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Notebook's drivers integration

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I don't really understand your question. The correct in file is the one that lists your device as "PCI\VEN_....".

For your Raltek audio AC97, get it from here. When you point to an inf file, nLite integrates all inf files from the same folder, so you don't have to open all inf files to check. nLite does that also because some devices have more functions and require more inf files.


Don't install the chipset drivers, it's not strictly necessary AFAIK and it has a bug, in Hardware Devices Manager when you click on properties for the DMA option, etc the advanced tab gets missing.


When you point to an inf file, nLite integrates all inf files from the same folder, so you don't have to open all inf files to check. nLite does that also because some devices have more functions and require more inf files.

sorry Ponch for my misunderstandig, i've just got confused. now i see. many thanks :D

Posted (edited)

hi all, finally i had enough time to finalize my work with nlite :)

now i've got the WinLite.ISO file and i've a question. i know $OEM$ folder contains the drivers integrated but mine only contains the file cmdlines.txt that contains these strings:

"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,U"

is it normal or not?

i've attached a screenshot of the root of winlite.iso because it seems strange to me there're 4 .ini files (ULTIMA SESSIONE = LAST SESSION). is there something wrong? are there files that can be deleted, such as "seriale.txt"? i think it's a file imported from the "original" winxp cd :P

many thanks and sorry for my bad english!


Edited by gipsyshadow

"seriale.txt"??? :ph34r: I'd say that you'd BETTER not even suggest the "source" of your CD... REMOVE THAT FILE FROM SOURCE (unless you really want to keep it on the CD).

As for the $OEM$ folder, you did "other-than" just Driver Integration (i.e. SlipStream the SP3) AND undoubtedly used the "OEM" Options in the Unattended section. If you had manually slipped and did no other tweaking whatsoever, that folder would not have existed. That file's sole purpose is to "jump start" the other "functions". Willing to bet you'll also see a folder called "NLDRV" in the "I386" folder. That's where nLite might have placed them.

"Extra INI" files? PLEASE don't tell me you ran nLite against an nLited source!!!! You MUST start with a FRESH copy of the CD EACH TIME!!!

Not feeling so good right now BUT I will tell you this - if you

1 - Copy your FULL CD Contents to a Created Folder on your C-Drive (say, "C:\NLITEXP")

2 - REMOVE the TXT file "in question" from the folder - keep it as you need what's inside it. :ph34r:

3 - Start a NEW nLite Session (do NOT load a previous session), pointing to the NLITEXP folder (click "Next" for two screens)

4 - On "Task Selection" click "NONE", then click BOTH "Service Pack" AND "Drivers" AND "Create ISO" (click "Next")

5 - In "Service Pack", point to the SP3 file (click "Next")

6 - In "Drivers" select all of your drivers as you did last time (click "Next")

7 - In "Create Iso" point to ANYWHERE but NLITEXP folder and give ISO a name, (say, "C:MYXPSP3.ISO") (click "Next")

When done, you're NLITEXP folder will be "clean" containing NO OEM folder, SP3 Integrated, an NLDRV folder with your Drivers, a number of "modified as-of the nLite run" INF and IN_ files (these are the ones modified for the Drivers), a NEW NLITE.IN_ file (to allow for additional functions, e.g. running a "helper")and ONLY TWO INI Files in the Root. There will ALSO be the ISO file created and ready to be "burned" (a bootable ISO EXACTLY like the NLITEXP folder contents).

This ISO will perform/install EXACTLY like a "standard" SP3 (all steps required to Install, including "Enter Key", etc) FULLY ATTENDED, with the exception that ALL DRIVERS will also be integrated.

Why do I suggest this? Unless you are more familiar with Integration and nLite (an Integrator Helper), then you may be just confusing yourself (and others).

Optional - In Step#4 - go to here (READ it) and get ONLY the Updates (DO NOT Integrate WMP11 or IE7 or IE8 at this time - you will get even MORE confused) - BEFORE clicking "next", SORT the HotFixes by Ascending Date. This step will get you fully up-to-date as-of the date specified. NO OPTIONALS are provided (i.e. "Add-ons").

