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Slipstreaming all MSO 2010 updates


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18 hours ago, Dave-H said:

OK, I just installed Office 2010 new onto my Windows 10 Netbook, 32 bit version, from an ISO file.
I was then offered 11 updates, in this order of installation -

KB2553092 Office
KB2553065 Office File Validation
KB2553347 Office
KB2553406 Outlook Social Connector
KB2825640 Office
KB982726   Definition Update
KB3115475 Definition Update
KB2553310 Office
KB2566445 Sharepoint Workspace
KB3001652 Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office
KB2687455 Service Pack 2

After restarting and scanning again, I was offered another 63 updates!  -

KB2589375 Office
KB2589298 Office
KB2850016 Office
KB2817369 InfoPath
KB2880971 Office
KB2589386 Office
KB2883019 Office
KB2553140 Office
KB2553154 Office
KB2956076 Office
KB3054873 Office
KB2589318 Office
KB2553313 Office
KB3055047 Office
KB2553388 Office
KB3054886 Office
KB2791057 Office
KB2881029 Office
KB2956063 Office
KB2881030 Office
KB2999465 Visio Viewer
KB3191908 Office
KB3213626 Office
KB3213631 Office
KB2553308 Outlook Social Conector
KB3114414 InfoPath
KB4011610 Office
KB3115248 Office
KB4022206 Office
KB4022208 Office
KB4092436 Office
KB3213636 Office
KB3114565 Office
KB4461579 Office
KB2553332 Office
KB4462187 Office
KB4461626 Office
KB2589339 Office
KB3115197 Office
KB3114559 Outlook
KB2920812 PowerPoint
KB3114879 Filter Pack 2.0
KB4032216 Publisher
KB2597087 Office
KB3203462 Office
KB4484377 Office
KB3114885 OneNote
KB4462172 Office
KB4484385 Access
KB4484379 Office
KB4484530 Office
KB2760601 SharePoint Workspace
KB4486700 Office
KB4092435 PowerPoint
KB4486663 Outlook
KB3203468 Office
KB4484235 PowerPoint
KB4486703 Word
KB2956084 Excel
KB4461625 Word
KB4486707 Excel
KB2881025 Visio
KB4462225 Visio

I assume the second lot were actually the updates to Service Pack 2 after it was installed.
I hope this helps.
This was on Windows 10, but I assume the same updates would be applied if the procedure was done on XP or any other version of Windows.
Cheers, Dave.

I also recently installed Office 2010, but on Windows 7. x86, Professional Plus.

Sadly, the updates immediately started downloading, so I have no idea which ones are listed because they were slipstreamed or which b/c they were in Windows Update. Should've gotten that list instead of doing it afterwards. That said, here's what I have now:

Tried to copy as text, but can't find commands that pull Office updates:





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On 10/29/2020 at 6:58 PM, Dave-H said:

There seems to be a lot of duplication in your lists.

Yeah, not sure why...

On 10/29/2020 at 6:58 PM, Dave-H said:

How does my list compare with what you were expecting?

Not sure... it's still more than I had slipstreamed, for sure!

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On 10/8/2020 at 6:29 PM, Dylan Cruz said:

@crashnburn4u @Dave-H

I only have through August. However, everything I have can be downloaded from here:


e.g. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4484800/january-2019-updates-for-microsoft-office is January 2019

Not really sure if I want to upload them anywhere because I think it probably violates the TOS of this site.

You'll end up with maybe 10 files, which you need to extract.

I'll do it all again next Tuesday... can't wait to have a shiny final copy of Office! Only wish ESU updates applied to that as well as Windows :(

Thats why we do not do or share things on this site as per its TOS. But if 2/3 friends shared some folders/ collections of patches among themselves OUTSIDE of here with no reference/ link back then I dont think its an issue. 

I've been the one to keep copies of SPs and several times installed them on friends or families Windows. Service Packs and Patches are as such not taboo material. 

I'm dealing with some health and domestic issues so been unable to get in sync with you guys, but would love to have a "collection" that allows me have quicker & local patched up variant of 2010 Office.  

