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KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (

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Posted (edited)


KernelEx extensions *MUST* be disabled on KernelEx.dll, Kexbasen.dll, Kexbases.dll and all non-auxiliary support files.

@Mikl, loblo, and all

1. enable "Use API hook" on the main app

2. launch DebugWindow.exe (right-click to access menu)

3. Filter Settings->Include: "("; Exclude: ""

If fault occurs during app loading:

4. enable "Output to log file"

5. launch main app

If fault can be triggered manually:

4. disable "Filter to console"

5. launch main app

6. enable "Filter to console" and "Output to logfile"

7. trigger fault

After fault, logfile can be found in app folder with unfiltered debug info.

Console filtered results (last 1000?) can be saved to file.

Filtering tips:

Include filter will limit display to lines containing a set of substrings (case sensitive). Use to show only API's or DLL's of interest:


Exclude: "dePo;Mess"

Test with latest releases and if regression, last to work correctly. Report API's that lead to problems or different results.

Edited by jumper


kexbasen v12 is 'causing' this problem only on this particular system - don't know why. All other 98SE machines are fine. So I went back to v10.


Thanks jumper for those explanations but I think I did all that already regarding  gimp plugins crashing and your last word about it was:



GetEnvironmentVariableW appears to be failing in both the good and the bad logs. SetEnvironmentVariableW returns different values. I may need to write a small test app to debug these.

It was important to have a matched set of fault and api logs so the that the various memory addresses matched. I used first Procwin and then DumpPe -disasm to identify MSVCR70.

The problem is that _wputenv calls down through several private functions and invokes _wenviron which is uninitialized. I don't yet know why.



Do you want new logs?


R11 with kexbasen r12 has been working well for me; no more problems with VLC v2.1.5.  (W98SE, U98SESP3, 98SE2ME, IEradicator; KExt/KStubs disabled for testing.)  


>> "Kex16."

Sounds intriguing... will this be a re-write of KernelEx?

>> Many thanks to everyone for their feedback and patience while I
>> worked through this challenging puzzle.


> Thank you @jumper for sticking with this!


If i was more experienced with Windows programming, i could help more.  

- Doug B.


> Do you want new logs?

No, I'm working on other things. Try retesting and debugging with Kexstubs disabled and with Msvcrt version 6.10.x.

Also, if you could figure out why LIBGOBJECT-2.0-0.DLL is calling g_realloc_n in LIBGLIB-2.0-0.DLL instead of g_malloc0, that is probably the key. (See post #106.)

>> "Kex16."

> Sounds intriguing... will this be a re-write of KernelEx?

No, just KernelEx 4.16. It's a new year and I want to be able to bump the third number as needed to indicate core incompatibility with previous versions (like between 4.5.2015.9 and .10). "K16" will probably be the alias.


Kexbasen.11 revealed an initialization loop vulnerability in the KernelEx 4.5 architecture. I plan to address it more completely in "Kex16."

For now, the Kernel32 fixes in Kexbasen for TlsAlloc, TlsFree, TlsGetValue, TlsSetValue have been rewritten to be better, faster, and (most importantly) not need preinitialization. Along with restoring the delay-load linker options, Kexbasen should now be stable again with current SE and ME configurations.

Use Kexbasen.12 with KernelEx.11 and Kexbases.11.

Many thanks to everyone for their feedback and patience while I worked through this challenging puzzle.

No problems so far anymore and I'm happy to see Opera with Win2000 mode runs again. Did you work on my problem with Opera?


In any case from me also big thanks!

Posted (edited)

> Did you work on my problem with Opera?

Actually, no. I just fixed what I knew to be broken in 11. 12 is what 11 should have been and hopefully will be once I get the core and kexbases DLL's updated.

I have now almost finished the changelog for 11: post #223

Note that more of Ley0k's code has been integrated including his versions of [COMDLG32.DLL] PrintDlgExA and PrintDlgExW.

Thanks, Ley0k! :thumbup:

Edited by jumper
Posted (edited)

New KernelEx.dll installed on two machines and had no problems so far !!




