etc)

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Broken ICONS in page header, post editor, 3dots-menu?

Most such icons need a special icon-font, called FontAwesome
A) either installed locally AND added to browser prefs (font.name-list....)
B) or let browser download fonts from web when visiting a page (needs permission prefs)

example for A)
pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western", "Arial, Microsoft Sans Serif, FontAwesome, Symbola, OpenSansEmoji");
But use your own fonts, and copy pref for "x-unicode", "x-cyrillic" etc,
And then the same for ...."list.serif.", and "list.monochrome." etc. pp....
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Don't find the REPORT / EDIT Links anymore?

They are now behind a 3dot-icon, in headline of postings, right side.
You can try if clicking it works for you, or if not:


(there's also a workaround for the menu on Login name, if broken)
. Edited by siria
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(KM74) GIANT font-size in posting text, and NOT zoomable smaller?

Very weird. Finally realized the culprit is a font-size in "rem" value.
For some crazy reason this seems to work like a "min-font-size" in my KM74(FF24)?!
Yet older browsers don't know "rem" at all and just ignore it.

FIX: add this line to your custom css file:
body.ipsApp .ipsComment_content .ipsType_richText, body.ipsApp .cke_contents{font-size: 12px !important;}
(or bigger or smaller size, as you wish)

(Found in file xxxx_custom.css, almost at end, original is {font-size:1.3rem;....}

Edited by siria
fixed typo in code
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(KM74) Forum shows BLACK text on DARKGRAY background?
No fun. And you tried already to change background-color, but didn't help a thing?

The trick is: the culprit is a background-IMAGE!

FIX: add this line to your custom css file:
body.ipsApp {background-image: none !important; }

This plain, darkgray color is a actually a "gradient" image. But not a simple one, instead some very complicated "modern" type. In extremely old browsers no prob, they don't know any gradients at all and just ignore it. But in medium-age browsers it's a killer, they seem to take just the darker end as plain color.
culprit is this line in xxxx_custom.css:
body{background-image:linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(23,23,23,0.8) 0%, rgba(23,23,23,0.8) 100%);}

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Forum background too bright to see the WHITE links?
Mainly on profile pages?

Set a medium-light color as body background, to see the black AND white links on it.
example light green:
body.ipsApp {background-color: #AADD44 !important; }

But now the posting text gets a bit harder on the eyes, sigh... It's complicated. And columns too narrow/too wide for my screen.... Have meanwhile a huge pile of just cosmetic rules, lost overview, and still growing - since many years. Guess 90% are meanwhile obsolete again, should clean up some day ;-)

Example for Profile pages (have the most white+black text), currently like this:

body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] {background-color: yellowgreen !important; }
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] div[data-controller="core.front.profile.body"]{display: block !important;}
/* postings list */
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] section.ipsColumn{display: block !important;width: 800px !important; margin: 20px 80px;}
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] li[class~="ipsStreamItem_contentBlock"] {background-color: #EEFFAA;}

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By the way I personally prefer not to wrap those codes into the usual domain condition, since chances are high that other ips-Forums have the same probs, so those rules can catch all flies at once ;-)
But if you prefer and don't know howto add a domain:

@-moz-document url-prefix(https://msfn.org/board/) {
.....(insert code snippets)....
@-moz-document domain(msfn.org) {
/* insert comment lines like this, for descriptions or to add info links */
.....(insert code snippets)....

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More old-browser-CSS-fiddles when getting around later. If anyone interested.
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:thumbup Thanks, I tested with KM74Goanna. So far - very good!.

The edit/report Control/buttons are available.

In Detail:


body.ipsApp {background-image: none !important; }
body.ipsApp {background-color: #AADD44 !important; }
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] {background-color: yellowgreen !important; }
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] div[data-controller="core.front.profile.body"]{display: block !important;}
/* postings list */
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] section.ipsColumn{display: block !important;width: 800px !important; margin: 20px 80px;}
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="profile"] li[class~="ipsStreamItem_contentBlock"] {background-color: #EEFFAA;}

fa-icons - prefs.js:

user_pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-unicode", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif");
user_pref("font.name-list.sans-serif.x-western", "Arial, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Microsoft Sans Serif");
user_pref("font.name-list.serif.x-unicode", "Tahoma, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial");
user_pref("font.name-list.serif.x-western", "Tahoma, Symbola, FontAwesome, Segoe UI Emoji, OpenSansEmoji, Arial");

One remaining problem on this browser is, that the reply is missing and so I cannot open it either.


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Cannot find a way to reply to a post?

(unfinished info, not quite sure what you mean exactly, and haven't much investigated this yet...)

Only have noticed:
Usually I see a big Editor field at bottom, with a "Submit Reply" button.

PROB: this editor vanishes completely if the page is loaded with javascript
(but haven't risked yet to allow wide ALL js-levels, only first basic)
Fix => Block javascript and reload page. Big editor at bottom appears.

