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  1. This tutorial was created following the discussion in this other post. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181623-updates-office-2007/page/5/ We will be working with the WSUS Offline Update program. Until 2020 it had current versions and long-term maintenance ESR versions. https://download.wsusoffline.net/ The program is currently only relatively community-maintained with versions up to 2021 called CE with links to GitLab provided on the forum and no current version is compatible with Office 2003/2007/2010. https://gitlab.com/wsusoffline/wsusoffline/-/releases WSUS Offline Update 9.2.6 ESR (2019-11-08) is the latest version with the option to get updates for Office 2003/2007. The download link is not listed on the official page but the download is done from the official server. https://download.wsusoffline.net/wsusoffline926.zip WSUS Offline Update 11.9.6 ESR CE (2020-10-23) is the latest version with the option to get updates for Office 2010 and requires Windows Seven (maybe it works on Vista). https://gitlab.com/-/project/19504919/uploads/20adc1fc933dda0367de405e907da7cd/wsusofflineCE1196.zip STEPS PRIOR TO RUNNING WSUS OFFLINE UPDATE We download WSUS and unzip it to make some modifications prior to its execution. 1- Get WSUS to download old updates without "Secure Hash Algorithm". Using Notepad++ (v. 7.9.2 latest XP compatible) we modified the DownloadUpdates.cmd file in the "cmd" folder by adding "--no-check-certificate" in the following line: -WSUS 9.2.6 line 206 " set DLDR_PATH=..\bin\wget.exe --no-check-certificate" -WSUS 11.9.6 line 261 " set DLDR_PATH=%WGET_PATH% --no-check-certificate" Thanks @AstroSkipper 2- Add pause in the CMD window during the execution of WSUS to get an old wsusscn2.cab version to be pasted into the client/wsus folder. *In the case of WSUS 9.2.6 the last working wsusscn2.cab version is dated 2019-11-13 if you try to work with newer versions thousands of files (13 GiB) are downloaded that do not contain any updates for Microsoft Office, there are others that are not related to Office, such as random updates for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven/10, .NET, etc. but others that are not related to Office such as random updates for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven/10, .NET, etc. To work with an older version of wsusscn2.cab we will modify the following line in the "DownloadUpdates.cmd" file in the "cmd" folder by adding the "pause" command. -WSUS 9.2.6 line 978 -WSUS 11.9.6 line 1168 echo The script has stopped before extracting package.xml from the current wsusscn2.cab file. You can now manually replace it with an older one. pause Thanks @AstroSkipper 3- Add pause to CMD window before creating ISO file to add downloads that fail. We modified the following line in the "CreateISOImage.cmd" file in the "cmd" folder by adding the "pause" command. -WSUS 9.2.6 line 3 -WSUS 11.9.6 line 4 echo The script has been paused before creating the ISO file. Manually add the updates with failed download. pause Thanks @AstroSkipper 4- Get the files needed to run WSUS that are located in the main root bin folder and whose download fails. *There are 2 bin folders, I have not checked if it is also necessary to place them in the other bin folder located in client\bin. I have included them in both folders. -WSUS 9.2.6 \bin mkisofs exe sigcheck exe (v2.30 latest XP supported) http://wayback.archive.org/web/20160618051340/http://skwire.dcmembers.com/apps/sigcheckgui/SigcheckGUI.zip wget exe (the file that comes with WSUS is faulty) (v1.19.4 latest XP supported) https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/1.19.4/32/wget.exe https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ -WSUS 11.9.6 \bin mkisofs exe Also in WSUS 9.2.6 we have to include the static download link for "sigcheck v2.30" inside the file "StaticDownloadLinks-sysinternals.txt" located in the "static" folder, replacing the current one which is not compatible with Windows XP and leaving the file: http://download.sysinternals.com/files/AutoLogon.zip http://wayback.archive.org/web/20160618051340/http://skwire.dcmembers.com/apps/sigcheckgui/SigcheckGUI.zip http://download.sysinternals.com/files/Streams.zip 5- Get static updates for the Office 2010 x64-bit version. Dynamic updates are downloaded in separate .CAB files for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, but WSUS Offline Update does not have an option to download 64-bit static updates. There are two new .TXT files that go in the \static\custom folder. They contain the links to SP2 x64 and two more files. https://forums.wsusoffline.