Regarding the flash.306.msi installation problem. I have compared the three PCs and the major changes between the one where installation still worked and the two were installation failed are:


- KernelEx updates

- disabling Kex on system dlls


I will test installing .306 after re-enabling system dlls.

Would the following be good/meaningful/helpful ?


Edited by MiKl
Posted (edited)
> SeaMonkey 2.7.x. and 2.8 are unfortunately still freezing.

In or after what API's? (Use the debug console.)


I am not sure if I did everything correctly but I tested both SM 2.7.2. and 2.8 and both frooze at the following api:



Log 2.7.2


1 fff2a2cd  [NSPR4.DLL]00608c12:<KERNEL32.DLL>ReadFile(bfa4a126)

1 fff51bb1  [NSPR4.DLL]00608c62:<KERNEL32.DLL>WriteFile(bfa4a220)

1 fff51bb1  [NSPR4.DLL]00608c62:<KERNEL32.DLL>WriteFile(bfa4a220)

1 fff2a2cd  [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff2a2cd  [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff2a2cd  [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)


Log 2.8


1 fff6b2e1  [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:<USER32.DLL>DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:<USER32.DLL>DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

1 fff6b2e1  [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:<KERNEL32.DLL>SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)

Edited by MiKl
Posted (edited)

I tested with SM 2.7.2 and confirmed that SetCriticalSectionSpinCount is the last API called before SM has fully loaded and is awaiting something to do. Try clicking Help->About. It works for me.

On the other hand, SM calls SetCriticalSectionSpinCount very often near the end of the load process, so could be hanging after any of those calls. Change the filter to "(;Spin" to see the return code from SetCriticalSectionSpinCount and just the call for all others.

Use TaskInfo2000 or something similar to check the CPU, memory, and resource usage when it "freezes". Is CPU high and memory/resources increasing? If so, you may simply need to wait (much) longer.

Edit: My TaskInfo2000 resource and module details for SeaMonkey 2.7.2 loaded and displaying Help->About

