congnt92 Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 (edited) Hi all, EDIT: To avoid missmatch between Title and topic content, also to avoid a long post, I repost full my problem in post #9. I have 2 small .cmd file. Let say test1.cmd and test2.cmd test1.cmd creates text1.txt H: Removable Disk 4.0 GB I: Removable Disk 7.9 GB test2.cmd creates text2.cmd USB1 USB2 My goal is merger text in text1.txt with texts in text2.txt to new file (text3.txt) H: Removable Disk 4.0 GB USB1 I: Removable Disk 7.9 GB USB2 Here my way to do that but it repeat output many times @echo off for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "text1.txt"') do ( for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('type "text2.txt"') do echo %%a %%b) pause Can you help me correct my code? Tks Edited March 20, 2016 by congnt92
jaclaz Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 You may want to ask the actual question and not a small part of it. (full disclosure, maybe I know what the actual question is, because we talked about it via PM). Remember, you want to reach a goal, express it, DO NOT divide the way you believe you can reach it in n little steps each disjointed from the previous one, there are several reasons for this, among them the fact that there may be "better" or "easier" ways to reach your goal, people doesn't know WHAT you are actually wanting to do, you may make an example for what you believe is the right approach which is either inaccurate or more simply "wrong" , so as soon as an answer will be given to you, you will come up with another question (because the answer is not suitable to your unknown goal) and then another question, and another question :ph34r:. You have a test1.cmd that creates text1.txt and a test2.cmd that creates text2.txt, yet, your code deals with two other files outputfile.txt and volname.txt, and there is no trace of text3.txt. So I have to assume that text1.txt is actually outputfile.txt and that text2.txt is volname.txt. I can provide you a perfectly valid answer to your question but that won't help you a little bit in getting near your GOAL, (this answers your question and example): @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL SET skip= SET /A Counter=0 FOR /F %%B IN ('TYPE test2.txt') DO CALL :merge %%B GOTO :EOF :merge FOR /F "%skip% tokens=*" %%A IN ('TYPE test1.txt') DO ( ECHO %%A %1&GOTO :out ) :out SET /A Counter+=1 SET skip=skip=%Counter% GOTO :EOF jaclaz 1
Mcinwwl Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 Written ad-hoc in Powershell 2.0 (should work on any newer version, which means every Windows system from XP up to today) I'm not a Powershell professional, so it might not be written with respect to all best practices, but it surely works. Remember to set your current working directory with cd or set-location before using. $1 = Get-Content text1.txt $2 = Get-Content text2.txt foreach($line in $(0..($text1.length - 1))){ $1[$line] + " " + $2[$line] >> text3.txt} EDIT: Getting curious what the real goal is... 1
gunsmokingman Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 Here is the VBS way of doing it with checks '-> Runtime Varibles Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '-> Runtime Object Dim C1, C2, Tx1, Tx2,Ts '-> Check For Text File One If Fso.FileExists("Test1.txt") Then C1 = True Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile("Test1.txt") Tx1 = Ts.ReadAll Ts.Close End If '-> Check For Text File Two If Fso.FileExists("Test2.txt") Then C2 = True Set Ts = Fso.OpenTextFile("Test2.txt") Tx2 = Ts.ReadAll Ts.Close End If '-> If C1 And C2 Are true Than Make The Third Text File If C1 = True And C2 = True Then Set Ts = Fso.CreateTextFile("Test3.txt") Ts.WriteLine Tx1 & vbCrLf & Tx2 Ts.Close CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").run("Test3.txt") End If 1
congnt92 Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 8 hours ago, jaclaz said: You may want to ask the actual question and not a small part of it. (full disclosure, maybe I know what the actual question is, because we talked about it via PM). Remember, you want to reach a goal, express it, DO NOT divide the way you believe you can reach it in n little steps each disjointed from the previous one, there are several reasons for this, among them the fact that there may be "better" or "easier" ways to reach your goal, people doesn't know WHAT you are actually wanting to do, you may make an example for what you believe is the right approach which is either inaccurate or more simply "wrong" , so as soon as an answer will be given to you, you will come up with another question (because the answer is not suitable to your unknown goal) and then another question, and another question :ph34r:. You have a test1.cmd that creates text1.txt and a test2.cmd that creates text2.txt, yet, your code deals with two other files outputfile.txt and volname.txt, and there is no trace of text3.txt. So I have to assume that text1.txt is actually outputfile.txt and that text2.txt is volname.txt. I can provide you a perfectly valid answer to your question but that won't help you a little bit in getting near your GOAL, (this answers your question and example): jaclaz Hi Jaclaz, First i'm sorry. I just want to split my problem because if i post full my goal, then may be there are too much texts, and may be it make the reader quite difficult to know what extractly i need help. I tried your code and it work perfect. Also, as your advice, i edit #1 to full post and hope that if there is someone has same problem with me, it can help him/her. Again, thank you very much, Jaclaz.
