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Notebook's drivers integration


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Hi all,

i'm a newbie here in this forum and a very-newbie nlite's user :)

i'd want to integrate sp3 and my notebook's drivers in a win xp pro copy already containing the sp2 and then make it an unattended installation.

i really don't know if it's easy or not but i tried to study some nlite guides and red some posts here and i've this problem (for now!). i must integrate my notebook's chipset driver that is the first to install before the other drivers.

[in this page you can find it and the others: http://support.acer-euro.com/drivers/notebook/tm_660.html ]

as i unpack the auto-installing file setup.exe (that is an InstallShield Setup Launcher) i can't find any .inf file to give to nlite!

in these cases i've red here Run Once can be used but i've also red (@nlite.it site) that programs under run once are installed at the first win start up so i'm afraid that the other drivers integration (audio, video etc) will fail because nlite will try to install them before the chipset one that will be installed by run once.

is it correct? did i make mistakes in these calculations? if yes, how can i menage this drivers integration? if not, are there others things i've to do?

thanks for all your time and help and please apologize for my very bad english :)

Edited by gipsyshadow
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Link contains 1 character too much. I could extract setup and .cat files for XP but no .inf. A txt file begins with that:


* Product: Intel® Chipset Software Installation Utility

* Release: Production Version

* Version: 4.30.1006

* Target Chipset#: Intel® 82852/82855 GM/GME Chipset

* Date: December 12, 2002


So you can get the inf files from Intel, download the zip file here.

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Thank you for your answers and your files :)

well, i've seen the xp.zip by -X- and i've found lots of infs fles so what have i to choose?

So you can get the inf files from Intel, download the zip file here.

i've downloaded it and opened readme.txt. that's what is written:


* Product: Intel® Chipset Device Software

* Release: Production Version

* Version:

* Target Chipset#: Intel® 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family

* Date: December 06 2011


my chipset is 855GM. do you think this one's good?

anyway i'll go on with -X-'s infs extracted files :)

You should slipstream SP3. SP2 is out of support.

as i said i'd want to integrate sp3 in this installation but my cd already contains sp2. can i simply add it (sp3) as a KB componenet or i'll have to remove sp2 during nlite setting?

thanks again, see you :)

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I extracted the drivers for you...
Cheater! I know how you did that... :w00t:

Thank you for your answers and your files :)

well, i've seen the xp.zip by -X- and i've found lots of infs fles so what have i to choose?

my chipset is 855GM. do you think this one's good?

anyway i'll go on with -X-'s infs extracted files :)

as i said i'd want to integrate sp3 in this installation but my cd already contains sp2. can i simply add it (sp3) as a KB componenet or i'll have to remove sp2 during nlite setting?

-X- got the set directly from the Acer website (not Intel, as Ponch pointed to). They will be fine, BUT, you have to "extract" BOTH the Original AND -X- ZIP file. I used WinRAR to decompress the Acer, but you can "run" the Setup program inside (do NOT install, but STOP at "Welcome"), go to your "C:\Documents and Settings\<YourUserID>\Local Settings\Temp\pftA7~tmp\xp" (or whatever TEMP folder is created), copy the folder CONTENTS to the same folder as -X- folder containing the INF's, and select the "852.INF" (found it searching for "855" and it has the "855GM" within, NOT the "855.INF"). You shouldn't need the other ones within.
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3580.DeviceDesc="Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME to Processor I/O Controller - 3580"
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3584.DeviceDesc="Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME to Processor I/O Controller - 3584"
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3585.DeviceDesc="Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME to Processor I/O Controller - 3585"
PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_3581.DeviceDesc="Intel(R) 82852/82855 GM/GME Processor to AGP Controller - 3581"

Yes, just "integrate" the SP3.EXE file (there is no "remove SP2" in nLite), then all of your Drivers.

Edited by submix8c
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can i simply add it (sp3) as a KB componenent or i'll have to remove sp2 during nlite setting?

As just posted by Submix8c, you can't remove a Service Pack with nLite. And you don' add them "as KB" (?) but through "Service Pack" (1st option in main menu).

+The zip file I pointed to does contain (amongst many others) the .inf files -X- packed for you.

But the the Intel file (852.inf) says "DriverVer=08/25/2003," while the Acer file is older (DriverVer=11/05/2002, 4.30.1005).

For each driver on the Acer page, you are better off checking the device manufacturer's site for possible updates.

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+The zip file I pointed to does contain (amongst many others) the .inf files -X- packed for you.

But the the Intel file (852.inf) says "DriverVer=08/25/2003," while the Acer file is older (DriverVer=11/05/2002, 4.30.1005).

For each driver on the Acer page, you are better off checking the device manufacturer's site for possible updates.

ok, thanks to submix8c explanation first and then yours now i see :)

so i think it's better the latest intel chipset update you pointed to.

just a question: in the details' page i've red this


is it ok for me right? thanks again :)

Edited by gipsyshadow
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...and they didn't so it's irrelevant.

Also, please note that the Acer downloads include (separately) both AGP and USB drivers.

I also note that having looked at the Chipset Driver that multiple Chipsets are listed. Not having downloaded the remainder of the drivers and inspected them, might I suggest that you do, unpack them (however - still try Universal Extractor which usually works), do a "search text" on them for each Device that you already have listed in Device Manager to get the specific INF's. This will only be necessary when there is more than one per "package". As you already found out, there could be more recent drivers than those on the Acer site.