Process Pane------------ID   Process             % CPU    LT % CPU   CPU       Sw/s   InMem KB   Total KB   Th   Pri    Ver   State     Path                                                                                              + SEAMONKEY.EXE     0.11%    0.16%      0:59      1      41,780     58,308     16   Norm   4.0   32        J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\SEAMONKEY.EXE          Current Process Pane | General------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                      CMD              ="J:\#Browsers\# Gecko\# Seamonkey collection\seamonkey-2.7.2\seamonkey\seamonkey.exe"    Curr Dir         =J:\#Browsers\# Gecko\# Seamonkey collection\seamonkey-2.7.2\seamonkey                    Started by       =C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE                                                                  Data KB          =32,796  in mem = 28,916  in use = 25,904                                                 Code KB          =25,516  in mem = 12,868  in use = 11,244                                                 Handles Count    =101                                                                                      Windows          = 17                                                                                      Current Process Pane | Modules------------------------------Name                Base       Size         Version                                  Description                                            Company                           Full Path                                                                                    APIHOOK.DLL         77000000   24,576       4.5.2015.8                               KernelEx Api Logging Library                           Xeno86                            C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\APIHOOK.DLL                                                              KERNELEX.DLL        BFA00000   233,472      4.5.2015.12                              KernelEx Core                                          Xeno86                            C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KERNELEX.DLL                                                             KEXBASEN.DLL        7D000000   122,880      4.5.2015.12                              KernelEx Base Non-shared Api Library                   Xeno86                            C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KEXBASEN.DLL                                                             KEXBASES.DLL        BFA40000   274,432      4.5.2015.12                              KernelEx Base Shared Api Library                       Xeno86                            C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KEXBASES.DLL                                                             KEXCOM.DLL          00D90000   24,576                                                                                                                                         C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KEXCOM.DLL                                                               KSTUB822.DLL        19980000   65,536                                                                                                                                         C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KSTUB822.DLL                                                             MSIMG32.DLL         79790000   24,576       5.00.2218.1 (KernelEx special version)   GDIEXT Client DLL                                      KernelEx                          C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\MSIMG32.DLL                                                              PSAPI.DLL           7D020000   20,480                                                                                                                                         C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\PSAPI.DLL                                                                ADVAPI32.DLL        BFE80000   65,536       4.80.1675                                Win32 ADVAPI32 core component                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL                                                               AVICAP32.DLL        7F690000   69,632       4.03.1998                                AVI Capture DLL                                        Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\AVICAP32.DLL                                                               COMCTL32.DLL        BFB70000   581,632      5.81                                     Common Controls Library                                Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.DLL                                                               COMDLG32.DLL        7FE10000   184,320      4.72.3510.2300                           Common Dialogs DLL                                     Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMDLG32.DLL                                                               DCIMAN32.DLL        7E080000   24,576       4.03.1998                                DCI Manager 1.00                                       Intel(R) Corp., Microsoft Corp.   C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DCIMAN32.DLL                                                               DHCPCSVC.DLL        7DD90000   28,672                                                                                                                                         C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\DHCPCSVC.DLL                                                               GDI32.DLL           BFF20000   155,648      4.10.2227                                Win32 GDI core component                               Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL                                                                  ICMP.DLL            7CE10000   24,576       5.00.1454.1                              ICMP DLL                                               Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ICMP.DLL                                                                   IMM32.DLL           BFE20000   16,384       4.10.1998                                Win32 IMM32 core component                             Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IMM32.DLL                                                                  IPCFGDLL.DLL        7C900000   28,672       5.00.1717.2                              Ipconfig API DLL                                       Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IPCFGDLL.DLL                                                               IPHLPAPI.DLL        7C8E0000   32,768       5.00.1717.2                              IP Helper API                                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\IPHLPAPI.DLL                                                               KERNEL32.DLL        BFF70000   471,040      4.10.2222                                Win32 Kernel core component                            Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL                                                               LZ32.DLL            BFE60000   24,576       4.10.1998                                Win32 LZ32 core component                              Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\LZ32.DLL                                                                   MPR.DLL             7FBF0000   57,344       4.10.1998                                WIN32 Network Interface DLL                            Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MPR.DLL                                                                    MSAFD.DLL           7B410000   45,056       4.10.1998                                Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider         Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSAFD.DLL                                                                  MSNET32.DLL         7FB00000   77,824       4.10.1998                                Microsoft 32-bit Network API Library                   Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSNET32.DLL                                                                MSPWL32.DLL         7FB40000   40,960       4.10.1998                                Password list management library                       Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSPWL32.DLL                                                                MSVCR70.DLL         7C000000   344,064      7.00.9981.0                              Microsoft® C Runtime Library                           Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCR70.DLL                                                                MSVCRT20.DLL        7FC30000   282,624      2.11.000                                 Microsoft® C Runtime Library                           Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCRT20.DLL                                                               MSVFW32.DLL         79630000   147,456      4.10.1998                                Microsoft Video for Windows DLL                        Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVFW32.DLL                                                                MSWSOCK.DLL         794D0000   86,016       4.10.2222                                Microsoft WinSock Extension APIs                       Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSWSOCK.DLL                                                                MSWSOSP.DLL         794C0000   45,056       4.10.2222                                Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider         Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSWSOSP.DLL                                                                NETAPI32.DLL        7F990000   20,480       4.10.1998                                32-bit network API DLL                                 Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NETAPI32.DLL                                                               NETBIOS.DLL         7F840000   32,768                                                                                                                                         C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NETBIOS.DLL                                                                NTDLL.DLL           BFEE0000   20,480       4.10.1998                                Win32 NTDLL core component                             Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\NTDLL.DLL                                                                  OLE32.DLL           7FF20000   790,528      4.71.2900                                Microsoft OLE for Windows and Windows NT               Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLE32.DLL                                                                  