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Posted (edited)

Topic Closed - Go direct to new description including Windows 10 / 11 x64 and Make_WinPE

VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go

Make_WinPE - Boot and Make PE WIM File from 10/11 x64 Windows ISO

How to make USB Portable SSD booting with PE 10/11 x64 WIM file from RAMDISK

and with Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK

Download:  VHD_Compact PDF and  PE_Tools  and  Make_WinPE 


VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

Download:  VHD_WIMBOOT-67.zip at GitHub

APPLY of WIM File in wimboot mode to VHD gives Operating System with only variable and boot essential files total about 1 GB in VHD.
The VHD contains also pointers to the non variable files in the WIM archive, so that it seems that the complete OS is present in the VHD.
The VHD content can be generated in 2 minutes from the WIM archive of about 9 GB, so that a backup of the system is always available.
The VHD + WIM set can be copied to any drive so that we have a portable Operating System.
The WIM file cannot be changed by viruses or other malware so that the system is reliable and if needed it is easy to generate new VHD.
The VHD can boot as 25 GB FILEDISK from Portable SSD to allow changes, but also booting always Fresh from 3.9 GB RAMDISK is possible.

VHD WIMBOOT has support for Office and Printer and any program can be installed, which is all not possible in case of WinPE
In case of VHD WIMBOOT on each machine it takes extra boottime and space to adjust the drivers for that machine
The VHD WIMBOOT solution is Portable, but not as flexible as Win10XPE, where boottime is not dependant on machine hardware

Credits and Thanks to:

Microsoft for making WIMBOOT - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn631793.aspx and https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/w8cookbook/windows-image-file-boot--wimboot-
synchronicity aka Eric Biggers for making wimlib - https://wimlib.net/
schtrom for making SVBus Virtual SCSI Host Adapter for GRUB4DOS - http://reboot.pro/topic/21787-svbus-virtual-scsi-host-adapter-for-grub4dos/
alacran for support and info - http://reboot.pro/topic/21957-making-the-smallest-win10-install-wimboot-mode-on-512-mb-vhd/
            and http://reboot.pro/topic/21972-reducing-wimboot-source-wim-file-using-lzx-compression-and-vhd-using-gzip-or-lz4-compression-to-save-room-and-also-load-faster-on-ram/
JFX for making WinNTSetup to Install Windows 2k/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10 x86/x64 - https://msfn.org/board/topic/149612-winntsetup-v394/
Uwe Sieber for making ListUsbDrives - http://www.uwe-sieber.de/english.html
Pauly for making BOOTICE - available via http://reboot.pro/files/file/592-bootice-v1332/
          and https://sites.google.com/site/gbrtools/home/software/bootice-portable/bootice-downloads
chenall, yaya, tinybit and Bean for making Grub4dos - http://grub4dos.chenall.net/categories/downloads/

Thanks to karyonix, alacran, Wonko the Sane, tinybit, yaya, chenall, cdob, JFX, steve6375, ReTokener, synchronicity, schtrom and Microsoft
Development is described here - http://reboot.pro/topic/18182-uefi-multi-make-multi-boot-usb-drive/page-5

The program is released "as is" and is free for redistribution, use or changes as long as original author,
credits part and link to this VHD_WIMBOOT support forum are clearly mentioned

Author does not take any responsibility for use or misuse of the program.



Edited by wimb

Posted (edited)

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT.pdf

Step 1 is use WinNTSetup to do Fresh Install of Win10x64 in VHD located on your Internal System Drive C: according to page 2 of the pdf Manual
Step 2 is use VHD_WIMBOOT to CAPTURE WimBoot modeNew WIM file from that VHD so that the capture is WimBoot compatible and contains only 1 Index
Step 3 is use VHD_WIMBOOT to APPLY WimBoot mode that Captured WIM File to New VHD on NTFS System Drive of USB Portable SSD
Step 4 is Boot Portable SSD with that New VHD from Boot Manager Menu as FILEDISK - do Windows Update and Add Programs + Drivers e.g. SVBus driver
Step 5 is use VHD_WIMBOOT for CAPTURE and APPLY to Regain Free Space Or APPLY to 3.9 GB Expand VHD for booting with Grub4dos from RAMDISK