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i'm a newbie here in this forum and a very-newbie nlite's user :)

i'd want to integrate sp3 and my notebook's drivers in a win xp pro copy already containing the sp2 and then make it an unattended installation.

It is not always a good idea for an nLite newbee to start with the creation of an All-In-One XP-CD (as unattended install with integrated SP3, Hotfixes and drivers). The more you let nLite do the more you risk, that the later XP installation may fail.

Furthermore I want to mention, that the Intel chipset "drivers" (better name: Intel chipset device software) are not absolutely needed for a proper XP installation. None of the Intel chipset "driverpacks" do contain any real driver (that are files with the extension .SYS), but just a big variety of information files with the extension .INF. Your special Intel chipset system will only be able to use a very few of them, but nLite will integrate them all.

Good luck!


Edited by Fernando 1
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<snip>Download just the INF files folder of the newest Intel chipset device software package v9.3.0.1020 dated 01/16/2012


(Acer doesn't offer actual drivers for your laptop).

Wow! He already has the latest Chipset INF's (link provided by Ponch) and all of his drivers (granted, not the latest) are in his initial post (TouchPad/MOUSE!, etc). The previous posts gets the OP "going".
<snip>each Device that you already have listed in Device Manager<snip>
which would also yield a list to get the "latest".

(need more sleep, Fernando? :w00t: )

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@ submix8c:

(need more sleep, Fernando? :w00t: )
Obviously yes! :yes:

When I wrote my last post, it was not my intention to foil the already given support, but after having done a look into this thread I got the impression, that gipsyshadow is still far away from what he has intended to do: an unattended fresh install of XP with integrated SP3 and all the drivers for his laptop.

Just to avoid any double posts, misunderstandings and unsettledness of the thread starter, I have deleted my suggestions from my last post.

I am sorry to have bothered anybody.



Edited by Fernando 1
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When I wrote my last post, it was not my intention to foil the already given support, but after having done a look into this thread I got the impression, that gipsyshadow is still far away from what he has intended to do: an unattended fresh install of XP with integrated SP3 and all the drivers for his laptop.


I am sorry to have bothered anybody.

i'm not bothered Fernando 1 :) and i'm glad you expressed your opinions and suggestions. it's obvious i'm here as newbee to LEARN and i know i'll get many other troubles (...continue reading and you'll see :P ) but i must start from a point a day or another one and i can get skills only doing mistakes and correcting myself step-by-step. i hope this thought is shared by you nlite advanced users on this forum... else it'd be useless our newbee subscriptions to it :D

Also, please note that the Acer downloads include (separately) both AGP and USB drivers.

i saw the usb drivers in acer site but honestly i've never downloaded and installed them: think that there's not a specific usb drivers installation option in my native acer cd GUI (html window opened by autorun) so i've always thought they were included somewhere in chipset driver or anyway they were just included in win xp OS. do you want to tell me i need to integrate them too?

on the contrary i've collected the other drivers (graphic, audio...) on the manifacturers' sites and i'll join them in nlite with their own inf files.

I also note that having looked at the Chipset Driver that multiple Chipsets are listed. Not having downloaded the remainder of the drivers and inspected them, might I suggest that you do, unpack them (however - still try Universal Extractor which usually works), do a "search text" on them for each Device that you already have listed in Device Manager to get the specific INF's. This will only be necessary when there is more than one per "package". As you already found out, there could be more recent drivers than those on the Acer site.

by the way a new doubt has raised up in front of me: what to do in the audio driver case? i can't understand what's the right inf file. in device manager i can see the driver details for "Realtek AC'97 Audio" and all the installed files in system folders are shawn. but if i try to find, let's say, "soundman.exe" and many others among the inf files' folder then all of them cointain it but if i search "drmk.sys" then there're no results! what's the right one?

the last driver i'd want to integrate is the PCMCIA's. here you can find it: http://www.kraun.it/downloads/KR_G2_2K_XP_Vista.zip

for this one (and i promise it's the last one) i have a similar doubt to the audio one but this time no file shawn in driver's details in devide manager is found within the .inf files of the package! maybe i'm wrong with the device name? i looked for "controller open host nec from pci to usb", maybe is this or not?

moreover i saw this: when i try to install this package by setup.exe all goes well but if i unpack it and i try to start the exe files (rebootnt.exe or ocbtray.exe) nothing happens!

is this regular? can i anyway go on with this driver's integration choosing "ousb2.inf" to give nlite to (because it's the one i see during the installation)?

thank you all :)

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@ gipsyshadow:

If you want to get all your currently in-use XP drivers for a later integration into a fresh XP CD, I recommend to download and use the tool Driver Magician (>Link<). If you want to get the newest drivers, you may try the tool DriverMax (>Link<).



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if i search "drmk.sys" then there're no results!

This (drmk.sys) is a Microsoft driver, it is included in XP, that's why it is not included in Realtek's package but still needed and listed as driver for your card.

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This (drmk.sys) is a Microsoft driver, it is included in XP, that's why it is not included in Realtek's package but still needed and listed as driver for your card.

hi ponch, so how have i to choose to right inf file? i searched each file listed in device manager driver's detail and some files are present in every inf file and the rest is present in no inf file.

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