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Trace why Windows 8 boots, shutsdown or hibernates slowly


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Give me the ProcMon log and a new xbootgmr trace with this command:

xbootmgr -trace boot -traceFlags BASE+LATENCY+DISK_IO_INIT+DISPATCHER+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+FILENAME+POWER+Registry -stackwalk profile+CSwitch+ReadyThread+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+RegQueryKey+RegOpenKey+RegCloseKey+RegSetInformation+RegSetValue+RegDeleteValue+RegQueryValue -resultPath C:\TEMP

With this command I capture wait and registry data.

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Give me the ProcMon log and a new xbootgmr trace with this command:

xbootmgr -trace boot -traceFlags BASE+LATENCY+DISK_IO_INIT+DISPATCHER+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+FILENAME+POWER+Registry -stackwalk profile+CSwitch+ReadyThread+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+RegQueryKey+RegOpenKey+RegCloseKey+RegSetInformation+RegSetValue+RegDeleteValue+RegQueryValue -resultPath C:\TEMP

With this command I capture wait and registry data.

Did it! Do you need the ETL file?

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  • 2 weeks later...

the trace is too large. I can't open it correctly. But from what I see, the issue is large CPU usage for a long time. Use this command:

xbootmgr -trace boot -traceFlags BASE+LATENCY+DISPATCHER+FILE_IO+FILENAME+POWER -stackwalk profile+CSwitch+ReadyThread -resultPath C:\TEMP

Also use the 8.1 SDK. You used the 8.0 SDK!!!!!!

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I sent you another one. Unfortunately it's still quite large. I can open it with Performance Analyzer on my system so please let me know if you'd like me to take a screen shot or anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My Vaio vpc-yb1s1e/s has a cursor lag issue, although I disabled unnecessary services and removed/reinstalled graphic drivers,

You're really my last hope.

Thank you.

Edited by Max_04
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what do you mean with cursor issue?

The largest issue with your boot is, that your HDD is very busy during boot.

There is a huge delay when I move my cursor in different points of the screen.

Can you suggest me a way to know the exact cause of this HDD loading?

Edited by Max_04
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a Server 2012 R2 system booting from an Intel SSD.  Since installing Chrome, I noticed a 15 second hang during boot every time.  Uninstalling Chrome doesn't change the behavior and I don't really think Chrome is the issue.


I followed the steps in this posting no how to trace the boot times and the results do NOT show this 15 second hang.  However, I isolated it down to the OSLoader.  The problem does NOT show up in the ETL file.  For example, osLoaderDuration only shows 877 as the time:


    <timing bootDoneViaExplorer="15107" bootDoneViaPostBoot="-1" osLoaderDuration="877"
            postBootRequiredIdleTime="10000" postBootDisturbance="9223372011747"
            pnpBootStartStartTime="37" pnpBootStartEndTime="854" pnpBootStartDuration="817"
            pnpSystemStartStartTime="1013" pnpSystemStartEndTime="1381" pnpSystemStartDuration="368">


So what I did during boot is press <F8> to get to the boot options.  I think put the cursor over the enable boot logging option and at exactly 14:19:00, I pressed <Enter>.  When I did that, there was very brief disk activity and then no disk activity for ~15 seconds.  Then the boot continued as normal.  What's interesting is looking at ntblog.txt as you see here:


 5 18 2014 14:19:16.499
BOOTLOG_LOADED \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe


So there was an ~15-16 second delay from when I told Windows to boot to when the boot log started logging activity.  Any idea what is causing this ~15 second hang?  Since ETL doesn't show the problem, how can I figure out what Windows is doing during this time?  THANKS!!!

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Regarding my Post #327, I think I stumbled onto something.  I use Hyper-V on this system and I have XDC and Virtualization Technology both enabled in the BIOS.  If I disable either one, this 15 second pre osloader hang goes away.  I only get this 15 second "freeze" if both XDC and Virtualization Technology are enabled.  I checked with HP and my system has the last BIOS available for the system.


Any ideas?  Thanks.

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Hi Andre, thanks for the Tutorial.


A couple of days ago my Zenbook UX32VD (Win 8) started to take 4 - 6 Minutes to boot up for no reason I'm aware of.


The full boot summary is here: http://www42.zippyshare.com/v/98947187/file.html .


From what I can tell the culprit is the SATA AHCI Controller which takes over 4 Minutes to load (the Driver is up-to-date). I wasn't sure if it's a good idea to disable it for testing so I didn't.


<phase name="bootStart" startTime="29" endTime="246530" duration="246501">
        <pnpObject name="PCI\VEN_8086+DEV_1E03+SUBSYS_15071043+REV_04\3+11583659+2+FA" type="Device" activity="Start"
                   startTime="2515" endTime="242870" duration="240356" prePendTime="240356" description="Intel® 7 Series Chipset Family SATA AHCI Controller" friendlyName=""/>
Any help to understand or even solve the problem would be greatly appreciated.
Gruß aus Dortmund :)
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