OLEAUT32.DLL        65340000   634,880      2.40.4520                                                                                       Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLEAUT32.DLL                                                               OLEDLG.DLL          7FE50000   155,648      1.0                                      Microsoft Windows(TM) OLE 2.0 User Interface Support   Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\OLEDLG.DLL                                                                 RASAPI32.DLL        7F880000   217,088      4.10.2222                                Dial-Up Networking Dynamic Linked Library              Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RASAPI32.DLL                                                               RNR20.DLL           783C0000   61,440       4.10.2222                                Windows Socket2 NameSpace DLL                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RNR20.DLL                                                                  RPCRT4.DLL          7FB90000   335,872      4.71.2900                                Remote Procedure Call DLL                              Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\RPCRT4.DLL                                                                 SECUR32.DLL         7F870000   40,960       4.10.2222                                Microsoft Win32 Security Services                      Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SECUR32.DLL                                                                SHELL32.DLL         7FCB0000   1,400,832    4.72.3612.1700                           Windows Shell Common Dll                               Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL                                                                SHFOLDER.DLL        77C50000   36,864       5.00.2614.3500                           Shell Folder Service                                   Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHFOLDER.DLL                                                               SHLWAPI.DLL         70BD0000   278,528      5.00.2614.3500                           Shell Light-weight Utility Library                     Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHLWAPI.DLL                                                                SVRAPI.DLL          7F950000   32,768       4.10.1998                                32-bit common Server API library                       Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SVRAPI.DLL                                                                 T2EMBED.DLL         775D0000   212,992                                                                                                                                        C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\T2EMBED.DLL                                                                TAPI32.DLL          7F960000   122,880      4.10.2222                                Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony API Client DLL        Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\TAPI32.DLL                                                                 UNICOWS.DLL         7F2D0000   266,240                                                                                                                                        C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\UNICOWS.DLL                                                                USER32.DLL          BFC00000   69,632       4.10.2233                                Win32 USER32 core component                            Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL                                                                 USP10.DLL           66650000   344,064      1.0325.2180.1                            Uniscribe Unicode script processor                     Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USP10.DLL                                                                  VERSION.DLL         BFE70000   24,576       4.10.1998                                Win32 VERSION core component                           Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VERSION.DLL                                                                WININET.DLL         76280000   458,752      5.00.2614.3500                           Internet Extensions for Win32                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WININET.DLL                                                                WINMM.DLL           BFDF0000   65,536       4.03.1998                                System APIs for Multimedia                             Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINMM.DLL                                                                  WINSPOOL.DRV        7FE40000   36,864       4.10.1998                                Win32 WINSPOOL core component                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WINSPOOL.DRV                                                               WOW32.DLL           BFDE0000   20,480       4.10.1998                                Win32 WOW32 core component                             Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WOW32.DLL                                                                  WS2_32.DLL          76000000   73,728       4.10.2222                                Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL                          Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WS2_32.DLL                                                                 WS2HELP.DLL         75FE0000   24,576       4.10.1998                                Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows 98               Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WS2HELP.DLL                                                                WSOCK32.DLL         75FA0000   40,960       4.10.1998                                BSD Socket API for Windows                             Microsoft Corporation             C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSOCK32.DLL                                                                SUITE.DLL           00DA0000   98,304                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\COMPONENTS\SUITE.DLL   FREEBL3.DLL         01640000   278,528 Basic ECC                       NSS freebl Library                                     Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\FREEBL3.DLL            MOZALLOC.DLL        00910000   24,576                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MOZALLOC.DLL           MOZJS.DLL           00410000   1,908,736                                                                                                                                      J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MOZJS.DLL              MOZSQLITE3.DLL      008B0000   368,640                                  SQLite Database Library                                sqlite.org                        J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MOZSQLITE3.DLL         MOZUTILS.DLL        00730000   40,960                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MOZUTILS.DLL           MSVCP80.DLL         7C420000   552,960      8.00.50727.762                           Microsoft® C++ Runtime Library                         Microsoft Corporation             J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MSVCP80.DLL            MSVCR80.DLL         78130000   634,880      8.00.50727.762                           Microsoft® C Runtime Library                           Microsoft Corporation             J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\MSVCR80.DLL            NSLDAP32V60.DLL     00870000   159,744                                                                                                                                        J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSLDAP32V60.DLL        NSLDAPPR32V60.DLL   008A0000   28,672                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSLDAPPR32V60.DLL      NSPR4.DLL           005F0000   172,032      4.9 Beta                                 NSPR Library                                           Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSPR4.DLL              NSS3.DLL            00760000   643,072 Basic ECC                       NSS Base Library                                       Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSS3.DLL               NSSCKBI.DLL         01690000   364,544      1.88                                     NSS Builtin Trusted Root CAs                           Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSSCKBI.DLL            NSSDBM3.DLL         01620000   102,400 Basic ECC                       Legacy Database Driver                                 Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSSDBM3.DLL            NSSUTIL3.DLL        00800000   98,304                                 NSS Utility Library                                    Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\NSSUTIL3.DLL           PLC4.DLL            00820000   28,672       4.9 Beta                                 PLC Library                                            Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\PLC4.DLL               PLDS4.DLL           00830000   28,672       4.9 Beta                                 PLDS Library                                           Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\PLDS4.DLL              SEAMONKEY.EXE       00400000   61,440                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\SEAMONKEY.EXE          SMIME3.DLL          00740000   98,304 Basic ECC                       NSS S/MIME Library                                     Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\SMIME3.DLL             SOFTOKN3.DLL        00DD0000   163,840 Basic ECC                       NSS PKCS #11 Library                                   Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\SOFTOKN3.DLL           SSL3.DLL            00840000   147,456 Basic ECC                       NSS SSL Library                                        Mozilla Foundation                J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\SSL3.DLL               XPCOM.DLL           00920000   28,672                                                                                                                                         J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\XPCOM.DLL              XUL.DLL             10000000   17,166,336                                                                                                                                     J:\#BROWSERS\# GECKO\# SEAMONKEY COLLECTION\SEAMONKEY-2.7.2\SEAMONKEY\XUL.DLL                
Edited by jumper



