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We need to take Climate Change seriously


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On 12/8/2021 at 11:56 AM, InterLinked said:

Yup, this is why real environmentalists don't support electric cars: https://www.protectthackerpass.org/update-from-peehee-muhuh-thacker-pass/

"Green" technologies are not "good" for the environment. The earth does not "want" electric cars. Nor does it want dams or solar panels. One destructive technology to the next is not "green".

Even so , I still think the gaz cars need to be heavily limited . For example , we have loads of rich russian tourists driving huge expensive cars and polluting our climate . It's getting worse each year ! More and more russians driving their tanks. Even our local mafia (oops , did I just say mafia) has far less polluting cars. Like even mafia is living on the green side. Oh , and we don't have mafia , of course , it's  just my fantasies)))))

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On 12/8/2021 at 1:56 PM, InterLinked said:

Yup, this is why real environmentalists don't support electric cars: https://www.protectthackerpass.org/update-from-peehee-muhuh-thacker-pass/

"Green" technologies are not "good" for the environment. The earth does not "want" electric cars. Nor does it want dams or solar panels. One destructive technology to the next is not "green".

And nobody seems to care how it will affect battery lifespan here to use EV. Now everyone say things like "don't listen radio" and "don't use heater" to make EV acceptable in their mind. So we need to go back to bad old days when cars did not have heater and needed to have thick winter jacket and gloves in car just not to freeze alive in your cockpit? 

During emergencies I do not want my car and engine run using same energy. If I am out of fuel I still got lights, hazard signal and heater. When EV runs out of "fuel" you got nothing.

Also what is trend on having million displays in car and not having normal gauges? Those are distraction in my opinion. I want simple gauges back. I am not saying that there cant be any screen as option but not as mandatory. Also I prefer install my own phone car kit and not have some vendor thing locked into brand new BT enabled phones with manufacture program installed. And some may not have wireless phone to car or want one that is permanently installed to car by themselves.

This is gauge cluster that got all information you need on driving and is clear enough (from saab) https://www.rbmsaabparts.com/rbm_images/produits/greenlights2.jpg

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2 hours ago, D.Draker said:

Even so , I still think the gaz cars need to be heavily limited . For example , we have loads of rich russian tourists driving huge expensive cars and polluting our climate . It's getting worse each year ! More and more russians driving their tanks. Even our local mafia (oops , did I just say mafia) has far less polluting cars. Like even mafia is living on the green side. Oh , and we don't have mafia , of course , it's  just my fantasies)))))

Limiting gas cars and going to EV is just way to move problem out of your eyes. No matter what they claim they will use fossil fuels to charge those EV. And remember that test that says EV is more environmental friendly is done biased way. They do like petrol car output exhaust fume and ev wont mean ev is clean.

But of course electricity comes out of wall outlet so it is clean


But I agree that many uses too big engine for daily use. I understand huge v6 and v8 if you move huge amount of load but having one for daily drive without load is overkill.

For me 1.8l DOCH engine without turbo or VVT/VTEC or 1.6l DOCH with vtec/vvt (Toyota silvertop and Honda JDM B16-A as example) is my minimum because it is something that would have enough horsepower for mixed use on highway/town/with load while not sucking too much gas

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4 hours ago, D.Draker said:

Even so , I still think the gaz cars need to be heavily limited . For example , we have loads of rich russian tourists driving huge expensive cars and polluting our climate . It's getting worse each year ! More and more russians driving their tanks. Even our local mafia (oops , did I just say mafia) has far less polluting cars. Like even mafia is living on the green side. Oh , and we don't have mafia , of course , it's  just my fantasies)))))

Yeah, my criticism of electric cars doesn't mean I endorse fossil fuels, either. We need fewer cars, in general, period.

I'm more into classic cars, just because I hate all the newer ones, and obviously classic cars are pretty much all gasoline powered, not electric powered. Also plan to move to a rural area, where having one would be more of a necessity.

That said, I think the focus on shifting to electric cars is definitely misguided. We need to reduce cars, starting from 3-car families where kids drive to school, to 2-car families, to 1-car families, maybe even less in urban areas. That is real change that would help the earth, not people switching from one toxic technology to the next. Electric cars are about $$$$, not the earth.

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38 minutes ago, InterLinked said:

I'm more into classic cars, just because I hate all the newer ones, and obviously classic cars are pretty much all gasoline powered, not electric powered. Also plan to move to a rural area, where having one would be more of a necessity.

