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Used nLite and setup stops as "Setup is Starting Windows"


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I used nLite and setup stops as "Setup is Starting Windows."

A family members harddrive crashed. They used to have an IDE PATA drive but I can't seem to get one so I went with a SATA drive since the board has connections. They were running on Windows XP Home edition. Well, i found out I need to use nLite to add the drivers(s) so the SATA drive can be found and XP loaded.

Everything goes well and then it stops at the "Windows Setup" window (blue screen) and at the bottom the caption says "Setup i starting Windows." From there nothing happens.

Is there a step I'm missing? Or am I just screwed?


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Is there a step I'm missing? Or am I just screwed?

Strange, but if I were you I would forget nlite direct integration of the single SATA driver (not that it is not good) and integrate instead the driverspack:



You want to have Base+Chipset+MassStorage (all the other ones are optional and should not matter for booting/installing).


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I am the proof because it happened to me. Upon further search I could confirm it was a bug, just google for it, although clearly people on msfn doesn't seem aware of this.

edit: your PROOF. It took me 1 sec. bother yourself a bit.

Edited by Dogway
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the caption says "Setup i starting Windows." From there nothing happens.

Please attach (not paste) your "Last session.ini". I think some users reported that after changing the HAL from "automatic" to something else in the Unattended section.

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I am the proof because it happened to me. Upon further search I could confirm it was a bug, just google for it, although clearly people on msfn doesn't seem aware of this.

edit: your PROOF. It took me 1 sec. bother yourself a bit.

It proves nothing. Try this one instead
"DMA tab" disappeared chipset drivers integrated

Eight (MASSIVE) hits. Your google was WAY too generic. Now try THIS one -

"DMA tab" disappeared "chipset drivers"

Never heard of using "quotes" to narrow the search (SIX monstrous hits)?

Hilariously, THIS may be what you "believe" to be true (your google) -


Another of the exact same reference -


...and ANOTHER with the SAME mentioned!


Seems the "tab" was moved to be "controlled" by the IAA. Additionally, the BIOS apparently has to be set to ACPI -AND- you have to have the CORRECT "HAL" installed. ;)

(Is that what happen to YOU?)

So you have no other "proof"? Just a "generic" google, correct? :whistle:

"I would never lie. I willfully participated in a campaign of misinformation."

- Fox Mulder - X-Files

Now, let's get back on topic...

Edited by submix8c
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  • 4 weeks later...

setup stops as "Setup is Starting Windows."

Everything goes well and then it stops at the "Windows Setup" window (blue screen) and at the bottom the caption says "Setup i starting Windows." From there nothing happens.

That's an old bug that IIRC only occurs with GeForce 2 (maybe GeForce 1 too) video cards. It's also possible that it only occurs with the Via KT133 chipset.

This bug was the SNAFU of the GeForce 2 and Via KT133 combo.

Back in 2002, I had to remove my GeForce 2 MX 200 and pop my Voodoo 3 3000 back in to install XP on my Via KT133-based motherboard.

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hopefully I am not being rude

you have made sure to set the computer to use AHCI in the BIOS before trying to install the operating system right?

if the thing is set to compatibility and AHCI is installed it will case a blue screen.

That's not caused by ATA mode.

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The OP isn't coming back - one single post...

Yep :rolleyes: , the point being if OP didn't come back because he/she is ungrateful BUT the proposed solution worked :yes: (and thus all subsequent posts are superfluous :whistle: ) or if he/she didn't come back because by following the given suggestion his/her PC took fire or exploded :ph34r: .


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