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XP 64-bit installaton onto an USB3-Stick

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Obvious - WinBuilder (scripts) will "make a Portable" XP/Win7 (depending on the one you're building) that can -> to USB.

Build Variations include CD/DVD, HDD, USB, Load-To-Ram, (whatever).


Apologies for such a short statement that -may- have implied Winbuilder was in and of itself a Portable OS. But WinBuilder should have made that apparent, same as WinSetupFromUSB is apparent. Where's the confusion?


@OP - If you want a "Portable Install" you will have to do what a -different- project already does and apply it to -this- project. Why would you want someone to "re-invent the wheel" as it were? You're attempting to mix two separate independent subject just because both apply to USB (-may- apply in the case of WinBuilder).


Now, which is it? Install -FROM- USB, Install -TO- USB, or create a -PORTABLE- on a USB? Clarify yourself, please.

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The confusion is that most of the Winbuilder .scripts (but not all) are aimed to build a PE (Preinstallation Environment) of some kind which is not an "install" (not "from", not "to") of *any* kind.


The only Winbuilder project that I can remember that creates a "portable" XP (which is NOT a PE) is the one by Misty called "MiniXP":


which, unlike the several misnamed Winbuilder projects that contain XP in the name (such as - an example - LiveXP), is actually a (very minimal) XP and NOT a PE.


A PE (1.x/2.x/3.x/4.x/5.x)  is NOT an "install" and a PE (1.x) is NOT a "portable XP". <- this last character is a "full stop"  or a "period"


On the other hand there are a couple projects by wimb that are NOT based on Winbuilder but do create a "portable" XP (though I am not so sure that they are compatible with a XP 64 bit source):




As the actual Author of the program just tried to communicate - failing to reach you :w00t::ph34r: - WinsetupFromUSB could be renamed to WinsetupFromUSB_To_Any_R/W_Mass_Storage_Device_Including_USB_connected_Ones, the point here is that when source (FromUSB) and target (ToUSB) are the same device it is possible that the setup routine gets tricked by "other connected Mass Storage devices" AND that XP 64 bit - though tested - has not been extensively tested like the more common XP 32 bit.



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Maybe I should have said "similar to a portable"? :unsure: Nonetheless, the OP is now mixing "portable" into "the mix" and you have clearly indicated the PageFile problem. (I could have -sworn- that I put a WinBuilder PE onto a USB stick.).


Question - What's the purpose of having a Full XP (Portable) on USB? Because... Netbook? Bear in mind, a FULL "Portable" XP will -still- have to be Activated, whereas a PE does not, so... :huh:


BTW (@OP), a WinPE -specifically- assigns "X" as the Hard Drive Letter. You seem to be wanting to BOOT to ONE USB to begin install the INSTALL to ANOTHER USB. Why not do it -all- from/to the Target USB? :unsure: -IF- the WinBuilder would work with x64, then create one on USB#1 along with an ISO of the XP, Mount the ISO, run WINNT32 with appropriate parameters (including /NOREBOOT) targeting USB#2, alter the correct files (TBD, the info is "out there" even on MSFN) per DriveLetter, boot USB#2 to cmplete the Installation. Of course, the Internal HDD -may still- be problematic (DriveLetter). Chime in, anyone, or am I off-base?

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Well, you can clutch at straws alright :yes:, but you are slipping down a bit at each and every post. :ph34r:


A PE is NOT a portable install, it is actually not even a XP, it is a PE.


Of course there are no particular issues in having a PE (which is NOT an XP) on a USB device, and it is very probable that you managed to have a PE built through a Winbuilder project on a USB stick.


There is no issue in having a PE 1.x get assigned *any* drive letter, the "X:" is just the default, JFYI:




The "pagefile" issue is a "relative" one.

I have WIndows installs running since years with NO pagefile at all, but let's not start the usual flamewar Pagefile (and System Managed while you are at it) vs. NO pagefie vs. fixed size pagefile, please ;):



JFYI, I was not thinking of the pagefile in itself (which I did not mention, I used - not so casually - the generic "some advantages").

What I had in mind was more about other possible issues, namely Windows Update and System Restore:





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You can't just install XP ro USB, it will bluescreen 0x7b at the first reboot...

USB drivers boot order has to be fixed and monitored.

Besides, you can't just install XP to the same or another USB if no internal disks are available, again 0x7b if only removable disks are present. This is also taken care of.

In short- forget about winnt32 and unmodified source/setup files and procedure.

WinPE is another beer, OP is looking for a portable full XP, not PE.

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Well, there is nothing to clarify cat. At the moment the OP trys to install XP64 on a USB-stick.

And if the OP makes some example, like: "Would be nice if it would be so easy like to install a portable browser." ...it doesn't mean so much.

Befor the OP decidet to enter this forum he get very confused by trying this and that and operating with many of this installation tools

I try to get my old OS back. Thats my intention. This little calculater and Win8 don't fit together. - I don't like it!

At least this discussion seems to becomes produktiv. 


OK. Now I start to try it again.

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NTLDR is missing


Thats the first and only it says after I try to boot.


I know that this is the NT-bootloader. But can I enter it now, or do I need to wait 3h until I have done the whole job again? 


To copy this files manualy onto the newstick dont work either. I can't find the bootloader.ini... 

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I was operating with 2 USB-Sticks. I used WinSetupforUSB 1.4.

And I choose in the advanced-mode "Install on USB".

Otherwise I follow the tutorial like in #8 above. (...Click Bootice. Process MBR and select GRUB4DOS. Install/Config. close. Click Process PBR. Select NTLDR boot record. Install/Config. Close. Exit....) Both sticks been NTFS formated. - Thats it!


Please can you modyfie this tutorial with the additional informations vor 1.4 and install on USB? It need 3h to try the intire installation!

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Try to delete all pattitions on the target disk and create new ones from within Setup.

Is the "source" disk still bootable and intact after the procedure?

Are all other disks invisible to the Setup, i.e. do you see only the 2 USB disks on the partitioning screen during Setup?

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Ahm - I tried to delete the partitions in the setup befor this setup. But the formating of the disk stoped during the setup at 50% - then I need to reset the computer.

No, the source disk is not bootable anymore. This "repair mode" on usual CDs don't work.

I just see the too sticks. Target called C: and souce is caled U: No internal HDD.

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The Target is an USB3 16GB - "Qilive Q.8908"

It shows me the hardware as: "USB Disk 3.0 USB Device"

It's a Auchan - A French-Chinese brand for media-diskounters - or how ever this kind of shops are called?


And the Source ist a 8y old USB2 with 2GB - some noname product from the supermarket.

It shows me the hardware as: "Ut163 USB2FlashStrage USB Device"

I found this: Ritek Corp. 1.90 GB b27 602 20.21 MB/Sec 4.26 MB/Sec  


OK, I will try something in 30min, if ther is no other post in here. :unsure:

I mark this: X.   -  But whats that: O ?


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