My favorite on classic cars are Saab Scania era Saabs (pre gm). Those were amazing engineering and manufacturing from best of Finnish and Swedish engineers.  Most Saab 900 sold here were made in my home country at uusikaupunki factory while some were made in Trollhättän Sweden . Saab benefit and weakness was quality. They did very safe and reliable cars that are still one of safest cars on road and got can last near forever if maintained properly. Problem was that they were expensive and Saab did not make tons of profit from car they sold. And most who had money to Saab chose BMW or Mercedes even though they had worse engineering (see top gear Saab vs BMW drop test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk5CTRu_Pzw).

Also what dropped them in America was "lawnmower" 4cylinder engine. That 150hp 2.0l turbocharged engine was good but for some reason I never understood most US consumer felt to care from amount of cylinders and not from fuel efficiency or power vs consumption ratio. They were designing and made few prototypes from 4liter 230hp turbocharged V8 engine in uusikaupunki factory until GM bough them out and they had their v6. Here is link to video about that engine from old YLE TV show puskuri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVidhrnLFf0

Saab is like pre 2008 Nokia phones are to me. Everyone today think they are bad because they are old (old must be bad because twatter told me so on my iPhone) when in reality they are high quality and lasts long time and because they are unwanted you can get them cheaply.

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1 hour ago, InterLinked said:

 We need to reduce cars, starting from 3-car families where kids drive to school, to 2-car families, to 1-car families, maybe even less in urban areas. That is real change that would help the earth, not people switching from one toxic technology to the next.

I gotta be ahead of others as my family only had one car expect at one point they had two cars for year and I used their older car to learn driving before it broke down too badly for wear (GM seal of quality). In other hand that car had 300 000km driven so it served long life and as far as know new owner fixed it and is still driving it.

Also we were not traveling aboard, rather traveling in home country and my parents taught me not to consume. During my life I have had 5 phones expect bunch of old Nokias I saved from being scrapped while some change phones like underwear. Also I had 4 desktop machines total that I did not get for free and were from "new" parts so I am ahead others in reducing emissions, waste and consuming.

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11 minutes ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I gotta be ahead of others as my family only had one car expect at one point they had two cars for year and I used their older car to learn driving before it broke down too badly for wear (GM seal of quality). In other hand that car had 300 000km driven so it served long life and as far as know new owner fixed it and is still driving it.

Also we were not traveling aboard, rather traveling in home country and my parents taught me not to consume. During my life I have had 5 phones expect bunch of old Nokias I saved from being scrapped while some change phones like underwear. Also I had 4 desktop machines total that I did not get for free and were from "new" parts so I am ahead others in reducing emissions, waste and consuming.

Well, I have more than 5 phones right now,  but only because I am a telephone collector and enthusiast, and do a lot of testing since I do some telephone switching work.

Not that it's a competition, but my primary phone is 64 years old, a green 1957 Western Electric 500 set.

I'm sure those Nokia mobiles are fine compared to today's, but nothing beats a good old Western Electric landline phone. I'm wagering that most of my phones will outlive me and be kicking just fine in 2100. Due to my background, I'll probably acquire more - in fact, just recently acquired a Nortel 350 ADSI phone for testing, but in theory I could never buy another phone for the next 80 years and I'd be just fine.

Computers are obviously less durable, my main PC right now is a 2009 Dell OptiPlex. I'll probably be using it for a long while yet... it's new to me since I only recently salvaged it (actually a few of these) from getting recycled. Added some RAM to it so it's at 16 GB, and it has 2 external graphics cards, so she's purring along now with Windows 7...

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30 minutes ago, InterLinked said:

Well, I have more than 5 phones right now,  but only because I am a telephone collector and enthusiast, and do a lot of testing since I do some telephone switching work.

Not that it's a competition, but my primary phone is 64 years old, a green 1957 Western Electric 500 set.

I do have bunch of Nokia and Siemens and Samsung phones (pre 2009) that nobody wanted and I am collector of those. They are part of Finnish technology history but these days nobody cares about history unless they can profit from it so I plan keep them safe. My oldest phone on collection is Nokia 880 GSM from 1995 which was basically reshelled Nokia 2110.

