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HF Folders: Where do I put modified TXTSETUP.SIF and LAYOUT.INF?


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I have taken the original versions of these files, and modified them (added SATA support, change install directory, etc).
I was wondering where to put them at.
I don't want to put them in the SOURCE folder, as I want to keep that pure and only have the original files in there.
I can't put them in the REPLACE folder, as then these files would overwrite the ones that HFSLIP had modified.
So where can I put them so that HFSLIP can modify them?
Thanks in advance.

Note added by dencorso:

The quote below preserves Acheron's answer to this post, which is not in this thread anymore.


Hi JayMan,

Unfortunately HFSLIP does not support merging your modifications after integrating updates into your source folder. You should make a manual backup of the files you make modifications to. It is a good habit anyway to make a backup of your original Windows source files and a backup of your HFSLIP project folder.

To keep track of changes you could look into some kind of version control for your projects

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To keep things together -



Use a COMPLETE list (as in the links you have been given several time), go ahead and TRY to use HFSLIP by the instructions given - OR use nLite, whatever flips your burgers, THEN insert your changes (noting nLite will DO IT FOR YOU!).


I have NO CLUE as to whether this would work for HFSLIP -



Please note that any MANUAL CHANGES (e.g. FolderName) you make SHOULD be done AFTER Slipstream (by whatever method/tool) to PREVENT Slipstream Failures.


You DO realize there ar MANY ways to Slipstream, correct?

Also, there are "Update Packs" on RyanVM and WinCert (google those). Quite a number of Members on thos websites are also members here.



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What do you mean by "integrating updates into your source folder"? I thought the intergration occurs in the SOURCESS folder - the only exception being service packs (unless one uses the backup=1 in the HFANSWERS.INI).

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(sigh...) You can TRY using HFSLIP, but I SUGGESTED UDC+nLite. And I told you in the OTHER topic why using Add-On types will NOT work!


The -obsolete- mimo list is what you are -apparently- trying to use, along with HFSLIP.


If you don't like nLite, try using the UDC files -BUT- for -each and every CAB file GENERATED go BACK to the MS Wesite and get the ORIGINAL file. Those CABS have been generated SPECIFICALLY because that are MULTI-WMP-VERSION INSTALLERS (wmp9+10+11)! And the Adobe SWF File may not slipstream with HFSLIP (unless in a RunOnce?). AGAIN, I do NOT use HFSLIP, but I DO know for a FACT that UDC+nLite works VERY WELL!


In answer to your confusion about Acheron's response - Both HFSLIP and nLite will alter those files. Do your Slipstream and then alter them!



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There are many reasons to prefer HFSLIP over nLite. nLite is a closed source solution with no documentation. When you run nLite it does a lot of 'cleaning up' behind your back modifying more than necessary. There is no guarantee that your Windows Source doesn't break when running nLite multiple times on the same source.


HFSLIP does not alter your Windows Source files, but keeps everything in separate folders. The program is Open Source so you can modify the script yourself to keep full control over the output. It might not seem as easy as nLite, but for long-term maintainability HFSLIP is definitely a better solution.

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(sigh...) You can TRY using HFSLIP, but I SUGGESTED UDC+nLite. And I told you in the OTHER topic why using Add-On types will NOT work!


The -obsolete- mimo list is what you are -apparently- trying to use, along with HFSLIP.


If you don't like nLite, try using the UDC files -BUT- for -each and every CAB file GENERATED go BACK to the MS Wesite and get the ORIGINAL file. Those CABS have been generated SPECIFICALLY because that are MULTI-WMP-VERSION INSTALLERS (wmp9+10+11)! And the Adobe SWF File may not slipstream with HFSLIP (unless in a RunOnce?). AGAIN, I do NOT use HFSLIP, but I DO know for a FACT that UDC+nLite works VERY WELL!


In answer to your confusion about Acheron's response - Both HFSLIP and nLite will alter those files. Do your Slipstream and then alter them!