This seems to fix the UPX issue, great!


I have tested gimp plugins crashes again and it occurs in all configurations I tried if using your kexbasen, with or without kexstubs and with msvcrt or msvcr70.


Last line line apilog catches ends with "<KERNEL32.DLL>MultiByteToWideChar|3" in all crash cases. (for git.exe too).  There is no instance of "MultiByteToWideChar|3" when there is no crash with xeno kexbasen.


I uploaded all faultlog and apilogs for those different configurations here: 



Hopefully it'll help you figure out what's going on. It seems very different  than the older logs I did a while back.

Posted (edited)

Hi Jumper, both SM 2.7.2. and 2.8 fully load on my systems - they freeze during use after around 1 to 5 minutes.

Only SM 2.9.x. crashes immediatedly after loading the UI !



1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106a468c:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106a468c:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106a468c:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106a468c:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
2 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106493ce:GetPropW(7d00bd1e)
3 fff36c5d [uNICOWS.DLL]7f2df0e9:WideCharToMultiByte(bfa511e9)
3 fff36c5d [uNICOWS.DLL]7f2df15b:WideCharToMultiByte(bfa511e9)
3 fff36c5d [uNICOWS.DLL]7f2ea948:WideCharToMultiByte(bfa511e9)
1 fff36c5d [XUL.DLL]106a468c:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c3385:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff36c5d [MOZJS.DLL]004c339e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0



1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [XUL.DLL]1068e8ab:DispatchMessageW(9444a7e7)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d15:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount(bfa4a000)
1 fff4cac1 [MOZJS.DLL]004c8d2e:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount = 0



Update: Have tested this issue with kernel32.dll 4.10.2222 - unfortunately same results.

Edited by MiKl

Hi Jumper, yesterday evening I found on one of my systems an 'older' ntdll.dll (5.1.2600.0) and I thought with all the progress in KernelEx why not see what happens if I boot with it.  And it was not as bad as I thought.

Booting completed and a few thing are of course broken, but I noticed that when checking certain apps with IP41 that on psapi.dll it says then 'no problems found' instead of 'functions'.


So I put this ntdll.dll into the kernelex/ros-folder and made the knowndlls-entry in the registry. But this seem to have no effect at all.

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