30 minutes ago, InterLinked said:

I'm sure those Nokia mobiles are fine compared to today's, but nothing beats a good old Western Electric landline phone. I'm wagering that most of my phones will outlive me and be kicking just fine in 2100. Due to my background, I'll probably acquire more - in fact, just recently acquired a Nortel 350 ADSI phone for testing, but in theory I could never buy another phone for the next 80 years and I'd be just fine.

Nokias from late 90s to early 2000 were actually best and most reliable mobile phones there is. They were assembled in my home country many I got were actually assembled and built in my home town. They used high quality plastic on them and were working making them have better and better battery life. Consider that when first mass produced Nokia phone 1011 came out in 1992 it had 15h standby time and 90min talk time max and 5 years later Nokia 6110 had whopping 270h standby time and 5h talk time with 900mah battery. I got 1200mah battery on my 6110 phone and it lasts near two weeks with single full charge while I call a lot. Also that phone is frikking durable and feels it will last many generations.

So if you think all cellphones are super unreliable it is false.

And I agree that landline is better but in my eyes cellphones and landline phones were not to competite against each others as laptops were not to competite against desktop machines even though market changed to that way. Wireless phones are good for areas where is no access for landlines or use on a move while landlines would be my choice on home and other non moving places. Also there should be freedom pick between. Am I only who is not simple minded enough to see it that way in this country or world?

And you know reason why I got no landline and I really hope you are not forced in US "For you benefit" away from landline option. Here they made even getting VOIP hard to push those sh@tty smartphones down everyone throat. I do not hate smartphones and only hate that they are pushed to those who do not want them. Pretty sure they would be offended too if I would come and push them my old brick Nokia but I wont since for it is freedom of choice.

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4 minutes ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

I do have bunch of Nokia and Siemens and Samsung phones (pre 2009) that nobody wanted and I am collector of those. They are part of Finnish technology history but these days nobody cares about history unless they can profit from it so I plan keep them safe. My oldest phone on collection is Nokia 880 GSM from 1995 which was basically reshelled Nokia 2110.

Nokias from late 90s to early 2000 were actually best and most reliable mobile phones there is. They were assembled in my home country many I got were actually assembled and built in my home town. They used high quality plastic on them and were working making them have better and better battery life. Consider that when first mass produced Nokia phone 1011 came out in 1992 it had 15h standby time and 90min talk time max and 5 years later Nokia 6110 had whopping 270h standby time and 5h talk time with 900mah battery. I got 1200mah battery on my 6110 phone and it lasts near two weeks with single full charge while I call a lot. Also that phone is frikking durable and feels it will last many generations.

So if you think all cellphones are super unreliable it is false.

And I agree that landline is better but in my eyes cellphones and landline phones were not to competite against each others as laptops were not to competite against desktop machines even though market changed to that way. Wireless phones are good for areas where is no access for landlines or use on a move while landlines would be my choice on home and other non moving places. Also there should be freedom pick between. Am I only who is not simple minded enough to see it that way in this country or world?

And you know reason why I got no landline and I really hope you are not forced in US "For you benefit" away from landline option. Here they made even getting VOIP hard to push those sh@tty smartphones down everyone throat. I do not hate smartphones and only hate that they are pushed to those who do not want them. Pretty sure they would be offended too if I would come and push them my old brick Nokia but I wont since for it is freedom of choice.

Yeah, I don't have any need or desire for a mobile, so I don't have one, and use landlines exclusively. I'm not the kind of guy that's teched up on the go, I simply don't care for that. I like sitting down to use a computer and using comfortable, high quality phones. I use payphones when I'm out and about, if I really need to (which isn't super often).

I'm pretty much on VoIP as well, but the great thing about telephony is everything is backwards compatible. You can plug a 100 year old phone into a landline jack and it will just work, same for any decent VoIP adapter (ATA). I really only use analog phones, so I get more freedom that way. With digital, electronic, or VoIP hardphones like SIP phones, it is the same trajectory as mobiles, where everything nowadays is built for a few years and then becomes obsolete. The analog phones truly defy that.

I have my own Asterisk system, so a lot of my telephony stuff is connected to that.

I've always thought the U.S. wasn't great in how landlines are being neglected in a lot of places now, but sounds like it's even worse in Finland... maybe Asterisk/ATAs/channel banks are an option for you?

