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Start Is Back - 2.1 release


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I just tried this again and I found out when it doesn't work, if you just right click and go to properties and rename it in the general tab that's when you have a problem, if you press Shift+Right Click and select rename it works correctly.

Uhuh. Not sure how to fix that :unsure: I thought everyone uses F2 to rename.

Is there any way you could make the Shift+Right Click the default Context menu without needing to press shift? that way the rename function is immediately available, also what is this F2 to rename your talking about, never done that before lol

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also what is this F2 to rename your talking about, never done that before lol
Just select item with keyboard and press F2. F2 is universal hotkey to rename things.

OK Yeah that works, I have never used it, I guess I found it easy enough using right click, never thought to see if there was another way lol anyway Shift+Right click also works on pinned taskbar items, it's like an advanced right click that I use most of the time.

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I use Windows Server 2012 RTM and StartIsBackCfg.exe DOES NOT crash at all. All features are perfectly functional.

Renaming works fine if you Shift-Right click on a pinned item and choose 'Rename'. In this case no problem at all.

However, if you right click a pinned item and choose 'Properties' and rename the shortcut in the general tab, the pinned item gets screwed up and all you can do with it is unpin it. I always use "Rename" from the context menu, so to me it's Ok.


After installing Beta 3 you don't need to re-log in to get the Start Menu working. It's very nice indeed. What I would like to suggest is another option in the configuration windows to enable/disable StartIsBack.

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All following items test on Win8 x86 and Win8 x64. See Server 2012 x64 note below.

Rename Start Screen to Apps auto reset works.

Server 2012 - StartIsBackCfg.exe crashes. So nothing else tested on 2012.

I can't reproduce that bug in Server 2012 after I uninstalled beta 2 and installed beta 3, try creating new user account and test it.

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When deleting an item, it automatically deletes. There's no confirmation box, like on Win7.

Is this an issue with Startisback, or is it a Win8 feature?

It's Windows 8 feature. Recycle Bin confirmation is off by default.

I found how to fix Windows Server 2012 - exclude StartIsBackCfg.exe from DEP options.

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When deleting an item, it automatically deletes. There's no confirmation box, like on Win7.

Is this an issue with Startisback, or is it a Win8 feature?

It's Windows 8 feature. Recycle Bin confirmation is off by default.

I found how to fix Windows Server 2012 - exclude StartIsBackCfg.exe from DEP options.

My DEP is on by default for essential windows programs and services, no crashes.

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I can't reproduce that bug in Server 2012 after I uninstalled beta 2 and installed beta 3, try creating new user account and test it.

I had beta 1 installed that worked fine, i used the uninstall reg file and rebooted to be sure. Then installed beta 3 and when the explorer had reloaded the install program asks if you want to configure it, and then i press that and the configuratiion application crashed, and it does so if i run the exe file manually or right click the start menu

I also created a new user, same result

Update: Excluding the "StartIsBackCfg.exe" file from DEP works for me in Server 2012

My DEP is on by default for essential windows programs and services, no crashes.

On my Server 2012 Datacenter RTM installation its on default for all program except the excluded ones

Edited by maslow
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When deleting an item, it automatically deletes. There's no confirmation box, like on Win7.

Is this an issue with Startisback, or is it a Win8 feature?

It's Windows 8 feature. Recycle Bin confirmation is off by default.

You can change Windows 8 defaults in Recycle Bin properties:



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When deleting an item, it automatically deletes. There's no confirmation box, like on Win7.

Is this an issue with Startisback, or is it a Win8 feature?

It's Windows 8 feature. Recycle Bin confirmation is off by default.

I found how to fix Windows Server 2012 - exclude StartIsBackCfg.exe from DEP options.

Cheers for clearing that up. Looking forward to the final product :)

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