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HP nx6110 Laptop - 915 chipset - running great but need driver help


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So I have this HP laptop that I would like to put 98 on. HP nx6110.

I have gotten 98 to install using a 98 disk with LoneCrusader's extra chipset stuff on there. There aren't many options in BIOS and I was afraid it would have serious issues, it does run though. I tried /p i on the install first but that didn't work, it would hang at about 14 minutes left on "installing hardware" and reboot over and over. Using no switches worked and it installed to my surprise. I turned off legacy USB and execute disable and I think that's it. There were no power options to disable ACPI or any other power options.

I installed unofficial service pack 3 main updates, nusb, and direct x 9.0c. Then installed display doctor to get video going and that is seemingly working good so far. One yellow exclamation I would like to get rid of on one of the "motherboard resources" with a resource conflict I'm not sure how to resolve.

Now to the stuff I'm really stuck on other than the resource conflict that doesn't seem to stop it from working.

Audio & network drivers. I took pictures of the chips but seems I'd have to make them super small to post here, so I'll just put the numbers on them up.

Intel chip - 915
Intel 82801FBM

ADI - sound chip (Soundmax)

Broadcom Gigabit ethernet (Net Xtreme I think)
RS0602 P20
767875 E1

Intel Wifi mini-pci card
(believe this is an intel 2915)
Spares No: 390685-001
Assembly No:390427-001

Sound - I've tried a bunch of soundmax drivers to no avail. Couple of them would go through the install but them come up and say "no adi codec" and wouldn't actually work on reboot. Tried:, something .3890 / adi1888_7154_win98 which is a great one that has worked on a bunch of 800 series adi chips that nothing else worked on, Dell's (R41863) and a few others. No joy. I tried looking up the 1032AR chip and it seems to be on Adi's site but can't find SQUAT on what else it would be called or leads on any specific drivers for it. HP's site isn't specific at all either to help identify it. Just adi ac'97 is all it says and 2000 is the oldest driver there unfortunately. Sounds is almost always the biggest pita I swear. I would be so amazing if someone made a universal 98SE sound driver package.

Network - I have a number of broadcom netxtreme drivers but none of them worked for some reason. Looked around for 4401 drivers and found many that said they had 98 drivers but didn't. Haven't found any 4401 that actually DO.

Wireless - Think this is an intel 2915 wireless, pretty much same here, can't find 98 drivers for it, if they exist.

I'd really like to at the very least get sound going if nothing else. Wired ethernet would be a nice 2nd and the longshot wireless last but would be extra cool if it did work.


Edited by Aeridyne
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Download SIV no need to take pictures of chips and visual inspect hardware. Download SIV and go to the PCI bus tab and paste the hardware IDs here.  http://rh-software.com/

the wireless wont work, u need to buy a Aetheros mini PCI or mini PCI-e card and put that in there instead. which ever slot it has.

Here is an example from one of my computers of what it looks like keys under "Vender-Dev-Sub_oem REV.  Then we can search those keys for the right drivers.  "PCI BUS TAB"



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Ok, had to figure out I needed that add-on. Got it. Here it is.

(Had to figure out how to make it a lot smaller too! Didn't know you could save a bitmap as a jpg and make it less resolution but a lot less file size.)

siv pcibus hp nx6110 (1).jpg

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For the audio, everything I tried to find indicates to me that no one has got it to work.  However I don't beleive that it's impossible to hack the driver files for it to work.  This driver here is the oldest best driver I can find that has potential for it to work or be forced to work.  You will notice that there are a few 9x hot fixes in the root of the folder.  Make sure you install those.  There is a folder that says SE in the WDM folder  and I looked in the INI and it has a line with the same hardware ID as your adi, which leads me to beleive that its possible to make it work.  There is another hotfix I found that should be installed 1st before u install the other ones i beleive.



PS I found some other drivers that are not specifically for that hardware but for an older chipset.  That is option B. let me know if you cant make these work somhow

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Is there a way to download the 2nd link, the audio_xp_2k_050908 folder without downloading each file individually? Even if I try to download the individual files on that one it pops up annoyingly with "upgrade to premium" and doesn't let me dl any of the files individually. Would you mind maybe recreating that with a single zip or something?

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I think I found that driver folder at helpjet.net, I think I have and already tried both of those driver versions that they list on the page there, & I had & I'll give them a try with the hotfixes anyway. I did install unofficial SP3, I would have thought it had any applicable hotfixes already rolled in?

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reupped the 1st sound driver.  Ya that is a version that you said you had..But I am not certain you had the same thing.  That had WDM SE files and 9x hotfixes.  You might not of had the whole package. http://www.mediafire.com/file/yjr7bm7uwbsf6nl/AUDIO_XP_2K_050908.zip/file


between the 2 drivers now you should have somthing that you might be able to hack together to work.  Might require driver modding or inserting HW ids into infs.


PS you know you may have to manually install through the device manager..  Not run the installer.

