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New pc with sata disk, how to make a double partition without floppy b


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Hi everybody,

i have to set up a new system with a double partition on a 80gb sata disk, can somebody explain how to do it?

I was thinking to install 98se then boot from iso bootable cd with partition logic and make a double partition, is this correct?

There are better software to make partition of fat32 disk?

Thanks in advance and sorry for my english :)

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either use partition manager software or start windows setup and than make partitions
The poster apparently wants to install 98SE and -other OS- (dual-boot) has no boot floppy to allow for partitioning. In addition, the 98SE is apparently an OEM Bootable, which by default will want to create a partition occupying the whole Physical Disk (runs OEMSETUP).

You could just go ahead and install, then defrag, then use a gParted CD (free Linux-based) to re-partition (shrink 98SE then create new). If you have a Floppy, go to BootDisks-dot-com and download an appropriate boot floppy image.

Please explain your intentions/objective more clearly for more accurate assistance.

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Guest wsxedcrfv

Why try to make the situation more difficult? Partition magic? Gparted?

Do people not know how to make a DOS-bootable floppy disk any more?

Make a DOS bootable floppy disk. If you have a machine running win-98, open a DOS window and enter "format a: /s /u" and you'll get a bootable floppy disk.

Copy format.com and fdisk.exe to the floppy disk. Use fdisk.exe with a date of May 2000.

Boot the computer with the new SATA drive connected as the only drive on the computer (this avoids any confusion on the part of the user as to what drive they're about to format). Make sure the computer boots from floppy as first choice, and naturally your new floppy is in the drive.

After the floppy has booted, run fdisk from the floppy. Do I have to explain how to run fdisk? Create the partitions you want. Reboot, run fdisk again, and set the active (bootable) partition (usually this will be C).

After using fdisk, boot the computer again from the floppy, and run format from the floppy. Use "format c: /s" (and format d: /s if you've created multiple volumes).

Your new SATA hard drive is now formatted.

Why do people not know how to do something this basic? Why make it more complicated by bringing Partition Magic or gparted into the picture?

Now take your new SATA hard drive that is formatted and connect it to another computer as a slave drive and boot the other computer (doesn't matter if the other computer is windows 98 or XP). Copy the installation files or CD image of what you want onto the new SATA drive. This avoids the hassle of dealing with finding bootable versions of what you want to install. Example: If you want to install win-98 on your new SATA drive, then copy the contents of the win-98 CD to the new drive (make some directory like "win98-CD" on the new drive and copy the CD to that directory). Then take the new SATA drive and connect it back as the primary / bootable drive and start the system - it will boot into DOS (because you've already formatted it and made it bootable - right?) and you now have your win-98 CD image on the drive so go ahead and start the installation of win-98.

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Do people not know how to make a DOS-bootable floppy disk any more?

Hmmm maybe somebody can help? I cant find the right way to do it, i'll like to have the hard disk partitioned on C and D but i dont have the floppy boot, any suggestion?

Maybe a floppy image on a CD or on a USB stick might have been a more suited suggestion :whistle:


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Why try to make the situation more difficult? Partition magic? Gparted?


Now take your new SATA hard drive that is formatted and connect it to another computer as a slave drive


Did you not see my comment requesting more info? You presume too much.

IOW, what Hardware does OP have and have access to (Another PC? Maybe not...)? What OS's are being installed (other than 98SE). Did I not mention "Bootdisk-DOT-com" (provided a Floppy is there)? Such a long post/rant with so little little to go on.

DUDE! Take either the Red Pill or the Blue pill! (Jet lag I presume?)

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Hy guys plz dont fight now im even more confused! :P

So the pc is new from scratch, i need to have the hard disk partitioned in C and D and i will only install 98se.

I dont know if i first have to install 98 or first make the two fat32 partitions, in internet i cannot find a clarification to this.

