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Unofficial SP 5.2 for Microsoft Windows 2000 (WIP)


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I've run Avast 2014 installer again and copied the files from TEMP. I've got no time to inspect them (using Dependency Walker, etc.) now but I'll be very thankful if someone did it :)

You can download the archive from here.

Edited by tomasz86
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Thanks for the upload! Even though I have the archive as well, it'll be great if more eyes can look at this. As I can see right now, what I posted earlier is what is ultimately stopping us at this point. KDW Wrapper also doesn't help here so I think we're missing something vital. I don't know if blackwingcat can figure it out or not.

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I've finished moving the archived files from Dropbox to Google Drive.

You find them under this URL: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bw_nt4aAJIoPaWJsUXQ4NGdWdjQ#list

Please let me know if you can access them under the new location. As said before, I'm going to remove the Dropbox archive sometime this weekend.

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The KDW wrapper is too legacy technology, and is has no longer supported . :whistle:

It has many problem in compatibility and relacation and Antivirus false positive.

The 0xE06D7363 (Microsoft C++ Exception) seems to lack of component in Windows 2000.

push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,00000124h
mov eax,[L1044A380]
xor eax,ebp
mov [ebp-04h],eax
lea eax,[ebp-00000118h]
push eax
mov dword ptr [ebp-00000118h],00000114h
call [KERNEL32.dll!GetVersionExW]
test eax,eax
jz L1032E60D
mov eax,[ebp-00000114h]
push esi
push 00000006h
pop esi
sub eax,00000005h
jz L1032E5BF


mov eax,[ebp-00000110h]
sub eax,00000000h
jz L1032E604
dec eax
jz L1032E5E3
dec eax
jnz L1032E5DC
mov dword ptr [L10462438],00000002h
jmp L1032E5B2
mov eax,[L10462438]
jmp L1032E5EB
xor eax,eax
inc eax
mov [L10462438],eax
cmp eax,00000004h
jl L1032E5B2
call SUB_L1032A6D2
cmp [L10462438],esi
jl L1032E5B2
call SUB_L10336496
jmp L1032E5B2
and dword ptr [L10462438],00000000h
jmp L1032E60D
lea ecx,[ebp-00000124h]
call SUB_L1032AE2C
push L104182F4
lea eax,[ebp-00000124h]
push eax
call SUB_L102DC8A0 <- RaiseException
push ebp

When instup.exe detects Windows 2000, it forces raise exception 0xE06D7363 :ph34r:

lea eax,[ebp-34h]
push eax
call [KERNEL32.dll!GetNumaHighestNodeNumber]
test eax,eax
jnz L10330886
call [KERNEL32.dll!GetLastError]
test eax,eax
jle L1033086F
movzx eax,ax
or eax,80070000h
push eax
lea ecx,[ebp-60h]
call SUB_L1032ADF3 <- Raise Exception.
push L10418134
lea eax,[ebp-60h]
push eax
call SUB_L102DC8A0

And other case, Windows 2000 not implemented GetNumaHighestNodeNumber.

So it makes Raise Exception.

And Third Exception is Memory Exception I don't know it.

Perhaps it occurs when I run debugger.

Thanks for the upload! Even though I have the archive as well, it'll be great if more eyes can look at this. As I can see right now, what I posted earlier is what is ultimately stopping us at this point. KDW Wrapper also doesn't help here so I think we're missing something vital. I don't know if blackwingcat can figure it out or not.

Edited by blackwingcat
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A new daily of UURollup-v11 is ready.


  • added all new files from BWC kernel 935839-v23i (not v23iG!)

You can download it from Google Drive under the link posted above. Tomorrow I'm going to remove all Archive files from Dropbox.

Edited by tomasz86
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Hi, Master Tomasz

First of All thanks for your inappreciable, considerable, perceptible, appraisable, invaluable and

remarkable work on Google Drive...

Personally i think Legacy is an important issue, in consideration of the memory of the past's master

(gurgelmeyer among others) and especially for future generations as well... :boring:

After a little bit of rethoric back to Earth...