On 10/14/2020 at 1:31 AM, win32 said:

Imagine. Someone extends Office 2010 in the future so it can properly render all documents made with Office 365.2064! :lol:

And wrote plugins that incorporated all of that new version's features...

Why didn't anyone do that with 2000/2003? OK there's the compatibility pack (wish it worked on Windows 95) but I've seen PPTXs that don't even work properly with 2007.

I bought Office 2000 because I thought it would be the gateway to reading Office Open XML documents on Windows 95. :thumbdown

Going through the Office specs they seem have to have stabilized large part of it from 2010 till now with minor updates. So prior stuff was in major evolution but its all relatively "stagnant" since 2010.. 

On 10/18/2020 at 4:34 AM, Dylan Cruz said:

@win32 @Dave-H @crashnburn4u

OK, I gave in... I can't figure out exactly how much of my February folder is redundant and it some updates failed in XP, so *maybe* I need a clean start.

Should have done this from the beginning, but since MSFT isn't providing one, I guess I'll make one

would a supersedence chart with full details be useful to anyone?

started making it:



Wowza! Kudos. 

On 10/18/2020 at 6:20 PM, Dave-H said:

FWIW, would one way of determining exactly what updates are current be to install a clean pre-service pack Office 2010 onto a supported operating system like Windows 10, and then see what updates are offered for it by the Windows Update system?
Any which aren't offered can surely be presumed to have been superseded?


On 10/18/2020 at 7:12 PM, Dylan Cruz said:

Hmm... it could certainly corroborate other methods... but Windows Update has been so whack I don't I would rely on it. Is it something you're able to do?

WSUS apparently has some way of showing supersedence for updates, but I'm not running a WSUS operation here!

I'm currently extending my Excel sheet back so I can use it for crosschecking updates. In the middle of 2016 so far, will probably have to take it back to 2013 or 2012 or so.

I was able to successfully check a few CABs, 2 were not superseded and 1 was. Still need to do the other ~50 eventually!

I'll continue making my findings available as I learn more. Wouldn't it be nice if Microsoft just released SP3? :D 

Would this really help fast? I had setup a sample instance of 2012 R2 Server with WSUS option for someone. Would it be worth it to get a full final Collection? 

On 10/18/2020 at 10:17 PM, Dylan Cruz said:

OK @Dave-H

The Excel file is complete.

Downloadable from w2k.phreaknet.org - it's right at the top

It contains *EVERY* single Office 2010 update ever released, to my knowledge. I scoured all the Microsoft KB articles. Probably took around ~5 hours total.

Supersedence for every update is also listed where provided, and formulas and colors keep track of which updates have been made unnecessary by future updates.

There's still some questions I have, but this helps, so it's a start.

Anyways, could be a great asset in crosschecking updates now. I'd be interested to see what updates you're offered and how they line up on this sheet. Maybe you can note the KBs but not install?

Nice. Truly appreciate your efforts and detailed dive in. 

BTW - NirSoft collection has a tiny portable app (cant recall name) that can PULL GUI text into CSV/ Tables etc, when you want to copy the GRID text but all you can do is Screenshots. 

On 10/29/2020 at 11:41 PM, Dylan Cruz said:

I also recently installed Office 2010, but on Windows 7. x86, Professional Plus.

Sadly, the updates immediately started downloading, so I have no idea which ones are listed because they were slipstreamed or which b/c they were in Windows Update. Should've gotten that list instead of doing it afterwards. That said, here's what I have now:

Tried to copy as text, but can't find commands that pull Office updates:






Edited by crashnburn4u
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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

Completely unexpectedly, another five Office 2010 updates on my Windows 10 netbook today!

KB4484455 Office
KB4486740 Word
KB4486737 Office
KB4486743 Excel
KB4484534 Office


Weird! Very weird!

Date on the first one is today!!!

Looks like there is *free* extended support for Office 2010? @Dave-H @win32 @crashnburn4u ??? :D

Incidentally, I found there are things like this going on:


Though if Microsoft is doing it for free, why bother with that? Would be nice if we could community source new patches or something but I guess we'll have to see what happens.