You see, I am NOT "knocking" HFSLIP. I am NOT "inisting" using a "closed source" (see above "SUGGESTED"). It's a matter of PREFERENCE and the PROBLEM has -nothing to do- with -which- one, but the above stated FACTS! Indeed, I have indicated that there are MANY ways to SlipStream. (e.g. RVM Integrator+ RVM/WinCert Add-Ons/SvcPacks). THOSE AS WELL are a PREFERENCE.


Bottom line, use whatever way that tickles your innards, BUT "alter" any files you WANT to -after- the Slipstream!




edit - O/T - YES, I have used HFSLIP on a Win2K source. Satisfied? ;)

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You all can read this: Experiment of how nLite slipstream updates

Because I do manual slipstreaming, and not rely on nLite or HFSLIP, so I have a basic knowledge of how slipstreaming is done.

And I can tell you one thing. LAYOUT.INF cannot be modified as it was digitally signed. The Windows Setup will verify its signature. However, adding additional files to copy in TXTSETUP.SIF does work - it doesn't have to match LAYOUT.INF.

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@Explorer09 -

Umm. fine! "not one of YOUR goals". This isn't YOUR topic and I DO appreciate your (and Acheron's) contributions. However, you stated that "LAYOUT.INF cannot be modified as it was digitally signed" which (IMHO) isn't -necessarily- true, and -could be- one of the OP's "goals".


Shall we all play nice and not distort what I had said by -assuming- "hidden agendas"? ;)

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And I can tell you one thing. LAYOUT.INF cannot be modified as it was digitally signed. The Windows Setup will verify its signature.


Here you go


Replace ,_x, with ,,

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I want to thank everyone for their replies and help thus far!


First let me say that my question was how to do something in HFSLIP. I don't want to use nLite or any other solution. I like HFSLIP, have been using it for many years, and wish to stay with it.

So please in the future when I post HFSLIP questions on a HFSLIP forum, please keep the solutions HFSLIP based.


The reason for my question is due to using FDV's fileset which instructs putting modified versions of some files (TXTSETUP.SIF, LAYOUT.INF) into the SOURCE folder. I want to keep the SOURCE folder pristine, so was hoping for an easy solution (outside of editing the CMD code to do so, which I am tempted to do).


Again, thanks for all the replies!

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Dude, are you another "touchy" soul?

Do NOT use FDV's FileSet at this time! Use the INFO as provided.



Download the fileset
(Please, only for those who already know the whole process)

For Windows 2000 Workstation (Windows 2000 "Professional")

For Windows 2000 Server (never finished)For Windows XP (includes IE as of April 2010, edit SYSSETUP.INF to remove)

For Windows 2003 (includes IE as of April 2010, edit SYSSETUP.INF to remove)

OK? You MAY use it as a REFERENCE but its VERY outdated! (Last update was June 2010...)

And THIS -


clearly states "Updated January 30, 2010."

Further this -


Clearly indicates that Fred has "moved on" to Windows 7 and -does- still maintain Win2K3 x86 stuff.




edit - Be aware that the NEWEST FileSets (the ones you're using?) may or may not suit your needs (or work?). Do throw away any old stuff or archive and ensure you have the latest (as was indicated in your OTHER topics).

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What exactly does "touchy soul" mean?


In my last post I was just trying to make myself clear. I find it frustrating at times on forums when a person asks "how much does an apple cost" and the replies tell them the price of oranges - or even worse when a replies consists of pages of reasons why they should buy oranges instead of apples!


I am curious why you say not to use FDV's fileset, as I have been using it with great success for years (maybe about 10 years).

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(sigh...) I said "touchy soul" because you believe that folks are -insisting- you do things -their- way. They do not, they SUGGEST solutions. We inform, you react "strangely" (to say the least), seeing the resonse as "attacks". We (I in paricular) have given you Apples Information (IN-FOR-MA-TION only) regarding Apples.


I -clearly- stated the following


You MAY use it as a REFERENCE but its VERY outdated!
edit - Be aware that the NEWEST FileSets (the ones you're using?) may or may not suit your needs (or work?).




Do what you wish. And good luck in your endeavor. You have suffeicient information to answer you question(s). ;)

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