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Posted (edited)

Can you disable focus to "Popup finish, reboot" when finish applying image ?
Whishlist : time elapsed into "Popup finish" would be nice to detect eventually abnormal slow hdd ...

Sorry for my english :

For my case, I use WinNTSetup on my main OS, I start an installation in background, I write a post in another windows ... winntsetup finish then a popup focus to screen, I press spacebar for post and baam ... spacebar confirm reboot action on the winntsetup popup ... 

Edited by Sonic

Beta 3  should no longer steal the focus and appends the used time to the popup title.


after some tests, I think focus to "finish popup" was good to remind the end operation, just the "buttons focus" need to be on the "OK" instead "reboot".

Big thanks JFX :-)


I made the popup topmost now, so it should become visible but will bot steal the input focus.


JFX, thanks for WinNTSetup!
(excuse my bad english ;) )
2 days ago I have install W7 from .wim image with WinNTSetup.
My preferred option - "Turn off USB Device after safe remove".
Because W7 have bug with safe remove usb-devices.
1st day safe remove worked good.  I made tweaks my fresh system, but something go wrong...
But now bug is back, "safe remove" don't work again.

Question is: Which fix using You? Can I to use this fix now?

don't helps.


Hi mnogo999,

the "Turn off USB Device after safe remove" tweak is only using the 
DisableOnSoftRemove REG_DWORD you mentioned.


About tweaks parts, an interesting approach will be to put in the .ini, like this, example:

Title for Textbox ; REG_PATH ; REG_VALUE ; REG_DATA
"Disable AutoReboot on crash";"HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl";"AutoReboot";"dword";"0"
"Custom action";"command line"

Tweaks will be documented and can be customized, extended, fixed, updated.

On Windows 10 builds, I use Remove-AppXProvisionnedApps to clean system, integrated directly to winnt procedure will be nice

By the way, if no tweaks are selected, there is a step "Applying tweaks" but don't know what was done, just force C letter adjust ?



Interesting yeah, but not so easy to implement. Not all tweaks are simple registry values.
Also some are different depending on the Windows version.

Removing the useless build-in Apps would not be possible on all Host OS, due to dism limitations:
I'll consider it if I find a good way of doing it, but for now it's properly the best doing that with setupcomplete.cmd in $OEM$ folder.

"Applying tweaks" sounds better than "Applying settings" or any idea?


I'm thinking in background ...

For applying settings when no tweaks selected is good idead, because we like know what is done. btw , what are "settings" applied when no tweaks selected ?


Your right, if you use no tweaks and no other checkbox or command line, the only registry change is the drive letter.


I recently wanted to created a bootable usb flash using a Win10 VHD. Everything works fine with WinNT (, but
for some reason the BCD is created with 2 VHD entries with the same name. The 2nd entry's partition and device
are unknown and boots but eventually fails indicating system needs to be reinstalled. The 1st entry boots fine.
I'm not sure what the 2nd entry is for and I deleted it with Bootice so the correct entry is used. Any idea why the
2nd entry is created?




Found a Boot Configuration Store on sysdrive and unloading it.

I would say, you already had this entry before and just deleted the old VHD.

Posted (edited)

The usb was formatted with the normal format and the rest was done by winntsetup which I used to created the VHD etc. I also let it updated the boot record (which may be the problem). The usb was clean before I started with WinNT.

Edited by click-click

Hmm, the log file tells that there was a "F:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot\BCD" And a "F:\Boot\BCD" file.

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