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Posted (edited)
On 3/10/2020 at 10:06 AM, roytam1 said:

you may try with older language pack

ok older than 27.9.3(lasted 27 version) for me SSE then. we will see.
here they are:
i could be this "mistake"

Use the same code as the file name of the language pack you downloaded
de.xpi means not de-de but de only as value.

Update: IT MUST BE de-de.

Edited by 3dreal

On 3/10/2020 at 3:31 PM, Inox said:

Thank You, this one works with no problem.

Dziękuję :)

where did you get and how did you install?
installation from addons seems not to work anymore. Need german version.

On 3/20/2020 at 6:49 PM, Alex654 said:

Please, remove the duplicates above. This forum is very buggy. Not only it does not switch pages correctly in Chrome 49 (last available on Win XP), but the same problem also happens in latest Chrome on Windows 7 (checked just now), and the redirect to the last message after posting also fails in Firefox 63 on Windows 7 (it is not so old).

I guess someone should make a bug report to the tech support. Maybe I will.

switching pages at bottom worked months ago nonworking now or or very slow. 27_SSE 27.9.7 I have to enter page-no above.

On 5/2/2020 at 8:05 PM, Hufschmied said:

Within the most current Pale Moon version 27.9.7-sse dated 04th April 2020, it is not possible to install a language package.

The last working version of 27.9.7-sse within which it was possible to install a language package is the version dated 04th March 2020.

good to know. so how can i install latest working version? replacing newest? running from folder is resulting in crashes.

On 5/14/2020 at 8:49 PM, RainyShadow said:

Is there a way to make http://virustotal.com/gui/ work on NM27?

I tried various user agents, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. It just keeps looping that animation, and there are a dozen errors in the console.

My build is 27.9.7-sse

This was offered. minimal interface:

similar with some mailboxes. here web.de and gmx.net(same owner).

On 5/7/2020 at 7:10 PM, Nojus2001 said:


Is anyone having problems with reCAPTCHA lately? Because I do, everytime I'm greeted the following message:

Because of it, I am unable to solve any (stupid) captcha's.

Any help is appreciated :)

google recaptcha verified fix (2018.08.24) for all browser design for XP: New Moon SEE 27.8.0a1+ XP, New Moon 27.9.1a1 + XP, Mypal 27.9.4 + XP, K-Meleon 76.0 (20180818) + XP
- Test: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo https://patrickhlauke.github.io/recaptcha
- about:config dom.messageChannel.enabled true

On 6/8/2020 at 10:00 AM, flyod said:

i already tried that too. it didn't make any difference, but i'll look over it again i may have missed something, i broke the whole xp install last night, so now i've got to start over again anyway.

here's where i found the updated acpi.sys:
everything on the system works great now, with the exception of a web browser. 


EDIT: i tried that again, with both the default video driver and the correct one, and still the same result. i did notice that clicking the menu bar can also force the window to redraw, sometimes.

i tried with my computer's onboard graphics (not really sure what it is, i've never actually used it before, intel something i think, no proper drivers exist for xp) with the default windows xp video drivers, and again, same result. i do get a bluescreen when i try to set the resolution above 800x600, so im not sure if thats a fair test.

i was starting to think it might be that new acpi.sys that lets xp work in the first place that was the problem, but all the browsers work fine with that acpi.sys in virtualbox. this is weird.

On 5/16/2020 at 8:00 PM, kartel said:

Roy, is there any way to disable startupCache.4.little?

I delete files in the "local" folder with crapcleaner and the last build wont populate login fields when this file is freshly made.

I must close NM  and start over and the forms will input my login info.

Right now I denied permissions to the folder and it seems to work but for some reason the previous builds didnt seem to mind as much.


Not sure why the startupCache.4.little has such an effect on the login clipboard or whatever does the username input on logins.

