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Universal Silent Switch Finder 0.1


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This is a little program that can automatically determine which silent switches can be used with a setup file.

It uses PEiD which can be found here.

Put the PEiD.exe in same folder as USSF.exe

Start USSF.exe and select the setup exe file.

Hopefully it will tell you which switches to use :)

-17.02.05 small update since helper.bin download didn't work anymore-





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Nice work, ZoSTeR.

It took you much to accomplish, I think.

It should provide beginners with more handy help. No web search for switches anymore.

Inquiry: There's a small screen that flashes before the final screen appears. It looks like it has some information, which makes one curious. Could it be pinned, somewhat?


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The small flashing screen is just a "Please wait..." screen.

And yes the program is mainly intended for beginners cause the pros can tell the switches by just looking at the installer icon :)

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Simple & Well done :)

Why not adding a text box with the prog name (between quotes) followed by all the available switches; it will be easer to copy/paste in a batch installation file. E.g. for InnoSetup:

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Congrats burning snow. I was wondering who would see it first :)

(But the flashing screen is really a "Scanning..." please wait message)

USSF basically calls PEiD (Helper.bin) to identify the installer type and reports available switches accordingly. So no l33t programming skillz on my side.

Later today i will update USSF to support handling files via commandline. So you can call it from batch files or the context menu.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm going to give this a try tonight, will be extremely helpful for me (already made a few Unattendeds but only using switches i've found here and there's a few [Tiny Personal Firewall to name one] i'd like to find out and will give this a go! :) ) , thank's ZoSTeR! :rolleyes:

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  • 1 month later...

:rolleyes: Hi ZoSTeR,

Universal Silent Switch Finder is really handy. :) It's not always easy to find information on installers. Your program has been great.

Are you planning to further develop USSF?

Is there some place to download updated USSF.exe and Helper.bin files?

If anyone is interested and it is O.K. with ZoSTeR, I have created an InstallShield Universal Silent Switch Finder.msi.

:D Thanks ZoSTeR :D

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