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9818 *files versions for Office 2010 32-bit are automatically downloaded with WSUS 11.9.6 but are not downloaded with WSUS 9.2.6. NOTES: The steps above also help us to obtain updates for Windows XP or higher (previous versions do not work), .NET Framework and C++ if we check the corresponding options. Updates for .NET Framework: -If we want to avoid .NET updates that are not compatible with a version of Windows, we must exclude them in these 2 files in the "exclude" folder: ExcludeList-dotnet-x32.txt ExcludeList-dotnet-x64.txt For example, to avoid updates that are not compatible with XP, we must edit these 2 files, adding to each one: ndp45- ndp46- ndp47- ndp48- * the final dash is part of the text of the name of the excluded file. We must take into account that for any language, several files are also downloaded in German, such as "dotnetfx35langpack_x86de exe", which must be replaced manually with the corresponding one for our language or the following two files in the "static" folder must be modified, replacing the links in German: StaticDownloadLinks-dotnet-x32-glb.txt StaticDownloadLinks-dotnet-x64-glb.txt -All .NET Framework installers included in the two previous files and any additional language packs that are also included will be downloaded. In no WSUS Update Offline version is there a link to download the .NET Framework 1.1 installer, from which its updates are downloaded. Updates for Windows XP: -We must take into account that WSUS Offline Update 9.2.6 includes the updates for the XP Embedded version, if we do not want to download them we have to use WSUS 9.2.5. -The WindowsXP-KB968930-x86 file is downloaded in the UK English language version (ENG), if we want it in our language we have to replace it. *IMPORTANT: I have not checked, if After adding files with names not contained in the wsusscn2.cab downloads, if you run UpdateInstaller exe to install the updates, these new files are installed. FINAL STEPS AFTER PREVIOUS MODIFICATIONS After the previous steps... 1- Check that we have the files necessary to run WSUS in these folders \bin \client\bin \cmd \static Do not add the other downloads that fail yet, as they may not do so and the pasted files may be deleted during the download. 2- Paste the current wsusscn2.cab version in the client\wsus folder or let it download automatically when WSUS is run. 3- Run UpdateGenerator exe Uncheck all options except "ISO" and optionally Service Packs. Choose our desired latest update download and press "Start". The downloads performed are not linked to the operating system from which WSUS Offline Update is run or to whether we have one or another Microsoft Office version installed. These are independent, if the downloads number varies from one operating system to another it is due to an error in the program. 4- Paste an older wsusscn2.cab version when the message appears. (the message appears if you have "Pause" enabled in DownloadUpdates.cmd) For WSUS 9.2.6 for Office 2003 and 2007, version 2019-04-07 is recommended (the oldest version that contains all the updates) http://web.archive.org/web/20190420162709/http://download.windowsupdate.com/microsoftupdate/v6/wsusscan/wsusscn2.cab For WSUS 9.2.6 for Office 2010, version 2019-11-13 is recommended (the last version that works with WSUS 9.2.6). This does not contain the latest updates for Office 2010, if we want to get them it has to be from WSUS Offline Update 11.9.6 which is not compatible with Windows XP. http://web.archive.org/web/20191209214827/http://download.windowsupdate.com/microsoftupdate/v6/wsusscan/wsusscn2.cab For WSUS 11.9.6 for Office 2010, version 2023-11-14 (581 MiB) is recommended http://web.archive.org/web/20231114200328/http://download.windowsupdate.com/microsoftupdate/v6/wsusscan/wsusscn2.cab as the file is 215 MiB smaller than the older version that contains all updates for Office 2010 from 2021-04-13 (796 MiB) http://web.archive.org/web/20210504233947/http://download.windowsupdate.com/microsoftupdate/v6/wsusscan/wsusscn2.cab WSUS 9.2.6 running from Windows Seven asks for 800 dynamic downloads for Office 2003/2007. From Windows XP searching for updates for Office 2003/2007 may fail and WSUS 9.2.6 will ask for 2529 downloads. The error is due to the file "ExcludeList-superseded.txt" not being created correctly in the "exclude" folder. Once the problem is corrected WSUS 9.2.6 will also ask for 800 downloads from XP. You should check if the "ExcludeList-superseded.txt" file in the "exclude" folder is not empty after WSUS 9.2.6 checks the current "wsusscn2.cab" version. In this case, close the CMD download window but do not close the WSUS program, paste a correct copy of "ExcludeList-superseded.txt" and press Start again. If it fails, try repeating the process until it works. Sometimes everything fails, restart Windows and try again. The "ExcludeList-superseded.txt" file can be extracted by searching for other updates than Office 2003/2007 with WSUS 9.2.6. With Office 2010 from WSUS 9.2.6 there is no such problem, although more files are also downloaded than with WSUS 11.9.6, since dynamic updates contain updates for all Office versions that the WSUS version supports. 