Also browse through the nLite screenshots to get a better idea.

1 = You are using a warezed iso which is highly against the rules here...

2 = It has already been nlited and will NOT likely work being nLited again.

This is highly likely, as the dates of the previous INI files are "2058" (unless your System Date is screwed up). Also, I note (now that I look closer) that you'r missing a couple of folders.

So, on that note... That's all the help you get here.... :whistle:

(silly me... as I said... tired... KEL!)

Posted (edited)

1 = You are using a warezed iso which is highly against the rules here...

now i see! i didn't have to trust my firend's winxp cd. so the cd was warezed and it didn't work properly! i'll give this cd back and i'll work on my own with mine.

thank you


thanks very much for your usefull suggestions, i'll use a fresh winxp copy :)

i guess $OEM$ folder exists because i've tried to integrate net framework 2.0 by that nlite session. i thought it should have been very easy because i've found that file on the web alread in .cab format to be directly integrated with nlite.

but as you said that 2nd nlited version was vert corrupt!!

i've followed all steps of the nlite guide... i just didn't know that nlite must be used on a fresh win copy :)

Edited by gipsyshadow


Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after a night's sleep, I also note that the screen shot has "LESSIME.HTM" (translated "README.HTM"). This indicates that a Language Interface Pack for French was used on that "SP2".

See this.

French / Français / Available only to certain customers
And this. In addition, the Updates listed on -X-' website are English, not to mention that you MIGHT have integrated French SP3 into it (?).

And on THAT note... Good luck with your "own CD"...


I also note that the screen shot has "LESSIME.HTM" (translated "README.HTM"). This indicates that a Language Interface Pack for French was used on that "SP2".

Your translation is fine but the language looks italian to me. The clue is in the OP's flag. LISEZMOI.HTM would be the french file. ;)


Your translation is fine but the language looks italian to me. The clue is in the OP's flag. LISEZMOI.HTM would be the french file. ;)

yes, it's italian like my swearing when i realized it was an already nlited copy! :realmad:

Posted (edited)

"Extra INI" files? PLEASE don't tell me you ran nLite against an nLited source!!!! You MUST start with a FRESH copy of the CD EACH TIME!!!

What if you only used nlite to slipstream SP3, can you use that as a source for nlite again or should I manually slipstream SP3 and use that as a source CD ?

(legit copy here)

Edited by aliceinchains
What if you only used nlite to slipstream SP3, can you use that as a source for nlite again or should I manually slipstream SP3 and use that as a source CD ?
Quick test reveals that this should be ok. To save space, you can probably (afterward) delete SP2.CAB and SP2.CAT (about 18mb) and the "cmpnents" folder (applies only to MCE/Tablet CD#2 - another 25.7mb). ONLY Copy the Source to a Folder and nLite ONLY the Network SP3 and NOT "Create ISO". Rerun nLite and ONLY "Create ISO" to create an (almost identical to Pre-Integrated) SP3 CD. That can be your "working CD" from that point on (burn it and store it as a backup).


What if you only used nlite to slipstream SP3, can you use that as a source for nlite again or should I manually slipstream SP3 and use that as a source CD ?
Quick test reveals that this should be ok. To save space, you can probably (afterward) delete SP2.CAB and SP2.CAT (about 18mb) and the "cmpnents" folder (applies only to MCE/Tablet CD#2 - another 25.7mb). ONLY Copy the Source to a Folder and nLite ONLY the Network SP3 and NOT "Create ISO". Rerun nLite and ONLY "Create ISO" to create an (almost identical to Pre-Integrated) SP3 CD. That can be your "working CD" from that point on (burn it and store it as a backup).


Ok, thank you very much. I never knew you could delete those folders, I will indeed do that to save space.. Excellent..

What do you mean "almost identical?" What other difference could there be ? (other than the files that I delete)

Also, you mentioned that "cmpnents" folder applies only to MCE .... MCE doesn't work to well in nLite,correct ? Just curious because I thought I read somewhere on this site that nLite will change the source of MCE, or not recognize it or whatever.

At any rate, since MCE doesn't apply to me, shouldn't I always delete this folder after I integrate everything / before I create the ISO ?

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