Also my UBO takes a bit to load so the startupCache.4.little does nothing but make logins difficult.

thank you

I see this when the password autocomplete fails:


Error: TypeError: this.openedPopup.hidePopup is not a function
Source File: resource:///modules/AutoCompletePopup.jsm
Line: 194


  removeLogin(login) {

  receiveMessage: function(message) {
    if (!message.target.autoCompletePopup) {
      // Returning false to pacify ESLint, but this return value is
      // ignored by the messaging infrastructure.
      return false;

    switch (message.name) {
      case "FormAutoComplete:SelectBy": {
        this.openedPopup.selectBy(message.data.reverse, message.data.page);

      case "FormAutoComplete:GetSelectedIndex": {
        if (this.openedPopup) {
          return this.openedPopup.selectedIndex;
        // If the popup was closed, then the selection
        // has not changed.
        return -1;

      case "FormAutoComplete:SetSelectedIndex": {
        let { index } = message.data;
        if (this.openedPopup) {
          this.openedPopup.selectedIndex = index;

      case "FormAutoComplete:MaybeOpenPopup": {
        let { results, rect, dir } = message.data;
        this.showPopupWithResults({ browser: message.target, rect, dir,
                                    results });

      case "FormAutoComplete:Invalidate": {
        let { results } = message.data;

      case "FormAutoComplete:ClosePopup": {

      case "FormAutoComplete:Disconnect": {
        // The controller stopped controlling the current input, so clear
        // any cached data.  This is necessary cause otherwise we'd clear data
        // only when starting a new search, but the next input could not support
        // autocomplete and it would end up inheriting the existing data.
    // Returning false to pacify ESLint, but this return value is
    // ignored by the messaging infrastructure.
    return false;

   * Despite its name, this handleEnter is only called when the user clicks on
   * one of the items in the popup since the popup is rendered in the parent process.
   * The real controller's handleEnter is called directly in the content process
   * for other methods of completing a selection (e.g. using the tab or enter
   * keys) since the field with focus is in that process.
  handleEnter(aIsPopupSelection) {
    if (this.openedPopup) {
      this.sendMessageToBrowser("FormAutoComplete:HandleEnter", {
        selectedIndex: this.openedPopup.selectedIndex,
        isPopupSelection: aIsPopupSelection,

   * If a browser exists that AutoCompletePopup knows about,
   * sends it a message. Otherwise, this is a no-op.
   * @param {string} msgName
   *        The name of the message to send.
   * @param {object} data
   *        The optional data to send with the message.
  sendMessageToBrowser(msgName, data) {
    let browser = this.weakBrowser ? this.weakBrowser.get()
                                   : null;
    if (browser) {
      browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage(msgName, data);

  stopSearch: function() {}


Checking your browser before accessing xxxxxxxxxx
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.
Please allow up to 5 seconds…

Any ideas? The new profile didn't change anything. IP hasn't changed. Everything works on firefox....

36 minutes ago, TheLastDevil said:

Checking your browser before accessing xxxxxxxxxx
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.
Please allow up to 5 seconds…

Any ideas? The new profile didn't change anything. IP hasn't changed. Everything works on firefox....

try setting "Firefox compatibility" in settings.

Posted (edited)

New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200613-34cf555-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win64-git-20200613-34cf555-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rths.ml/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.6.win32-git-20200613-34cf555-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win32-git-20200613-2ddefd2bc-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.1a1.win64-git-20200613-2ddefd2bc-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1580 - Add missing MP3Demuxer.h to MediaDecoderReader.h (bd971831f)
- Issue #1525 - Kill marquee element; Debug Follow Up (32c3efa3c)
- Merge pull request #1582 from g4jc/marqp (e0dc5f309)
- Merge pull request #1581 from g4jc/1580 (cc01b5e2a)
- Issue #1542 - Fix a typo in wasm which was causing build failure on ARM (8f02c2b06)
- [NSS] Update exported symbols (e8bdf27ac)
- Issue #439 - Remove, fix and clean up automated tests (b0901eb09)
- Issue #1560 - Always include speech synthesis IPDLs (ad6ce890d)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1578 - Add global menubar support for GTK (d18faf819)
- Merge pull request #1584 from Lootyhoof/global-menu (907530e86)
- Follow up to Issue #1578 - Preprocess the popup binding (47db6b4b5)
- Issue #1585 - Replace node.rootNode with node.getRootNode() (8797b2074)
- Merge pull request #1586 from adeshkp/fix-arm-build (0955b34e6)
- Issue #1587 - Part 1: Implement FetchController/FetchSignal interface (a8602cc87)
- Issue #1587 - Part 2: Implement controller follow/unfollow (be82b3331)
- Issue #1587 - Part 3: Hook FetchSignal up to the Fetch API (1ca6039fb)
- Issue #1587 - Part 4: Implement FetchObserver (ec792e2ac)
- Issue #1587 - Part 5: Hook FetchObserver up to the Fetch API (fdc11c731)
- Issue #1587 - Part 6: Move FetchController/Signal to its own dir (1620ec196)
- Issue #439 - Debug follow up to remove no longer existing headers (5629e34f8)
- Merge pull request #1588 from g4jc/439 (433c300a3)
- Issue #1587 - Part 7: Rename FetchController to AbortController (e97a29a65)
- Issue #1587 - Part 8: Remove controller follow/unfollow (94c694d38)
- Issue #1587 - Part 9: Immediately reject an already-aborted signal (1c9731480)
- Issue #1587 - Part 10: Expose controlling pref and enable by default (927c2fd3e)
- Merge branch 'abortcontroller-work' (59a5adc93)