6- Look in the log for the failed downloads when the message to burn ISO appears. Open the download.log file located in the log folder and look for the links that say "failed". The correct file location folder is just above the "failed" message indicating the path to the folder. 7- Get the files whose download failed and paste them into the corresponding folders before creating the ISO file. (make a copy in a separate folder beforehand because these may disappear if we run WSUS again and it is not configured correctly) If many files appear with the error failed (more than 6 approx.) you should stop the operation and go back to step 4. So many failed downloads means that the connection has failed and some of these are actually available, you should try to download them again by running WSUS again. It is also possible that we have not added the "--no-check-certificate" command in the DownloadUpdates.cmd file. In my opinion, it is a good idea to delete the log before starting the process again to have a clean text or save the previous one as an old copy. 8- Before creating the ISO file, check if the text "unknow error" appears in the log. This means a connection error or similar during update downloads. In this case, we must stop the operation and return to step 4 (run UpdateGenerator.exe again) until the error disappears. 9- Continue with the ISO creation. *Remember that dynamic updates are downloaded for all Office versions that contain a WSUS Offline Update option, even if only Office 2003 (v.11), 2007 (v.12) or 2010 (v.14) is selected, updates for Office 2013 (v.15) and Office 2016/2019/2021 (all v.16) will be downloaded. If we only want updates for Office 2010 we have to open all the .CAB files one by one and see which version appears in the .XML file. 10- Before installing updates for Office 2007/2010 on XP with UpdateInstaller.exe it is necessary to first install the "Office 2xxx Upsourcer" patch with its prerequisites so that they are compatible with XP. https://msfn.org/board/topic/181623-updates-office-2007/?do=findComment&comment=1270419
  2. After getting MSO 2010 SP2 installed recently, I found that there was no easy and intuitive way to get Office 2010 fully up to date. Even the latest cumulative updates on Microsoft's websites (and it's not at all obvious which ones are necessary, since the "latest" ones go back to September 2019 or even earlier) omit nearly 60 standalone updates that need to be downloaded separately. The goal here was to see if I could get Office updated from the get go w/o using Windows Update post-install. Starting with SP2*, this will get MSO 2010 fully up to date. This is for 32-bit Office 2010 Professional Plus (+Visio) on 64-bit Windows 7. (*This was starting with the install files for Office 2010 with SP2 already slipstreamed into the "Updates" folder, I don't think there's an official SP2 ISO anywhere). However, in Word and other Office applications, the version number does not change higher than 7243/7237 still, which is annoying since 7245 I believe is the February 2020 build #. But by "up to date", I mean when you run Windows Update, it will give you the green checkmark and say "No important updates available", woo hoo! The folders referenced below are where I have saved extracted copies of all the downloaded CAB updates, because obtaining them is a pain. The updates that are contained in each folder are provided below. Sadly, using Windows Update post-install is the only way to get the last 3 updates to install, to my knowledge. I tested pretty much every possible way. They cause problems if you try to install them manually. Anyways, hopefully this is helpful, it took hours of testing but using this procedure any vanilla Office 2010 SP2 can be brought fully up to date. PART I: 1. Copy "Office 2010 x86 Pro Plus VL with SP2" to local Desktop. This contains the latest cumulative updates. 2. Copy contents of "MSO 2010 Latest Standalone Updates" to the "Updates" folder contained in the folder on Desktop. Click "Keep both copies" when prompted in the Copy dialog. 