FILEDISK / RAMDISK is a Preset to get desired values for VHD Type (Fixed / Expandable) and VHD Size (25 / 3.9 GB)
- FILEDISK - Use Fixed VHD 25 GB booting with Boot Manager Menu and with Free space to add drivers for new hardware, to allow Windows Update and to add Programs
- RAMDISK - Use Expandable VHD 3.9 GB to allow Fast loading into RAM from Grub4dos Menu and using SVBus Driver for booting from RAMDISK

The Buttons WIM Info and VHD Info will give useful info about your WIM and VHD file

The Button Upd WimBOOT can be used after copy of VHD + WIM to other drive to make the set bootable again

The Button Make Boot will make the boot entries on Target Boot Drive for VHD located on NTFS System Drive
- VHD boot entry in Boot Manager Menu for booting as FILEDISK - in BIOS mode and in UEFI mode
- VHD boot entry in Grub4dos Menu for booting VHD from RAMDISK using SVBus Driver - in BIOS mode only
- For booting from USB with Portable SSD - After BIOS beep press F8 Or F11 to arrive at BIOS Boot Menu and select your boot device

WimBoot LZX Compression can be used in CAPTURE to make WIM files of smaller size.
Roughly with LZX the time to CAPTURE is doubled and the WIM Size is 30% smaller so that it saves for a 9 GB WIM file about 3 GB.

More Info is in UEFI_MULTI  topic and is given by alacran in WIMBOOT Topic and Compression and RAMBOOT Topic

VHD_WIMBOOT-2019-07-14_184345.thumb.png.3425b0511043e29cf9a23eb0c3bc3bfa.png == W10x64-RAM-HelloWorld-2019-03-01_155130.thumb.png.496cc4da7d668bf6a7fccb2e1111ffbb.png


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

VHD_WIMBOOT - Apply and Capture of WIM Files for OS in VHD

Reserved Space for future use

Download and Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT


Edited by wimb
  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Install Windows 10 Unattended using WinNTSetup

Using an unattend.xml file saves time and you don't need to answer all kind of questions during Install of Windows 10.

In WinNTSetup you can select an unattend.xml file that you can edit using right-click on the checkbox.

The unattend.xml files provided in the Attachment are modified versions as originally given by alacran

- Replace My-PC with your ComputerName
- Replace TimeZone value with your TimeZone e.g. W. Europe Standard Time
- Replace InputLocale 0409:00020409 of VS International Keyboard with your Language and Keyboard code e.g. 0413:00020409
- Replace 4x en-US with your Language code e.g. nl-NL

Keyboard and TimeZone - TimeZone - see also Wikipedia

A. Unattended with Local Account - use unattend_local_account.xml
- Replace Vx64W in Username and Name with your UserName for Local Account
- Password = admin
  This method is completely unattended. After Install of Windows 10 you can switch to MS Account.

  After Install you can switch Settings > Privacy > Diagnostic Feedback to Basic for reduced Telemetry
  After auto Install of all drivers then use Settings >  Update > Windows Update to Search and Install Updates
  This method is working best and used for Install in VHD to be used for booting from USB Portable SSD on various equipment

B. Unattended with Microsoft Account - use unattend_ms_account.xml

  During Install give MS Account with e-mailadres and password
  You need to answer 4 questions: PIN code for Logon, Synchronisation, Phone, OneDrive
  After Install you can switch Settings > Privacy > Diagnostic Feedback to Basic for reduced Telemetry

  After auto Install of all drivers then use Settings >  Update > Windows Update to Search and Install Updates
  This method is Not completely unattended and is Not preferred by me


How does it work ?
In WinNTSetup you select an unattend.xml file e.g. unattend_local_account.xml or unattend_ms_account.xml
WinNTSetup will copy that file as unattend.xml in folder Windows\Panther on the installation drive.
During Install of Windows 10 then file Windows\Panther\unattend.xml  is used to give answers ....

More Info: Windows Unattended Setup Reference - Download PDF

Telemetry is minimized by using the CEIPEnabled = 0 and ProtectYourPC = 3 settiings.
Telemetry is maximized by using the CEIPEnabled = 1 and ProtectYourPC = 1 settiings.