Official Basilisk changes since my last build:
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Update client.mk to be more consistent with the original platform version (1febb59)
- Update back-end branch pointer (991e8d3)
- Revert "Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Update client.mk to be more consistent with the original platform version" (db17817)
- Update back-end branch pointer (e3973ac)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Update client.mk to be more consistent with the original platform version (34cf555)

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Remove duplicate panels with the same ID (08e14c611)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Update client.mk to be more consistent with the original platform version (af77741cf)
- Update back-end branch pointer (unstable 2020-06-09) (326b60bca)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Fix configure generation (9827a6c6d)
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon (1e591db14)
- Update back-end branch pointer (Unstable 2020-06-12) (2ddefd2bc)

My changes since my last build:
- Reverted "Issue #1525 - Kill marquee element; Debug Follow Up (32c3efa3c)"

Edited by roytam1

New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20200613-9a3d652a-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z
Browser-only Suite Win32 https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20200613-9a3d652a-uxp-59a5adc93-xpmod.7z

source patch (excluding UXP): https://o.rths.ml/boc-uxp/boc-uxp-src-xpmod-20191123.7z

Official repo changes since my last build:
- Update platform commit pointer (f1875bfe)
- [Navigator] Update losslessDecodeURI() (71dfba70)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Update client.mk to be more consistent with the original platform version (2cba145b)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1578 - Add global menubar support for GTK (bbafcdf0)
- Merge pull request #100 from Lootyhoof/global-menu (b4b92839)
- Issue MoonchildProductions/UXP#1577 - Fix configure generation (8e45bf0e)
- Update platform commit pointer (8d7f1229)
- Merge branch 'TRUNK' of https://github.com/binaryoutcast/binoc-central into TRUNK (9a3d652a)


New build of IceApe-UXP for XP!

Test binary:

Official repos changes since my last build:
- Fix SearX Instance (affb3c5be)
- Bump version (7e636a767)
- [iceape] Bump version (41157bf)

for UXP changes please see above.