congnt92 Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 8 hours ago, Mcinwwl said: Written ad-hoc in Powershell 2.0 (should work on any newer version, which means every Windows system from XP up to today) I'm not a Powershell professional, so it might not be written with respect to all best practices, but it surely works. Remember to set your current working directory with cd or set-location before using. $1 = Get-Content text1.txt $2 = Get-Content text2.txt foreach($line in $(0..($text1.length - 1))){ $1[$line] + " " + $2[$line] >> text3.txt} EDIT: Getting curious what the real goal is... Tks for your reply. I do not know anything about powershell. I never use it before. i know that there are many ways that better than batch but I'm not good at coding then i always try to write some simple batch file to archive my goal. I tried with your method and it work very well. After I have text3.txt, i can display it in batch by type command. This method is "mixed" method: powershell and batch. I just have one thing make me worry that i do not know if powershell is always exists in all PC Windows or maybe winPE. Again, thank you very much.
congnt92 Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 6 hours ago, gunsmokingman said: Here is the VBS way of doing it with checks Thank you, gunsmokingman I tried your .vbs code but get this output. If you have a free time, can you recheck your code and see if there is any typo in it? Tks H: Removable Disk 4.0 GB I: Removable Disk 7.9 GB ÿþU S B 1 U S B 2 Also, just me make sure i'm copy your code completely. I upload your .vbs, too
dencorso Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 Your problem is that one of the files is a UNICODE .txt, while the other is a plain ASCII .txt, and, BTW, that vbs expects both to be plain ASCII. 1
congnt92 Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 (edited) I want to create a batch file with some wmic command to display USB driveletter, description, size, volume name. @echo off WMIC LOGICALDISK where drivetype=2 get caption,size,description,volumename > text.txt for /f "tokens=1-5 skip=1" %%a in ('type "text.txt"') do call :display %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e exit /b :display set drive=%1 set total=%4 set desc1=%2 set desc2=%3 set volname=%5 call :convertbytes total echo %drive% %desc1% %desc2% %total%>> text1.txt goto :eof : convertbytes REM run some command here to convert bytes to Gib ... But i have problems when using above code to display vol name. Because in some case vol name contain space then i do not know how to use for /f token (tokens can up to 6, 7, 8 even more). In case vol name contain space, then if we just using token 1-5, volname cannot fully display. Such as, FULL Vol name is : KINGSTON USB, then it only display KINGSTON. So to solved my problem, i split to output vol name to text2.txt, all the rest will output to text1.txt. Then i will merge text in 2 file (text1.txt, text2.txt) to one file (text3.txt). Finally i use TYPE command to display text3.txt. This is exactly i want to create this topic to get help from you. -------- My problem was solved by Jaclaz's batch code, by Mcinwwl's Powershell code, and of course Gunsmokingman's VBS code (but now I'm waiting his reply to edit *something* wrong may come from his typo). Tks all of you, Jaclaz, Mcinwwl, Gunsmokingman help me solve my problem. God bless you Edited March 20, 2016 by congnt92
congnt92 Posted March 20, 2016 Author Posted March 20, 2016 4 minutes ago, dencorso said: Your problem is that one of the files is a UNICODE .txt, while the other is a plain ASCII .txt, and, BTW, that vbs expects both to be plain ASCII. Thank you for your clarification, dencorso. You're right. Text2.txt is output from batch code, i do not know why it is unicode .txt. But after your hint, i save it as ANSI to make sure again. Rerun .vbs code, it still return H: Removable Disk 4.0 GB I: Removable Disk 7.9 GB USB1 USB2 Why i need to outptut as H: Removable Disk 4.0 GB USB1 I: Removable Disk 7.9 GB USB2 Tks.