Download:   Unattended_Eng.zip





Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.0

- Extra Mode Options:  APPLY      WIM File in Normal or WimBoot Mode or Compact Mode with XPRESS4K or LZX Compression
- Extra Mode Options:  CAPTURE WIM File in Normal or WimBoot Mode with XPRESS4K or LZX Compression 
- wimlib 1.13.2   https://wimlib.net/

Download: from GitHub VHD_WIMBOOT-30  


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.1

- Extra Mode Options:  APPLY      WIM File in Compact Mode with XPRESS8K and XPRESS16K Compression
- Extra Mode Options:  CAPTURE WIM File in WimBoot Mode with XPRESS8K and XPRESS16K Compression 
- Update Manual
- Update WimBootCompress.ini files - Added wofadk.sys to [PrepopulateList] section

Download: from GitHub VHD_WIMBOOT-31  


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.2

- Update Preset FILEDISK / RAMDISK Settings 
- Update Manual

VHD_WIMBOOT - Preset FILEDISK   - Apply WIM with Compact LZX mode in  Fixed   VHD  25 GB located on NTFS System Drive of USB SSD
VHD_WIMBOOT - Preset RAMDISK  - Apply WIM with WimBoot mode in Expandable VHD 3.9 GB located on NTFS System Drive of USB SSD

Download: from GitHub VHD_WIMBOOT-32  


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.4

Download and Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT

It means we now have the very easy procedure:

0.  USB_FORMAT Tool - Option: Make Bootable USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions - active FAT32 Boot Drive + NTFS System Drive    
1.  WinNTSetup do Fresh Install Compact 4K mode of Win10x64 in 25 GB VHD located on Internal System Drive C:  - use page 2 of this Manual
2.  Boot with Win10XPE Or other Win10x64 and Switch off Defender - Start VHD_WIMBOOT - select System Drive and the 25 GB VHD file
3.  VHD_WIMBOOT - Capture with WimBoot mode and Copy the Captured WIM File to Wimboot folder on NTFS System Drive of Portable SSD
4.  VHD_WIMBOOT - Preset FILEDISK - Apply WIM with Compact LZX mode  in  Fixed   VHD 25 GB located on NTFS System Drive of USB SSD
5.  VHD_WIMBOOT - Preset RAMDISK - Apply WIM with  WimBoot mode in Expandable VHD 3.9 GB located on NTFS System Drive of USB SSD
6.  Internet Off (disconnect LAN cable) - Boot in MBR BIOS mode via F8 menu from USB - Boot Manager Menu with 3.9 GB VHD as FILEDISK
7.  Install of SVBus driver - use R-mouse menu to Run as admin file instx64.exe of SVBus bin folder - Driver for booting from RAMDISK
8.  Reboot in  MBR BIOS mode from USB and select in Grub4dos Menu  your 3.9 GB VHD on USB for booting from RAMDISK
9.  Reboot in UEFI Or MBR BIOS mode from USB and select in Boot Manager Menu  25 GB VHD on USB for booting  as FILEDISK

Edited by wimb
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.5

Download and Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT

- Option Keep VHD Mounted after Apply, which is useful e.g. if you want to continue and use Win_Reduce_Trusted on Mounted VHD
- Option USB Fix for Windows 7 / 8 - Add UsbBootWatcher and Update Registry for booting Windows 7 / 8 VHD from USB

  Win 7/8 Compact requires to install wofadk.sys driver as done by WinNTSetup using mode Compact:NONE

  More Info on Win 7/8 Reduced

EDIT: Win7x64 and Win8.1x64 Compact LZX in VHD are bootable from USB, so there is no need anymore to Apply Normal Mode 


Mini_7_USV_RAM_2020-11-18_090902.thumb.jpg.79193ff1b4a38e15c443be18aa6837ef.jpg   Mini_7_USV_2020-11-18_084311.thumb.jpg.ba0c641d597c2a1c0658ff700f207538.jpg

Edited by wimb
5 hours ago, wimb said:

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.5

  Booting Win 7/8 VHD as FILEDISK requires to use Apply in Normal mode, whereas Compact Mode is allowed for booting 7/8 VHD from RAMDISK

Why?  Is it a restriction coded into the program?

I have an old 8.1 x64 Compact Mode 8K VHD (made with your old Mini8 program) and it boots fine as Filedisk.


Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, alacran said:

Why?  Is it a restriction coded into the program?

I have an old 8.1 x64 Compact Mode 8K VHD (made with your old Mini8 program) and it boots fine as Filedisk.

It is not a restriction in the program. The program allows to make Win 7/8 x64 Compact VHD.

Does your 8.1 x64 Compact VHD boot as FILEDISK when located and booting from USB ?