3. Run setup.exe 4. Install Update for Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime (2017) PART II: 1. Copy SW_DVD5_Visio_Premium_2010_W32_English_Std_Pro_Prem_MLF_X16-51030 with SP2 to local Desktop. 2. Copy contents of "MSO 2010 Latest Standalone Updates" to the "Updates" folder contained in the folder on Desktop. (Yes, this means all Office updates.) 3. Copy contents of "MSO 2010 Visio Latest Standalone Updates" to the "Updates" folder contained in the folder on Desktop. 4. Run setup.exe PART III: 1. Run Windows Update and install all IMPORTANT updates only. There should be (3) important updates. The steps above minimized the amount of updates Windows Update is needed for. The 3 important updates in Windows Update for MSO won't install manually (they still show up in WU), but if installed via Windows Update, they will disappear. *** UPDATES IN THE FOLDERS *** Latest Office 2010 Cumulative Updates: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/officeupdates/office-updates-msi UP TO DATE THROUGH 2020/02/21 FOR KB # RELEASED REPLACES Outlook 4484163 (2020/02/11) 4475573 (2019/08/13) Excel 4484267 (2020/02/11) 4484243 (2020/01/14) Office 4484236 (2020/02/11) 4484192 (2019/12/10) Office (Access) 4484193 (2019/12/10) 4484127 (2019/11/12) Office (Word) 4475598 (2019/12/10) 4475531 (2019/08/13) PowerPoint 4461613 (2019/12/10) 4461521 (2018/12/10) Word 4475601 (2019/12/10) 4475533 (2019/08/13) Office 4464566 (2019/09/10) 4462223 (2019/04/09) Project 4461631 (2019/09/10) 4022147 (2018/11/13) **NOT DOWNLOADED** --- Install these standalone x86 updates for MSO 2010 --- 3114416 3114414 2553154 2553313 2553332 2850016 2881029 2956063 3114565 3115120 3115197 3115248 3191908 4022206 4022208 3114872 2999465 4018363 3114879 2817369 2553092 2553140 2553347 2553388 2589298 2589375 2880971 2597087 2791057 2825640 2881030 3054886 3055047 3128031 4092436 4461579 4462187 3114559 2553308 2760601 3115314 4461626 982726 2956076 2589318 2589339 3054873 4462172 2883019 2589386 4011186 3115475 --- Install the applicable (e.g. language specific) component of these MSO 2010 x86 updates --- 4022136 2956084 4461625 3114885 2956076 3203468 3213626 3213631 --- Install the following updates during Visio install AS WELL (install all other updates above also) --- 4464566 4484193 2881025 (English only) *** END OF UPDATES TO SLIPSTREAM ** --- Duplicate CAB updates --- 3203468 3114885 --- Problematic updates --- 4011610: The upgrade patch cannot be installed by the Windows Installer service b/c the program to be upgraded may be missing or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the program to be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch.
  3. Here's the issue When going to Word 2010 starting an envelope, we click the Address Book icon to view addresses from Outlook. It is completely empty. If we check Outlook, it has all the addresses and works fine. We just can't see the address book in Word to do envelopes. Here's what we are using: Windows 10 Home 64bit (Brand new computer - 1 week old) Office Home and Business 2010 What we've tried with no success. We created a new Outlook profile. We created a new PST file and imported the address book into that new PST file. We tried with Outlook open and closed. Other software same as previous computer which worked fine. It never worked on this new computer. I hope someone has a suggestion that might work?
  4. I'm trying to get our corporate Office 2010 installer fully patched via dropping .MSP files in the \Updates folder and am running into a peculiar problem - updates seem to conflict with each other and undo one another's application. For example, if I drop SP2's extracted .MSP files in the \Updates folder and install Office, I can then run Windows Update and get a list of patches for Office 2010 that doesn't include SP2. Great, makes sense, I pre-installed it via the Updates folder. However, when I drop the MSP files from another patch into the folder, even if I rename them so as not to overwrite like-named files from the SP2 application, when I run Windows Update it shows SP2 as an available installation. It's a reduced filesize, but it's still there. This suggests to me that some component of SP2 is no longer installing once other updates are added to the folder. Complicating matters further, re-integrating SP2 then undoes some of the other patches and they show up in the WU update list. Has anyone had success in getting a fully-patched installation of Office made using offline patching, such that a "Check for Updates" operation will yield no missing patches? How did you do it?
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