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13 minutes ago, InterLinked said:

Yeah, I don't have any need or desire for a mobile, so I don't have one, and use landlines exclusively. I'm not the kind of guy that's teched up on the go, I simply don't care for that. I like sitting down to use a computer and using comfortable, high quality phones. I use payphones when I'm out and about, if I really need to (which isn't super often).

I'm pretty much on VoIP as well, but the great thing about telephony is everything is backwards compatible. You can plug a 100 year old phone into a landline jack and it will just work, same for any decent VoIP adapter (ATA). I really only use analog phones, so I get more freedom that way. With digital, electronic, or VoIP hardphones like SIP phones, it is the same trajectory as mobiles, where everything nowadays is built for a few years and then becomes obsolete. The analog phones truly defy that.

I have my own Asterisk system, so a lot of my telephony stuff is connected to that.

I've always thought the U.S. wasn't great in how landlines are being neglected in a lot of places now, but sounds like it's even worse in Finland... maybe Asterisk/ATAs/channel banks are an option for you?

biggest issue is to find VOIP provider that sell number for consumer in Finland and allows call to 112 (emergency number). My Modem can actually convert analog phone to VoIP but getting VoIP service is hard here as carriers killed it off push smartphones down everyone throat.

When I eventually find good one I wont replace my cell phone with it. I use my old-school wireless phone on a road and transfer calls to VoIP when home. Kinda like my 15" laptop from 2005 is device for me on a road while in home I want use my desktop with big monitor. Also I am looking going into ham radio for communications in future as other options will be harder and harder to get. Most of old tech just work better

P.S I totally understand why you don't want wireless phone and prefer landline, sadly you are one of few remaining who think it should be freedom of choice while other think you need to be forced to something "for your own benefit"

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3 hours ago, InterLinked said:

Computers are obviously less durable, my main PC right now is a 2009 Dell OptiPlex.

My Dell OptiPlex 745 is still going strong and hopefully I'll have it for a while long ... along with my Dell Dimension from 2004 (I think)

Never owned a smart phone and only talked a few times on one and the sound was delayed or smth. Don't have a landline only an old flip phone for emergencies.

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14 hours ago, UCyborg said:

I'm on a highway with 1.0 engine daily. What am I missing?

I don't know the horsepower maybe :lol:?

Jokes aside it depends from usage. 1 liter N/A engine is just fine for normal highway usage, but when you got tons of passengers and other load on car extra horsepower comes in handy. Also during winter on hilly area any power engine can produce helps since if you stall on hill you will roll down and break your car.

Which reminds me from fun story about V6 turbocharged Mercedes with launch assistant, automatic transmission, AWD and all other fancy stuff that got stuck in snowy hill multiple times while my friend 1.8l N/A FWD Nissan Almera without anything else than traction control was able pass it just fine. Mercedes was way too heavy I guess and needed to be towed up the hill

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14 hours ago, XPerceniol said:

along with my Dell Dimension from 2004 (I think)

did that ever leak capacitors? I had dell optiplex 260 from same era and it had bulged and leaky caps since capacitor plague. Some of early 2000 dells had capacitor issues that gave them nickname Hell


Capacitor plague did not affect later dell units. I have had GX620 and 755 and those are still kicking with bulging or bad caps

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On 12/12/2021 at 12:43 PM, InterLinked said:

Yeah, my criticism of electric cars doesn't mean I endorse fossil fuels, either. We need fewer cars, in general, period.

I'm more into classic cars, just because I hate all the newer ones, and obviously classic cars are pretty much all gasoline powered, not electric powered. Also plan to move to a rural area, where having one would be more of a necessity.

That said, I think the focus on shifting to electric cars is definitely misguided. We need to reduce cars, starting from 3-car families where kids drive to school, to 2-car families, to 1-car families, maybe even less in urban areas. That is real change that would help the earth, not people switching from one toxic technology to the next. Electric cars are about $$$$, not the earth.

While I agree , I just want to ask , why won't we limit the newcomers first ? All European countries are overpopulated . I'd even say the same for the US. , perhaps in this case we won't need such measures then ? I live in a city . Almost all big cars belong to the newcomers. 99% of the pollution comes from tourists and "refugees" . I live very clean , I don't pollute anything . I like to just walk . Yet I see russian tourists on the streets (almost every day) driving their tanks. I understand tourists just love my city . But i don't understand why no one gives a damn about the native population ! Perhaps we need to vote better ? 

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