In my case Win 7 / 8 x64 Compact LZX VHD are booting fine as FILEDISK when located on internal harddisk,
but booting fails when such 7/8 Compact VHD is located and booting from USB.
Win 7x64 Applied in Normal mode VHD is bootable for me from USB.
I think for 7/8 Compact there are more uncompressed files needed for booting from USB as compared to the prepoluted files as specified in WimBootCompress.ini

7/8 x64 Compact LZX VHD is booting fine from RAMDISK also when the VHD was loaded from USB into RAMDISK.

Edited by wimb
9 hours ago, wimb said:

It is not a restriction in the program. The program allows to make Win 7/8 x64 Compact VHD.

Does your 8.1 x64 Compact VHD boot as FILEDISK when located and booting from USB ?

In my case Win 7 / 8 x64 Compact LZX VHD are booting fine as FILEDISK when located on internal harddisk,
but booting fails when such 7/8 Compact VHD is located and booting from USB.
Win 7x64 Applied in Normal mode VHD is bootable for me from USB.
I think for 7/8 Compact there are more uncompressed files needed for booting from USB as compared to the prepoluted files as specified in WimBootCompress.ini

7/8 x64 Compact LZX VHD is booting fine from RAMDISK also when the VHD was loaded from USB into RAMDISK.

Yes, it boots fine as Filedisk from internal HD and also from USB device, and my old 7x64 VHD also did, but I don't keep the 7 VHD anymore.

Maybe you should try making the first 7 installation (using a VHD native bootable version) on a VHD located on a USB device, as long as the VHD and the Boot files/folders will be on a USB device, then WinNTSetup will take care to make all required modifications to load the USB drivers on appropiate timing, (this is based on cdob old commands [valid for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 if available] made long time ago), You will see on WinNTSetup the option for Enable Native USB Boot on Windows 7 on the very last window just before starting to install, see attached picture, but this will be present only if installing on a USB device, if doing the installation this way USB boot watcher is not necessary.

My WimbootCompress.ini is the same we have being using, attached if you want to confirm.

My 8.1 x64 VHD (and the old 7 VHD I deleted) also has installed diskmod filter driver so it is able to see all USB removable drives as fixed disks, then it is capable to see all flash drives partitions, just as 10 does now.  Attached for your convenience (including also a version signed by Paraglider long time ago).


Win7 USB Native Boot.png

WimBootCompress.zip diskmod.zip

Posted (edited)

Update VHD_WIMBOOT Version 3.6

Download and Manual:  VHD_WIMBOOT

- registry tweak Win8 and UsbBootWatcher.conf for USB Updated - Added Services USBXHCI  UCX01000  iusb3adp  UASPStor - "Group"="Boot Bus Extender" and Start=0

- added diskmod.zip  filter driver to see all USB removable drives as fixed disks


Thanks for diskmod filter driver to see all USB removable drives as fixed disks, which has been added to VHD_WIMBOOT-36
Thanks also for advice to use WinNTSetup option Enable native USB Boot on Windows 7, which I will try to see if Compact LZX Win 7x64 can boot from USB

My problem with Win 8x64 for booting as FILEDISK from USB is solved - essential USB Services did not have Start=0 and were not Boot Bus Extender
Also Win8.1x64 Compact LZX VHD is booting now fine from USB as FILEDISK as shown for a Win_Reduced version.


Edited by wimb
6 hours ago, alacran said:

Maybe you should try making the first 7 installation (using a VHD native bootable version) on a VHD located on a USB device, as long as the VHD and the Boot files/folders will be on a USB device, then WinNTSetup will take care to make all required modifications to load the USB drivers on appropiate timing, (this is based on cdob old commands [valid for USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 if available] made long time ago), You will see on WinNTSetup the option for Enable Native USB Boot on Windows 7 on the very last window just before starting to install, see attached picture, but this will be present only if installing on a USB device, if doing the installation this way USB boot watcher is not necessary.

Win7 USB Native Boot.png

WimBootCompress.zip 1.15 kB · 1 download diskmod.zip 45.29 kB · 1 download

WinNTSetup method Enable native USB Boot of Windows 7 is working great for direct Install of Win7x64 in VHD on USB.

After using VHD_WIMBOOT wimlib for Capture and Apply in Compact LZX mode and using Win_Reduce_Trusted then VHD is still booting OK from USB

Win7x64 Compact LZX in 3.9 GB VHD has UsedSize = 1.82 GB with LZX WIM = 1.23 GB


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