I'm trying to download MDAC281-KB927779-v2-x86-ENU.exe (English) from your page:


of Updates lists for For HFSLIP and...am i wrong or some links are still pointing to Dropbox ?

Yeah, Master T86, this is the first time

( since 2007! :yes:!) That i'm completely re-installing the glorious windows 2000 Pro...

Well, to be honest, i've bought the fisrt edition of W2Kpro in the golden days of 2000 [ my first OS was MSDOS 5! ]

So i'm detemined to create Booooootable DVD containing official & UNofficial updates hotfixes & paraphernalias for

ENU-ITA-ESN versions of W2KPRO... :thumbup

Furthermore i'm using M$ virtual Pc 2004 (as virtual machine, of course hosted on W2Kpro) 'cause i'm an addict to shell extension :blushing: !

(menus context, shell namespace, properties pages, thumbnails views & listview controls of explorer and so on...

i think the best book i've ever read about is the old but unsurpassed Visual C++ Windows Shell Programming by Dino Esposito!)

And i'd like to know in advance which'll crashed explorer...and which NOT installing on the ENU flavor of W2K your UURollup...

Thanks in advance for your kind reply and the best luck for your final project USP52


P.S. Post Scriptum

If I may be of any Help for USP52, now or in the future, don't hesitate to ask...

Qudquid Latine Dictum Sit Altum Viditur - Whatever Is Said In Latin Seems Profound

Edited by Hackeronte
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The links on my website haven't been updated for a long time (except for the main Archive link)... I probably won't be able to do anything until December :( Please check if the update is available in the Google Drive archive.

And i'd like to know in advance

which'll crashed explorer...and

which NOT installing on the

ENU flavor of W2K your


I can't understand the question :} Do you mean updates or other components?

I'll definitely ask for help with USP5 but at the moment I'm too busy with other things to find any time to spend on Windows related projects :(

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Please check if the update is available in the Google Drive archive

No problem at all :sneaky:! I've downloaded HFSLIP_ia.7z from gDrive and inside i've found MDAC281-KB927779-v2-x86-ENU.exe

I can't understand the question Do you mean updates or other components?

Don't worry, it was about the two unofficial kernels (WB kernel and BWC kernel) included in it...

at the moment I'm too busy with other things

Me too, i'm using W2Kpro only in my spare time...

Thanks for your kind & fast reply, cheer...


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As for BWC and WB kernels, we've been using BWC kernel in UURollup for a long time and I wouldn't really suggest using WB kernel at this point. BWC kernel isn't only about kernel core files like kernel32, ntdll.dll, etc. but also a lot of other system files which aren't included in WB kernel at all.

By the way, I've now got no Internet connection at home except for the 500 MB monthly data plan on my mobile phone so my Internet access is going to be kind of limited. I do check MSFN daily and read the new content, especially the one related to Windows 2000 / XP.

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thanks for your advices

I was trying to conect to your site http://windows2000.tk and...no...

I'm checked your site with http://www.isitdownrightnow.com and it says: It is not just you. The server is not responding...

what's going on ???




I've Downloaded the daily release of UURollup-v11 directly from google drive

and i've mirrored the windows 2000 directory entirely (only for ENU-ESN-ITA LANG, obviously) on my multi terabyte disk!!!

i dont trust the cloud hosted drives that much



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I was trying to conect to your site http://windows2000.tk and...no...

I'm checked your site with http://www.isitdownrightnow.com and it says: It is not just you. The server is not responding...

what's going on ???

Some problems with the redirection service :( It should be working now.

Just in case save this URL:


It should always work.

i dont trust the cloud hosted drives that much

I don't trust them that much too but I've got all files backed up on my local storage anyway. Even if something bad happens I can just reupload them so don't worry :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

A new daily of UURollup-v11 is ready:


  • added all new files from BWC kernel KB935839-v23k (not v23kG!)
By the way, I haven't mentioned that before but there are some differences between the files included in UURollup and BWC kernel. I should probably make a detailed list later but what I can say at the moment is that UURollup uses newer versions of some of them, ex. msftedit.dll is newer, and also dpx.dll and expand.exe come from Windows 8 while BWC kernel uses the Windows 7 files.
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