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200613-ecb14f443-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200613-ecb14f443-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200613-ecb14f443-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20200613-ecb14f443-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1152171 part 2 - Rename AnimationTimeline to DocumentTimeline; r=smaug (26c118319)
 - Bug 1152171 part 3 - Update web-platform-tests expectations; r=jgraham (b7b4032aa)
 - Bug 1153734 part 1 - Remove AnimationEffect; r=smaug (9cf67a02e)
 - Bug 1153734 part 2 - Rename Animation to KeyframeEffectReadonly; r=smaug (b69556ee6)
 - Bug 1153734 part 3 - Rename AnimationPlayer.source to AnimationPlayer.effect; r=smaug (50d3130ee)
 - Bug 1153734 part 4 - Rename other uses of 'source' and 'source content'; r=jwatt (b02c4ba36)
 - Bug 1153734 part 5 - Add AnimationEffectReadonly as a superinterface of KeyframeEffectReadonly; r=smaug (c3395d3f5)
 - Bug 1149990 - Support replaying of finished CSS transitions by supporting setting of currentTime/startTime. r=birtles (3fb2cb401)
 - Bug 1154615 part 1 - Rename AnimationPlayer to Animation in WebIDL; r=smaug (6c2125b49)
 - Bug 1154615 part 2 - Rename PendingPlayerTracker to PendingAnimationTracker; r=jwatt (8d6804def)
 - Bug 1154615 part 3 - Rename internal members of PendingAnimationTracker; r=jwatt (f348f6355)
 - Bug 1154615 part 4 - Rename references to players in dom/animation; r=jwatt (0250572e8)
 - Bug 1117603 part 1 - Don't assume style rules have been refreshed in GetAnimationRule; r=dbaron (a5d340d0f)
 - remove kungFuDeathGrip (49df758e6)
 - Bug 1117603 part 2 - Don't unregister from the refresh driver unless we are also queueing events; r=dbaron (715c9caa1)
 - Bug 1154615 part 5 - Rename AnimationPlayerCollection to AnimationCollection; r=jwatt (4c596f089)
 - Bug 1154615 part 6 - Rename references to players within layout/; r=jwatt (42405f3fc)
 - Bug 1154615 part 7 - Rename CSSAnimationPlayer and CSSTransitionPlayer; r=jwatt (49ab272ed)
 - Bug 1154615 part 8 - Rename references to players in animation observers; r=jwatt (c3fa26d7a)
 - Bug 1154615 part 9 - Rename test files; r=jwatt (9d9f03e7b)
 - Bug 1145439 (Part 1)
 - Throttle requestAnimationFrame for non-visible iframes. r=mstange,mchang (be7d183d6)
 - Bug 1145439 (Part 2)
 - Make test_scroll_event_ordering.html wait for rAF to unthrottle. r=roc (9ac8317c9)
 - Bug 1144324 - Try to register for, and handle, touch events when APZ is enabled. r=dvander,jimm (fb75d1665)
 - Bug 1144324 - Remove the codepaths that conditionally enable touch events based on touch the presence of touch listeners. r=smaug,jimm (710617e6b)
 - Bug 1003991 - Disable https:// only load for ServiceWorkers when Developer Tools are open. r=nsm, r=miker (9d6669814)
 - Bug 1153267 - part 1 - use smart-pointer .forget() instead of NS_ADDREF+assign; r=ehsan (e4555c90c)
 - Bug 1153267 - part 2 - use smart pointers instead of manual NS_ADDREF'ing outparams; r=ehsan (ae8b60d5a)
 - Bug 1153267 - fix typo that broke OS X builds on a CLOSED TREE; r=bustage (08fdb3c4f)
 - Bug 1146843 - Revert part of cset 33c30e283fa8 because the code is used in Fennec. r=snorp (407248257)
 - Bug 1151940 part 1. Make some readonly properties defined on Window by CSSOM-view replaceable. r=smaug (5cb9b91f0)
 - Bug 1151940 part 2. Add a convenience function in nsGlobalWindow for replacing a property on the window with a new value. r=smaug (2ba39331c)
 - Bug 1151940 part 3. Make some writable cssom-view attributes that we only allow setting from chrome act the way readonly replaceables would when called from content. r=smaug (b485e1b44)
 - Goanna -> Gecko (2c539d7be)
 - Goanna -> Gecko (25d34e213)
 - Bug 1148962 - Use TakeOwnershipOfErrorReporting in CPOW code (r=bholley) (96c997639)
 - pointer style (a07fbffaa)
 - Bug 1152577: Add 'aReason' argument to AutoEntryScript constructor, and provide plausible names for its instantiations. r=bholley (512fa27e2)
 - bug 1155691 - Expose WindowRoot to chrome from window in webidl. r=smaug (235281924)
 - Bug 404828 - No need to assert that the top window isn't reachable. r=smaug (d73154fa0)
 - Bug 404828 - Followup: remove assertion expectations on a CLOSED TREE. a=tomcat (a5dabe1b7)
 - Bug 1156102 - Mark nsGlobalWindowObserver::mWindow as MOZ_NON_OWNING_REF; r=baku (c0d4208b7)