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The first one there installed but came up again with "no adi codec". I went to device manager & properties and it was still an unknown audio device, I went to properties and tried to load driver auto, no. Tried to use inf in the 98 folder, but there were no options when it came up to select a device, it was blank? So I scratched that. I had installed both of the hotfixes in the folder first, and rebooted when asked both times. (Also I looked at the inf file and didn't seem to see that hardware ID specified in there like you mentioned you thought you had seen?)

Tried the 2nd one, again it installed fine, didn't load any drivers. This time when I pointed it to the right 98 folder in the auto it picked something up and installed. Still has yellow exclamation though and says "The NTKERN.VXD & MMDEVLDR.VXD device loaders for the device could not load the device drivers."

I think one of the previous packages I installed got that far but I assumed it was messed up and uninstalled it. I think I noted looking at the inf in the SoundMx3/smaxwdm/SE folder that it does actually have a line for that device hardware ID. I could be wrong because I have no idea really but I saw a line, the last one in the block toward the top of the document that matches 8086 266E 099C103C except for the -03 on the end from the screen shot above. I got really excited because I thought this one was going to work... Not sure what to do.

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Interesting experiment; oddly enough lately I've been working on getting 9x up and running on an HP laptop as well. I'm using a ZD8000, so there are some differences, but what I've learned so far may help.

First, the official HP driver package for this laptop for Windows 2000 includes a driver folder for 98SE. The INF file in this folder has an entry for the specific VEN&DEV&SUBSYS of the card in your screenshot. Did you try this official package?

Choose Windows 2000 here (if given the option for this, always choose 2K rather than XP as 2K packages are more likely to be older and/or contain 9x files also)

Or use this direct link.

Now in the case of my laptop, the official HP audio package worked on 98SE as well, despite not claiming official support. However I noticed a lot of stuttering with the startup sound and decided to try other options. I tried the Realtek AC'97 WDM packages (4.05 and 4.06 contain a function that is not present in 9x and do not work, despite claiming 9x support; 4.04 is compatible) but these drivers didn't work with my card. I found that installing the Realtek AC'97 VXD drivers for Windows 95 by manually adding the device to the INF seems to work better than the WDM driver for my specific card. If the official HP package or one of the others linked does not work, I can upload a package for you to test.

Second, if the WiFi network card is a MiniPCI card like in my ZD8000 you should be able to swap the Intel card (no 9x driver for this one) for a compatible card. The Broadcom WiFi cards from the ZD8000 and ZD7000 can be made to work (requires manually mixing 2 driver packages).

Third, the Modem can probably be made to work with an INF mod to a generic SoftModem driver package. I got a driver installed for mine using this method and therefore removed the "Unknown device" from the Device Manager, but I've had no need to verify that it actually works. I'll examine the official 2K/XP package on the HP site and see if it uses the same drivers as the one in my laptop.

Finally, the TI CardBus controller may be an issue if you intend to use it. This device seems to be slightly different among different laptop models so I'm not sure if yours is like mine. I've managed to load the TI 2K/XP driver for the FlashMedia reader device portion of this controller on my laptop using rloew's WDMEX.VXD, but I've not been able to get any card inserted into the reader to mount as a disk.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the "Motherboard resources" conflict is a common issue on newer ACPI systems. It doesn't cause any issues that I know of, it's just annoying. The only way I know of to avoid it is to use "SETUP /P I" to disable ACPI completely in Windows 98, which didn't work for your system. On my ZD8000, SETUP will not finish if I DON'T disable ACPI, and I also had to disable PCI Steering on the PCI bus in the Device Manager in order to get a usable system. The ZD8000 uses a 915 chipset as well, however it's a Desktop chipset, not a Mobile one, and therefore not limited to 533FSB and 2GB of RAM. :angel

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Ya There is also a posibility that you just have a corrupt windows install and there is nothing wrong with the AUDIO_XP_2K_050908.zip driver i gave you.  The fact that it installs but just gives you an errior is very telling to me that your windows install is bad.


It says it has 1 cardbus slot

You other option might be to go on ebay and buy a Audidgy 2zs pcmcia sound card and use that.  It will be way better than the onboard sound anyways and it has drivers wir win 98

they are getting harder to find, but prices have came down a lot see example.  https://www.ebay.com/itm/Creative-Audigy-2-ZS-notebook-PCMCIA/303070520633?hash=item4690692539:g:dr0AAOSw~-ZcbsRC

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I haven't been much around the community since I've given up on 9x/ME some 5 years ago, but I'm not totally forgetful yet, so this post is just to remind you of 2 things:
A.) Audio drivers for 2k usually can be successfuly installed on 98SE with Rloew's WDMEX.VxD or Walter Oney's WDMSTUB.SYS, and WDMCHECK.SYS can be used to find their dependencies.
B.) Thee EeePC 70x and 900 are both based in the 915 chipset, so @Sfor's old results may be useful for your present quest:


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