Or if javascript shall remain enabled:
- The usual all-purpose-brute-force workaround helps too, but lousy:
Kill all Page Styles (see post-1).
This will reveal (for me) a TINY editor field at bottom, only usable for copy-paste.
This field may probably be enlarged by a bit custom css too, but had no need yet.

And on top of this page I see a "Reply to this topic" link.
But clicking it only jumps down to the bottom-editor.

And below every posting there's a "Quote" link.
This never did anything for me anyway (luckily no urgent need yet)

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Topic pages are extremely narrow, only half-screen width?
And AUTHOR-fields are not LEFT of each post, but instead ABOVE it?

Or it looks mostly okay, but not always?
(FF2/3.x) Try this in your user css file:

/* TOPIC pages: AUTHOR block on left side. Color only if needed to cover weird ghost links */
body.ipsApp aside.ipsComment_author {display: table-cell !important;}
body.ipsApp aside.ipsComment_author {background-color: #DDFF99 !important;}

/* TOPIC pages: POSTING TEXT on right side, fix width e.g. 720px */
body.ipsApp article[id^="elComment_"] > div.ipsColumn_fluid {display: table-cell !important; }
body.ipsApp article[id^="elComment_"] div.ipsComment_content {width: 720px !important;}

/* Other ips-forums: Due to fix width above (720px), any RIGHT sidebars must be moved to BOTTOM */
body.ipsApp[data-pagecontroller="topic"] .ipsLayout_sidebarright {display: block !important;}

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PAGE NUMBERS are aligned VERTICAL, wasting screen height?
Try this in your user css:

/* PAGE NUMBERS horizontal */
body.ipsApp [class~="ipsPagination"] {display: table-row !important; }
body.ipsApp [class^="ipsPagination_"] {display: table-cell !important; }
body.ipsApp [class^="ipsPagination_"]:hover {border: 1px solid blue !important; }
body.ipsApp .ipsPagination_active {background-color: peru !important; }

/* If PROFILE PICS extremely HUGE */
body.ipsApp a[href*="/profile/"].ipsUserPhoto img {max-width: 80px; max-height: 80px;}

/* If LIKE + UPVOTE buttons too BIG */
body.ipsApp img[src^="https://msfn.org/board/uploads/reactions/"]{
max-width: 30px !important; max-height: 30px !important;
body.ipsApp img[src^="https://msfn.org/board/uploads/reactions/"][height="20"]{
width: 20px !important; height: 20px !important;

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Can't see what is quoted text and what own text?
Give QUOTES a color and border:

body.ipsApp div.cPost_contentWrap blockquote {
background-color: rgba(240,240,100,0.8) !important;
outline: 1px solid peru;
padding: 0px 8px;

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FORUM LIST: hard to see where the PINNED postings end and normal ones begin?
Try adding this to your user css:

/* FORUM-List: Mark PINNED topics with a COLORED TITLE */
body.ipsApp i.fa-lock {padding: 4px 6px 0px ; background-color: orange;}

body.ipsApp h4 i.fa-thumb-tack {
margin-right: -600px !important;
border-right-width: 600px !important;
background-color: gold !important;
border-color: gold !important;
border-right-style: solid !important;
opacity: 0.6 !important;
padding-bottom: 12px !important;
body.ipsApp h4.ipsDataItem_title span a span {z-index: 99; position: relative;}

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19 minutes ago, siria said:

Cannot find a way to reply to a post?

(unfinished info, not quite sure what you mean exactly, and haven't much investigated this yet...)

Only have noticed:
Usually I see a big Editor field at bottom, with a "Submit Reply" button.

PROB: this editor vanishes completely if the page is loaded with javascript
(but haven't risked yet to allow wide ALL js-levels, only first basic)
Fix => Block javascript and reload page. Big editor at bottom appears.

Or if javascript shall remain enabled:
- The usual all-purpose-brute-force workaround helps too, but lousy:
Kill all Page Styles (see post-1).
This will reveal (for me) a TINY editor field at bottom, only usable for copy-paste.
This field may probably be enlarged by a bit custom css too, but had no need yet.

And on top of this page I see a "Reply to this topic" link.
But clicking it only jumps down to the bottom-editor.

And below every posting there's a "Quote" link.
This never did anything for me anyway (luckily no urgent need yet)

Yes, that's the problem. "Fix => Block javascript and reload page. Big editor at bottom appears."

Input is possible, but completely without the control panel.

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> Yes, that's the problem. "Fix => Block javascript and reload page. Big editor at bottom appears."

Sigh, wasted days now trying to get the editor better working in KM1.6+74 / FF3.5+24 (getting visible with JS, find any possibility to upload files, getting editor buttons), but ZERO CHANCE :(
Especially the complete inability to upload any attachments is the biggest prob, grrr :angry:

But that's a huge subject and adressed in other topics too. Would prefer to keep discussion elsewhere too, so that the "Tip Postings" here don't get too shattered ;-) Have just added a few more above again.

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