Thanks everybody and sorry again for my english :D

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either use partition manager software or start windows setup and than make partitions
The poster apparently wants to install 98SE and -other OS- (dual-boot) has no boot floppy to allow for partitioning. In addition, the 98SE is apparently an OEM Bootable, which by default will want to create a partition occupying the whole Physical Disk (runs OEMSETUP).

You could just go ahead and install, then defrag, then use a gParted CD (free Linux-based) to re-partition (shrink 98SE then create new). If you have a Floppy, go to BootDisks-dot-com and download an appropriate boot floppy image.

Please explain your intentions/objective more clearly for more accurate assistance.

Hi Submix8c so i can just install 98se and then make C and D partition with a gParted bootable CD? Just what it means ''shrink 98SE then create new''? The disk is 80Giga and i need to make two 40giga partition.

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If I were you, I'd partiton first, then install. That's how it was meant to be done.

Ok so if i first make C and D partition, what program u think is the best one? And i can set up the fat32 file system before installing 98se?

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You can try partition logic but it does not work with some SATA hard disks. See limitations: http://partitionlogic.org.uk/about/index.php

You also can try Parted Magic (linux based) or Partition wizard  (bootable CD) or other manager.

Partition wizard seems good but it shows no support for 98, i should care? http://www.partitionwizard.com/download.html I mean if i use it before installing 98se to create the two fat32 partitions...

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You haven't specifically stated that you don't have a Physical Floppy Drive.

However, after simple test, here is the procedure to use with an OEM-Bootable Win98SE CD.

1 - Boot to CD and select "Boot to CD-ROM"

2 - enter "FDISK" at the prompt

3 - choose Create Primary Partition

4 - When asked to "Use All and Set Active" choose "NO"

5 - Create first partition (will be the C-drive) the size you want

6 - Press ESC and select "Set Active Partition" - pick the new (only) partition

7 - Create second partition (an Extended)

* note - will lead to created a Logical Drive and will take remainder of the HDD

8 - ESC completely out of FDISK and Reboot to "Boot to CD-ROM"

9 - enter "CD E:\WIN98" then enter "E:" (without quotes)

10 - Format both partitions

11 - enter "SETUP" (without quotes) - You are now installing 98SE on the Active (C-drive) Partition

Done! (may have skipped a couple of specifics, eg ESC to get to a particular Menu, on the FDISK part - was in a hurry...)

Don't forget to allow Boot to HDD on next reboot (it finishes up the Windows install HDD).

At step 11, you can optionally create ("MD") a Directory (call it WinInst or whatever) and copy the Contents of the CD's Win98 Folder to it, then Change Directory to it (as in step 9) and run Setup from there to prevent Windows from asking for the CD whenever you Add/Remove Windows Components.

HTH (and hope this is right - again, in a hurry)

edit - Forgot - not sure, but you might have to set the Sata to IDE mode in the BIOS.

Edited by submix8c
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You can try partition logic but it does not work with some SATA hard disks. See limitations: http://partitionlogi...about/index.php

You also can try Parted Magic (linux based) or Partition wizard (bootable CD) or other manager.

Partition wizard seems good but it shows no support for 98, i should care? http://www.partition...m/download.html I mean if i use it before installing 98se to create the two fat32 partitions...

A Partition Manager like PartitionWizard or GParted (PartedMagic) on a bootable CD uses an own OS. You can create and format (also FAT32) partitions on your empty Hard Disk without any OS like 2000 or XP.

You don't have any data on your disk, so you should not care!

Edited by schwups
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A Partition Manager like PartitionWizard or GParted (PartedMagic) on a bootable CD uses an own OS. You can create and format (also FAT32) partitions on your empty Hard Disk without any OS like 2000 or XP. 

You don't have any data on your disk, so you should not care!

That's already known and been discussed. There's no need to download (and burn to CD) anything. The OP already has what they need without additional software (as dencorso suggested and I outlined in the procedure).
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