UPDATE: OK, looks like these might be critical vulnerabilities in Office 2010, which is why MSFT patched them. 

Oddly, they don't list them here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/update-history-office-2010-click-to-run

They do list them here, though: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4583503/november-2020-updates-for-microsoft-office

Looks like there were actually 6 updates, Dave - you missing one?

Edited by Dylan Cruz
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They might be going for the same approach as they did with Office 2007, continuing to release security updates for several months even though the support ended last month. I remember receiving Office 2007 updates until April-May 2018.

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5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

There's also KB4486738, which I wasn't offered on Windows 10 presumably because I don't need it.

Thanks for the heads up Dave - I've updated the supersedence chart posted at https://w2k.phreaknet.org/

3 hours ago, karl80038 said:

They might be going for the same approach as they did with Office 2007, continuing to release security updates for several months even though the support ended last month. I remember receiving Office 2007 updates until April-May 2018.

It was patches for the critical zero day that was also patched the same day, so I don't think so, unfortunately - seems like this was a one off.

That said, still glad Microsoft did it. Lucky that it was only a month afterwards, which probably was a factor in them doing it.

Odder is that Server 2008 (not R2) got patches and I'm pretty sure that is not supported at all now.

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I tried installing KB4486738 on XP, and as expected, I got the message "There are no products affected by this package installed on this system".
That explains why I wasn't offered it by Windows Update on Windows 10.
It replaces wwlibcxm.dll, a file which is not on my system.
I'm not quite sure what that file is, but the best I can find is that it's something to do with displaying XML content in Word documents, a facility which was apparently removed in January.

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On 11/13/2020 at 11:30 AM, Dave-H said:

I tried installing KB4486738 on XP, and as expected, I got the message "There are no products affected by this package installed on this system".
That explains why I wasn't offered it by Windows Update on Windows 10.
It replaces wwlibcxm.dll, a file which is not on my system.
I'm not quite sure what that file is, but the best I can find is that it's something to do with displaying XML content in Word documents, a facility which was apparently removed in January.

So not applicable to XP, 7, or 10 then.

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Managed to trace some more stray CAB KB #s - it's still pretty tough though.

I don't see why Microsoft couldn't include KB numbers in CAB file names - would make this a whole lot easier!

The full list is below, but only a few have KB #s in the file name now:

11/19/2020  07:48 AM    <DIR>          .
11/19/2020  07:48 AM    <DIR>          ..
02/22/2020  02:22 PM            65,528 accessolkaddin-x-none_4571200d0c9db16b528
02/22/2020  02:25 PM         3,904,392 csi-x-none_d8eb94e0c20a0a6e007dbcf657ace1
02/22/2020  05:54 PM           873,260 excelintl-en-us_643f56790952224f651b92cbc
02/22/2020  02:26 PM            92,512 exppdf-x-none_78e193d7fa3be46fa6c07f73d3e
02/21/2020  09:47 PM           554,548 fm20-x-none_28210a36f7d5d948e8b95cc9d4b9a
02/22/2020  05:44 PM           562,396 fm20-x-none_9649a309eee15b5d32c65c1d1b522
02/22/2020  05:53 PM           371,854 gfonts-x-none_23715aec547df5d7824747f46ff
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          gfx-x-none_3b7db2e32c6c15db9aa5f868e28b29
02/22/2020  02:02 PM           748,770 gfx-x-none_3b7db2e32c6c15db9aa5f868e28b29
02/22/2020  02:24 PM         2,697,424 gkall-x-none_b77a1de492d2701b6e8ecb2c627d
02/22/2020  02:38 PM        18,090,128 groove-x-none_c9e8eb19a37187686489aa3562e
02/21/2020  09:49 PM           218,820 ieawsdc-x-none_48528979c421e062fd198908d5
02/22/2020  01:53 PM         2,432,544 ipeditor-x-none_286d99c11bb8da6afadfd3884
02/22/2020  02:14 PM           108,956 msaddndr-x-none_fe7e444293cb613cbd3883bac
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          mshelp-x-none_4c3af1336cc8599e0b6f1cebcc7
02/22/2020  06:40 AM         1,134,182 mshelp-x-none_4c3af1336cc8599e0b6f1cebcc7
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          msocf-x-none_b6de60914c3e537e2c9fa1053f90
02/22/2020  02:03 PM            47,116 msocf-x-none_b6de60914c3e537e2c9fa1053f90
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          msointl-en-us_cbb2e8d950e9de471c4b7770b66
02/22/2020  06:01 PM           897,790 msointl-en-us_cbb2e8d950e9de471c4b7770b66
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          msores-x-none_c7a4834f7b28175fd385cb8c83b
02/22/2020  02:20 PM        10,656,590 msores-x-none_c7a4834f7b28175fd385cb8c83b
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          mstore-x-none_c408d603eb2a9c0c0573a888818
02/22/2020  01:57 PM         1,695,784 mstore-x-none_c408d603eb2a9c0c0573a888818
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          ocfxca-x-none_ea01b56460836086e46ac9135fa
02/22/2020  01:58 PM           175,480 ocfxca-x-none_ea01b56460836086e46ac9135fa
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          oleo-x-none_6295985a2c496a5ed4be2b454247a
02/22/2020  02:31 PM         1,563,358 oleo-x-none_6295985a2c496a5ed4be2b454247a
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          onenoteintl-en-us_52ec80bd9d14edd1dfdb312
02/22/2020  06:00 PM           571,128 onenoteintl-en-us_52ec80bd9d14edd1dfdb312
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          osc-x-none_31d563081f0a879ba0c775ae9b2557
02/22/2020  02:36 PM         1,096,390 osc-x-none_31d563081f0a879ba0c775ae9b2557
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          ospp-x-none_5d0c591708ab6fdb76553c0a2ca13
02/22/2020  05:52 PM           225,858 ospp-x-none_5d0c591708ab6fdb76553c0a2ca13
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          otkruntimertl-x-none_ed039e26757d92e91629
02/22/2020  06:43 AM           239,058 otkruntimertl-x-none_ed039e26757d92e91629
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          outlfltr-x-none_0a5c2c66c1d8cf822d0b4b2b8
02/22/2020  06:06 PM         3,288,294 outlfltr-x-none_0a5c2c66c1d8cf822d0b4b2b8
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          proof-en-us_a3a11b51b90c7f31fd661d7b401bc
02/22/2020  06:02 PM         9,312,482 proof-en-us_a3a11b51b90c7f31fd661d7b401bc
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          riched20-x-none_e31f07b596a5e1c0989d04d21
02/22/2020  05:43 PM           765,248 riched20-x-none_e31f07b596a5e1c0989d04d21
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          targetdir-x-none_4df7780127a2023254259c63
02/22/2020  02:23 PM            19,034 targetdir-x-none_4df7780127a2023254259c63
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          wec-x-none_9524dc91a4f6d1b09c4f5ff2ae22d6
02/22/2020  02:00 PM           367,364 wec-x-none_9524dc91a4f6d1b09c4f5ff2ae22d6
10/18/2020  06:31 AM    <DIR>          wordintl-en-us_8c28c699d2c958183efaa43e34
02/22/2020  05:58 PM           371,216 wordintl-en-us_8c28c699d2c958183efaa43e34
              30 File(s)     63,147,504 bytes
              20 Dir(s)  174,984,450,048 bytes free

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/8/2020 at 1:20 PM, Dave-H said:

Five more updates today!

KB4486698 - Office
KB4486742 - Outlook
KB4484372 - PowerPoint
KB4493140 - Office
KB4493148 - Excel

The updates still keep coming!

WOW! Now I'm beginning to think the Office team forgot they were supposed to end support...

SHHH!!! Let's not tell them... :P

In actuality, these are once again RCE bugs, so crossing my fingers there are more in January so we get more updates!

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