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Issues with MTP


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Hey, been many years since I posted on here. I hope all are doing well.

So I am trying to connect my Android tablet to my good ol' slipstreamed WinXP machine. When I plug it in the PC tried to install MTP drivers and fail.

I have tried for several hours the many tips/ideas posted in various places online - all with no joy.

Then it dawned on me...... maybe I am just missing a file or two that I had excluded.

So any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Ah well, not knowing what you attempted not the actual error(s) you get, nor the actual hardware involved, it will be a bit hard to provide you with any detailed assistance.

You will need to provide some more exact report.

AFAICR the "more complete" MTP drivers shipped with MediaPlayer 11.

Generally speaking a VID/PID addition might be needed to the .inf for specific hardware:

I won't go with the endless

"Have tried this?"
"Yes, I did and it didn't work"
"Ok, and have you tried this other thing?"
"Yes but it failed"


Detail what you have done till now and the exact errors you got, hardware in use, etc.,  standard litany, please:

You may also want to check and post relevant contents of the SetupAPI.log:




Edited by jaclaz
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I have to say this is one of the best replies I have ever gotten in a forum like this!

So what I have done thus far:

Enabled dev mode on my android tablet and enabled USB debugging.

Downloaded and installed Android ADB drivers on PC.

Plugged in my tablet into my PC it errors out on the MTP, it recognizes and installs "Android Composite ADB Interface" with no issues, and then it errors out on 8 "Spreadtrum Phone"s. The error for the MTP and Spreadtrum Phone's is the normal "The hardware was not installed because the wizard cannot find the necessary software".


I'm using Dell Optiplex 360, running a slipstreamed version of WinXP. I used both nLite and hfslip to create it. Don't know which nLite options I selected, as it has been well over a decade since I created it. I did exclude IE from being included - I know I did at least that. lol

So I can't help but think there is some DLL from the WinXP CD that MTP is dependent on that I excluded - as this has been the case with many other hardware/software issues in the past. So I was optimistically hoping to get "oh yeah, nLite excludes xxxxxxxx.xxx from the install that MTP needs, so you only just need to extract it and copy it to the xxxxxxxx directory" or the like.


I had already tried modding the wpdmtp.inf to include the Device Instance Id of the MTP - but no joy.


I will try the installing of WMP11. Most posts addressing this issue I found via google suggested this - but all the people who tried and replied reported failures, or they already had it installed. This is why I hadn't tried that yet - but will and report back.

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Ok. Updates. I found the Spreadtrum Phone drivers: https://androidmtk.com/download-spreadtrum-drivers

So that took care of the 8 "Spreadtrum Phone" devices that error out - so super happy about that.

But still no joy on the MTP.

I installed the runtimes for WMP11, and still no joy.

The Device Instance Id is: USB\VID_1782&PID_4002&MI_00\6&28446CCE&0&0000

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2 hours ago, JayMan said:

So I can't help but think there is some DLL from the WinXP CD that MTP is dependent on that I excluded - as this has been the case with many other hardware/software issues in the past. So I was optimistically hoping to get "oh yeah, nLite excludes xxxxxxxx.xxx from the install that MTP needs, so you only just need to extract it and copy it to the xxxxxxxx directory" or the like.

Yep :), you were maybe a tad bit too optimistic, I don't think you would need a 32 bit number to count people that use a Spreadtrum Phone on a nlited XP. :dubbio:

Seriously with nlite you can (that is the idea) make big holes in an XP install, so your suspect may be correct.

Which EXACT (there are 4 files on that page) driver(s) did you download and install?

What do you have in SetupAPI.log? (though more often than not error/warnings in it are not accurate, sometimes they offer a hint at what is happening).

If there is nothing of interest there, then your next attempt should be to trace the install.


P.S. Try also the UMDF drivers, some people reported that WMP11 alone wasn't good ( or good enough) on some machines/installs:


Edited by jaclaz
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  • 5 months later...

UMDF drivers are bundled in WMP11 installer and may either be installed automatically along with WMP11 or separately by running two installers packed inside WMP installer file.

When I got those drivers ready, it still wouldn't work, device wouldn't be installed (as if drivers were missing). I had to find the device key in registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB and modify CompatibleIDs setting by adding USB\MS_COMP_MTP at the top then finally trigger the driver update from Device Manager. Afterwards, the device was installed successfully and showed in My Computer.

USB debugging enabled in Android may also prevent MTP from being seen on the computer if ADB drivers aren't installed and working, so my advice to anyone would be to start with USB debugging disabled and worry about that after you get MTP alone working.

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