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Universal Silent Switch Finder 0.1


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There is a new build of PEiD (rename the exe to Helper.bin). But no new installers are being identified as far as I know.

Selfextracting CABs could be added to the identification strings.

Anyway here's the AutoIt source (behold the sophisticated code :)) :


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To add PEiD to your context menu for exe files use this:

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\Identify with PEiD\command]
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\PEiD\\PEiD.exe\" -hard \"%1\""

PEiD Command line Options


peid -time // Show statistic before quitting

peid -r // Recurse through subdirectories

peid -nr // Dont scan subdirectories even if its set

peid -hard // Scan files in Hardcore Mode

peid -deep // Scan files in Deep Mode

peid -norm // Scan files in Normal Mode

peid -ext // Scan files with external signatures only

peid <file1> <file2> <dir1> <dir2>

You can combine one or more of the parameters.

For example.

peid -hard -time -r c:\windows\system32

peid -time -deep c:\windows\system32\*.dll

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  • 6 months later...
it didnt even recognize a .msi :}

If it's an msi, you don't have to use USSF because you already know the switches of an msi. :) If you need to know more switches that your msi supports, you should use an msi editor and browse/edit the properties in the property table. :)

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May I ask why you would need to know what the switch's are when you already know its a MSI file?

indeed. You already know that it's an MSI, why would you need a switch finder to tell you?

This program's purpose is for foreign installers or non-normal ones. MSI is definately not in that category.

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muiz -

Not to get down on you...just you phrased your statement wrongly...in which you kind of knock the project...and also expect things beyond what the project was meant for.

Yes it would be nice by all means if it reported MSI files, and maybe I or some one else will alter the source code to reflect that...since it is public.

Any ways refer to the Unattended Guide for the bulk of information about switchs.

If you need at the drop of a hat information dealing with MSI's just open up the console '{WIN+R}cmd{ENTER}msiexec /?{ENTER}' and full details will be listed. :)

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May I ask why you would need to know what the switch's are when you already know its a MSI file?

indeed. You already know that it's an MSI, why would you need a switch finder to tell you?

This program's purpose is for foreign installers or non-normal ones. MSI is definately not in that category.

I agree MSI are too easy to spot and is not a foreign installer. Actually its native. Anyway I think it is not necessary to modify the app NoLogic but do what u will. :D

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Greetings from a long-time AutoIt user but new MSFN Forum member:

I've attached a script with the following modifications:

  • Hides the PEiD window a bit better by setting the StayOnTop registry value. (I thought about enhancing the SplashText window, but ended up just commenting that out.)
  • Displays information for MSI files If StringRight($FileName, 4) = ".msi" Then Run("msiexec /?", "")
  • Optionally takes a command line paramter. If you use AutoIt to compile the script into an EXE, you can can simply drag-and-drop the installer on top of the EXE to get the information.


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