 - Bug 1107801 - Improve gamepad support on MacOS. r=ted (c591bd5ac)
 - Goanna -> Gecko (d9b81bc9e)
 - Bug 852944 - Gamepad API IPC; r=ted, r=baku (521892538)
 - Bug 1143529 part 1. Stop manually calling WrapObject in DataStoreService::GetDataStoresResolve. r=baku (056ad6bfe)
 - Bug 1143529 part 2. Tighten up the assert in binding Wrap methods. r=peterv (765a13325)
 - Bug 1152169 - DataStoreService should check if the first revision exists, r=bent (ee371cc5d)
 - Bug 1152169 followup: Mark FirstRevisionIdCallback methods Run() and HandleEvent() as 'override'. rs=ehsan (8186c4168)
 - Bug 1143651 - don't use CallQueryInterface when the compiler can do the cast for us; r=ehsan (a50f0a54b)
 - Bug 1144322 - Handle tabindex in overridden IsInteractiveHTMLContent methods. r=smaug (fd4b9beed)
 - Bug 1086684 - Stash the full path for file inputs to avoid doing IPC at inopportune times. r=ehsan/bent/gps (b843b1efc)
 - Bug 1143934 - Disallow mozSetFileNameArray in content processes. r=ehsan (42e5c8c6d)
 - Bug 1143934 - Fix assorted forms mochitests for e10s-compatibility. r=smaug (7a3babfed)
 - Bug 1143934 - Work around SessionStore dependency on current brokenness. r=ttaubert (5b0fcb5ce)
 - Bug 956530 - Clear the delayed caret data when clicking on a selected part of a text control if the focus event handler selects the control; r=roc (2859f07b4)
 - Bug 956530 follow-up: Fix the test failure on Windows 8 caused by the text box having a glowing outline as a result of being clicked on (d34e8da1a)
 - Bug 1157898 part 1. Make code of the form "return rv.ErrorCode();" where rv is an ErrorResult use StealNSResult instead. r=peterv (800da50e2)
 - Bug 1157898 part 2. Make code of the form "NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv.ErrorCode(), rv.ErrorCode());" use Failed and StealNSResult instead. r=peterv (472432a83)
 - Bug 1157898 part 3. Fix the remaining consumers of rv.ErrorCode() in NS_ENSURE_* expressions to not do that. r=peterv (d452807e7)
 - Bug 1122238 part 1. Switch to using the new stackframe APIs in JSStackFrame. r=bholley (9d87b261a)
 - Bug 1122238 part 2. Stop caching things in JSStackFrame when we're called over Xrays. r=bholley (83eda7275)
 - Bug 1122238 part 3. Drop all the DOMException-cloning and sanitization gunk we added in bug 1107592 and bug 1107953 and bug 1117242 . r=bholley (f237aa948)
 - add support for NetBSD/SPARC64 (065783b70)
 - Bug 1153484 - Fetch should ignore invalid headers, but still process later headers. r=nsm (8925ddd77)
 - Bug 1157754 part 2. Convert consumers of ErrorResult::ClearMessage() to the new better APIs we have for suppressing exceptions on ErrorResult. r=bkelly (6519fbd5e)
 - Bug 1157754 part 3. Make ClearMessage private on ErrorResult. r=peterv (3fb218692)
 - Bug 1157898 part 4. Add ErrorResult::ErrorCodeIs() and use it in various places to get rid of ErrorCode(). r=peterv (bed7bfb4c)
 - Bug 1130686 - Refactor PromiseHolder in the service worker clients code. r=nsm (b3dbdcbfe)
 - Bug 1130686 - Implement client.focus. r=baku (5dee6d850)
 - Bug 1149163 part 1 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetInnerContent; r=froydnj (cc8f65b54)
 - Bug 1149163 part 2 - Make nsDOMIterator infallible; r=froydnj (d975f6c62)
 - Bug 1149163 part 3 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::BustUpInlinesAtBRs; r=froydnj (58155adad)
 - Bug 1149163 part 4 - Allow use of temporary nsBoolDomIterFunctor; r=froydnj (dbafec00f)
 - Bug 1149163 part 5 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetNodesForOperation; r=froydnj (41179d810)
 - Bug 1149163 part 6 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::LookInsideDivBQandList; r=froydnj (0b757bf14)
 - Bug 1149163 part 7 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::PromoteRange; r=froydnj (c49c714b1)
 - Bug 1149163 part 8 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetPromotedRanges; r=froydnj (5163a0026)
 - Bug 1148228 - Stop checking ul twice (43a22088c)
 - Bug 1141017 - resurrect serif and monospace. r=ehsan (95a1b6fcf)
 - Bug 1147412 part 1 - Make methods take nsINode*, not just nsIContent*; r=ehsan (7f762cdbe)
 - Bug 1147412 part 2 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnTextNode; r=ehsan (faf805587)