gunsmokingman Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 Here is a simple VBS script that list Removable drives if they are connected. It will display the Drive Size, Free Space, Used Spaced. '-> Constant For GB Size Const GB = 1073741824 '-> Object For Runtime Dim Fso :Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") '-> Varibles For Run Time Dim Drv, Dsk, Usb, vB :vB = vbTab '-> Loop Threw All Drives For Each Dsk In Fso.Drives If Dsk.IsReady Then '-> Drive Type Removable Or USB If Dsk.DriveType = 1 Then Usb = Usb &_ Dsk.DriveLetter & ":\ USB" & vB & "Size = " & Num(Dsk.TotalSize) & ", Free = " &_ Num(Dsk.FreeSpace) & ", Used = " & Num(Dsk.TotalSize - Dsk.FreeSpace) & vbCrLf End If End If Next '-> Function To Convert Numbers To GB Function Num(N) Num = Round(N/GB,2) If Num <= 10 Then Num = "0" & Num If Num > 0 And Num < 1 Then Num = "0" & Num End Function '-> Show The Results If Chk = True Then MsgBox vbTab & "Usb Drive Results" & vbCrLf & Usb, 4128,"Usb Querry" Else MsgBox "No Removable Drives Were Found",4128,"Usb Querry" End If 1
jaclaz Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 A batch was posted and deleted by accident, here it is it back: @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION SET Caption= ECHO Replace §'s with spaces ECHO. ECHO Drive§§Description§§§§§§§Size§§§§Volume Label FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims==:" %%A in ('WMIC LOGICALDISK where "drivetype=2" get caption^,size^,volumename /format:list') DO ( IF NOT %%B.==. SET %%A=%%B IF DEFINED Caption IF %%A==VolumeName CALL :checkdata ) GOTO :EOF :checkdata SET %Caption%_Caption=§%Caption%:§§ SET %Caption%_Size=%Size% SET %Caption%_Volume=%Volumename%§§§§§§§§§§§ IF DEFINED %Caption%_Size ( call :truncatebytes %Caption%_Size ) ELSE ( SET %Caption%_Size=§§§§§§§§ ) ECHO !%Caption%_Caption!§§Removable disk§§!%Caption%_Size:~-8,8!§§!%Caption%_Volume:~0,11! GOTO :EOF :truncatebytes SET thisvar=!%Caption%_Size! SET thissize= SET units=TB GB MB KB FOR /L %%A IN (11,-3,2) DO ( SET thissize=!thisvar:~0,-%%A! SET unit=!units:~-%%A,2! IF "!thissize!"=="!thissize:~0,1!" SET thissize= IF DEFINED thissize SET %Caption%_Size=§§!thissize:~0,-1!.!thissize:~-1,1! !unit!&&GOTO :EOF ) GOTO :EOF jaclaz 1
Mcinwwl Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 And again, I tried to do my best with Powershell. tested on PS 2.0/WinXP, both in PS console and Powershell ISE. Script outputs drive letter, free space, total space and label for each active removable drive (pendrives, portable HDDs, memory cards... and floppy discs :P) $drives = [System.IO.DriveInfo]::getdrives() | ?{$_.Drivetype -eq "Removable" -and $_.IsReady -eq $true} foreach ($d in $drives) {Write-host ("$($"\"))" + " " + [math]::round(($d.AvailableFreeSpace)/1GB,2) + " " + [math]::round(($d.TotalSize)/1GB,2) + " " + "$($d.VolumeLabel)")} That was my output with 4 connected pendrives: G: 1.78 1.87 H: 14.87 29.28 I: 3.73 3.73 J: 7.16 7.31 KINGSTON Hope that was expected. 1
congnt92 Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 10 hours ago, gunsmokingman said: Here is a simple VBS script that list Removable drives if they are connected. It will display the Drive Size, Free Space, Used Spaced. Hi, Gunsmokingman First, Thank you for your enthusiasm. I try your vbs code with 2 USB devices plug on my PC but still .vbs say that no removable drives found. I do not know why i get this error. May come from copy paste issue. So can you please attach .vbs file for me. Tks
congnt92 Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 9 hours ago, jaclaz said: A batch was posted and deleted by accident, here it is it back: jaclaz Try your code and work perfect. No temporarily file needed. Even your code is shorter. Tks Jaclaz
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