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Ok, I'll have to add fallbacks to be compatible with TH2 themes, and for NSCHost add support for hot tracking color, drop the necessity of fillcolor (just use part background picture). Which skins I need to tailor for?

Sounds good mate, I like the idea of using just the background picture, not sure why it isn't that way already, same goes for the search menu, not sure what the reasoning was from MS to use fillcolors in those areas, it sucks that StartPanelComposited::StartPanelPriv was completely removed in 11082 as well as all the menu composited parts to go with it but it's also good in a way because now we have full control to add it back in and do what we want without the worry of it effecting something else.


Adding the classes back to the msstyles only takes a few seconds using a style script and I have that running off a custom import script so it's completely automated, the only problem I have had is with DWM parts changing their part numbers but my script fixes that too and I have new custom class maps to arrange it all back as it should be.


Looks like PandaX might be doing some updates to WSB to make importing to windows 10 easier and I am sure he will be adding support for SiB as well, will have to try and make sure he stays up to date with what needs to be added back for imports, I think it might be best to just try and keep using  StartMenuCompositedMFU::ListView, StartMenuComposited::ListView, StartMenuKeyboardComposited::TreeView, I don't think we need to worry about JumpListPane::ListView as it was new in Windows 10 and seems to replace what we had in StartMenuPlaceListComposited::ListView

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Some properties from them will be used as fallback (composited, hottracking color?) only for compatibility for current skins. All properties must reside in StartPanelComposited::StartPanelPriv, it makes no sense to spill them - other parts were used to behave like Win7, but they're no longer in aero.msstyles. PandaX may just include definition of those parts into Win10 classmaps from Win7.

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Updated 1.2-REDSTONE



- Added fallback to font styles from system skin parts StartMenuKeyBoardComposited::TreeView, StartMenuCompositedMFU::ListView, StartMenuPlaceListComposited::ListView

- NSCHost now does not use fill color and always composites against part background

- NSCHost now supports HOTTRACKING text color
Edited by Tihiy
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Updated 1.2-REDSTONE



- Added fallback to font styles from system skin parts StartMenuKeyBoardComposited::TreeView, StartMenuCompositedMFU::ListView, StartMenuPlaceListComposited::ListView

- NSCHost now does not use fill color and always composites against part background

- NSCHost now supports HOTTRACKING text color



Version ++1.2-REDSTONE



Support Windows 10 build 11082:

- Fixed Start screen shortcut not working

- Fixed strings missing

- Fixed badly composited fonts


StartIsBack no longer uses JumpListPane::ListView, StartMenuCompositedMFU::ListView, StartMenuComposited::ListView, StartMenuKeyboardComposited::TreeView system skin parts. Composited and font properties must be specified in StartPanelComposited::StartPanelPriv parts.


Thanks for the update Tihiy, I tested it and I am having a problem with fonts being rendered on this build, they are now very blocky and bold looking, also the spacing on the places list is greatly reduced, I also noticed now with NSCHost that the background scrolls instead of staying fixed, this is only noticable if you have a textured background, not really a problem as I don't normally use ang gradients in that area but thought it was worth mentioning, aside from that I don't see any problems.


Here are a few examples of before and after using the redstone SIB









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Ok, the regressions are not worth it, will have to redo back to using system styles.

I think you made a great start with it mate, like I said the scrolling background on NSCHost isn't a problem as it was always a solid fillcolor there anyway and 99% of themes already acomodate for that, it was only on one theme that I noticed this happening and is easily fixed, I think the improvment being able to have a transparent background image there outways the issue of the scrolling background, all the default styles with SIB work fine as far as I can see, the only issue I can see really is the fonts, if that can be remedied then your on to a winner.

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Updated 1.2-REDSTONE:



- Fixed badly composited native msstyles fonts

- FILLCOLOR for NSCHost is respected


Item size calculation changes are here to stay.

Thanks for the update will give it a try and see how it goes, one thing I wanted to note is that since Windows 10 SiB will not apply the start menu with the visual style untill selected from the sib menu or unless you sign out or restart explorer, I have also noticed that if you adjust the color settings in the personalization menu this also refreshes SIb and the start menu is applied, is there any way to fix this so it gets applied instantly when you change themes like it was on Windows 8?

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Oi vei, fixed that and what you said.

Thanks Tihiy, the start menu is now being applied with the theme but I see it restarts explorer to do it, this seems to have a problem with themes being applied fully, wallpapers are not being applied in time before explorer restarts and you have to open the personalization menu and reapply the theme a second time, fonts look better and fill color and HOTTRACKING is working in NSCHost but the RGB is not right, Green is fine but Blue shows as Red and Red shows as Blue, the HOTTRACKING text color on the programs list and places list isn't working though unless you add a property to Lists, Menus, & Tabs > ListView > ListItem or one of it's states, I couldn't work out why some of my themes were working fine and others wouldn't, I finally trracked it down to this one difference, doesn't seem to matter what property gets added there as long as it's not empty.

Also is there any chance we can have the button image restored or use a different state for Start Menu > Menus > Aero > KeyBoard:TreeView > TreeItem > Hot (StartMenuKeyBoardComposited::TreeView) so the NSCHost can use an alternative button image?

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Explorer should not restart, if you see it crash, please provide a crash dump or info.

I'll try to fix other things, maybe I've screwed up colors a bit, naming skins will help.

Edited by Tihiy
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Explorer should not restart, if you see it crash, please provide a crash dump or info.

I'll try to fix other things, maybe I've screwed up colors a bit, naming skins will help.

OK very strange, I have no idea why explorer was restarting, it still happened even with SiB uninstalled so definately not a problem with SiB, I went back to an earlier snapshot on the VM and reinstalled the latest update and now it works fine.


Here are a couple of examples of the fillcolors being swapped in my themes H2o and Poison.





Edited by MrGRiM
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