 - Bug 1147412 part 3 - Fix completely broken nsHTMLCSSUtils::IsCSSEquivalentToHTMLInlineStyleSet implementation; r=ehsan (73fea67c1)
 - Bug 1147412 part 4 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::GetInlinePropertyBase; r=ehsan (3265bfbce)
 - Bug 1147412 part 5 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::RemoveInlinePropertyImpl; r=ehsan (0f402bd7e)
 - Bug 1147412 part 6 - Remove nsHTMLCSSUtils::IsCSSEditableProperty(nsIDOMNode*,...); r=ehsan (100e4038a)
 - Bug 1147412 part 7 - Remove nsHTMLCSSUtils::GetComputedStyle(nsIDOMElement*); r=ehsan (6c51103bc)
 - Bug 1147412 part 8 - Clean up nsHTMLCSSUtils::IsCSSInvertible; r=ehsan (01e60c446)
 - Bug 1147412 part 9 - Convert some nsHTMLEditor members to Element; r=ehsan (e7efb1ac4)
 - Bug 1147412 part 10 - Clean up nsHTMLCSSUtils::Get*Property, GetCSSInlinePropertyBase; r=ehsan (54154143d)
 - Bug 1149163 part 9 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetNodesFromSelection; r=froydnj (5186308b9)
 - Bug 1154701 part 1 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::CreateListOfNodesToPaste; r=ehsan (ea95238d5)
 - Bug 1153629 part 1 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetListActionNodes; r=ehsan (51f3b3e95)
 - Bug 1153629 part 2 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetParagraphFormatNodes; r=ehsan (a27bd7751)
 - Bug 1153629 part 3 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetNodesFromPoint; r=ehsan (edc7e4561)
 - Bug 1153629 part 4 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::ListIsEmptyLine; r=ehsan (ce3289bc7)
 - Bug 1153629 part 5 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::GetChildNodesForOperation; r=ehsan (b3a509dbf)
 - Bug 1153629 part 6 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::MakeBlockquote; r=ehsan (cb3808182)
 - Bug 1153629 part 7 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::RemoveBlockStyle, RemovePartOfBlock; r=ehsan (660b9f76e)
 - Bug 1153629 part 8 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::ApplyBlockStyle; r=ehsan (f54f9538c)
 - Bug 1153629 part 9 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::MakeTransitionList; r=ehsan (fb63cf6d8)
 - Bug 1153629 part 10 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::AlignInnerBlocks; r=ehsan (752d2df7a)
 - Bug 1153629 part 11 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::AdjustSpecialBreaks; r=ehsan (16ef0416b)
 - Bug 1153629 part 12 - Clean up nsHTMLEditRules::RemoveEmptyNodes; r=ehsan (d528e70e6)
 - Bug 1154701 part 2 - Use more OwningNonNull in editor; r=ehsan (85b1929e6)
 - Bug 1154701 part 3 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::GetListAndTableParents, DiscoverPartialListsAndTables, ScanForListAndTableStructure, ReplaceOrphanedStructure; r=ehsan (7fe31f058)
 - Bug 1154701 part 4 - Switch nsHTMLEditor::mContentFilters to nsTArray; r=ehsan (64e6dd160)
 - Bug 1154701 part 5 - Switch nsHTMLEditor::objectResizeEventListeners to nsTArray; r=ehsan (036bc65fe)
 - Bug 1154701 part 6 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnNodeImpl; r=ehsan (2d619ca16)
 - Bug 1154701 part 7 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::SetInlineProperty; r=ehsan (7a367d31b)
 - Bug 1154701 part 8 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::SetInlinePropertyOnNode; r=ehsan (707c07d93)
 - Bug 1154701 part 9 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::RelativeFontChange; r=ehsan (273ae9c64)
 - Bug 1154701 part 10 - Switch nsEditor::mActionListeners to nsTArray; r=ehsan (d2b5732fe)
 - Bug 1154701 part 11 - Switch nsEditor::mEditorObservers to nsTArray; r=ehsan (25a5af12e)
 - Bug 1154701 part 12 - Switch nsEditor::mDocStateListeners to nsTArray; r=ehsan (665af0792)
 - Bug 1154701 part 13 - Clean up nsHTMLEditor::SetCSSBackgroundColor; r=ehsan (ba424ade8)
 - Bug 1154701 part 14 - Remove unused nsCOMArray cruft; r=ehsan (3a8679a67)
 - Bug 1101651 - Part 1: xpcomrt version of dom media library need for standalone webrtcs. r=jesup (ae37b5464)
 - Bug 1137447 - New app update telemetry for patch type (complete or partial), extended error codes, and general cleanup. r=bbondy (c736ae502) (e39f9f88f)
- import changes from tenfourfox:
 - #600: new tzdata (2d99b19d7)
 - #605: M1632908 (subparts M1631576 M1608895 only) (0d0dc62a8)
 - #605: update HSTS, TLDs (8304421b7) (ecb14f443)

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